Yonkers Parking Authority

8 Buena Vista Avenue

Yonkers, New York 10701

Amended Board Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2010

The regularly scheduled Board meeting of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board took place on Tuesday, January 26, 2010, at 5:30 pm. at the Yonkers Parking Authority’s offices at 8 Buena Vista Avenue Yonkers, NY 10701

Board members:
William T. Regan, Chairman
Brian R. Nicoletti, Vice-Chairman

Michael Ramondelli, Member
Patricia Kischak, Member
YPA Staff:
Joseph Dalli, Deputy Director/CFO

Jay McLynn, Assistant Director

Maritza Forero-Mathieu, Recording Secretary to the Board

Board Counsel:
Sean Booher (Stand in Counsel)


Brian Lucyk, City of Yonkers Commissioner of Finance


Louis Nigrello, Secretary

Jack de Angeli, Board Counsel

Call to Order:
Chairman William T. Regan called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

Security Personnel Concerns:

The Yonkers Parking Authority's (YPA) Security personnel expressed their concerns to the Board regarding the City's Parking Enforcement Department being able to issue tickets in lots operated by the Authority. They are afraid of being phased out. The Chairman indicated that no decision had been made at this time. Since the YPA revenues from ticket writing have gone down, the Parking Enforcement’s assistance will only benefit the Authority. The Authority security personnel do not generate as much money in ticket writing to cover their salaries. The YPA will continue receiving the same amount on tickets written by the Parking Enforcement in the lots operated by the Yonkers Parking Authority.

Executive Session

A motion to go into executive session concerning union personnel issues was made by Michael Ramondelli, Member and seconded by Brian Nicoletti, Vice-Chairman at 5.51 p.m. The Board voted unanimously 4-0. A motion to come out of executive session was made by Michael Ramondelli, Member and seconded by Brian Nicoletti, Vice-Chairman at 6:21 p.m. The Board voted unanimously 4-0.

Approval of YPA Board Minutes of December 1, 2009

Patricia Kischak motioned to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting held on December 1, 2009, and was seconded by Brian Nicoletti, Vice-Chairman. The Board approved unanimously 4-0.

Resolution: 2010-04- Utilization of Interoperability Clause between City of Yonkers and Yonkers Parking Authority in Union Contract Negotiations

The Board considered Resolution 2010-04 requesting the assistance of Brian Lucyk, Commissioner of the City of Yonkers Human Resources Department and Gerard Serpico, Deputy Commissioner of the City of Yonkers Human Resources Department to represent the Yonkers Parking Authority in contract negotiations between the Authority and CSEA, Local 1000 AFSCME, AFL-C10. Patricia Kischak motioned to approve Resolution 2010-04 and seconded by Michael Ramondelli. The Board unanimously passed Resolution 2010-04, 4-0.

Discussion followed concerning Resolution 2010-04. According to the 1964 enabling agreement between the Yonkers Parking Authority and the City of Yonkers there is a clause stating that upon request of the Authority, the City of Yonkers may provide requested services. A copy of this agreement was provided to Board.

Resolution: 2010-01-Rate Increases for City of Yonkers Employees

The Board considered Resolution 2010-01 concerning parking permit rate increases for the City of Yonkers Employees. The Board abstained, 4-0 for further discussion.

Resolution: 2010-02-Establishment of Parking Permit Rate for Non-Profit Agency Employees

The Board considered Resolution 2010-02 concerning the establishment of a parking permit rate for non-profit agencies utilizing parking facilities operated by the Yonkers Parking Authority. The board abstained 4-0, for further discussion.

Concerning Resolutions 2010-01 and 2010-02, the Board advised Mr. Dalli to track the history of the rates for City of Yonkers Employees and non profit agencies. Mr. Dalli informed the Board that the City of Yonkers employee rate of forty-three dollars ($43) has been effective for approximately six years. He also informed them that currently there are 248 non-profit agency employees and Two Hundred-Eleven (211) employees are anticipated to switch over to the proposed rate. In addition there are approximately thirty seven (37) employees paying less than the proposed rate.

Resolution: 2010-03-Cintas Uniform Rental Service- agreement Renewal

The Board considered Resolution 2010-03 concerning the renewal of the service agreement between the Yonkers Parking Authority and Cintas. The services were renegotiated to go back to the original rates offered to the Authority in 2005. Mr. Dalli informed the Board that the renegotiated agreement, which is below the cost of purchasing the uniforms, will save the Authority approximately $5,000 a year while still maintaining the same services. Currently the Authority is spending approximately $13,000 a year on uniform costs. He reported that Cintas only imposed a two-percent (2%) increase in 2009 and agreed to raise the amount by three-percent (3%) in the third (3rd) year of the contract. The Board abstained 4-0.

The Board requested clarification on the third year of the agreement and specified that it should be spelled out.

Other Business

Lockwood Avenue Liability Update

Chairman Regan, Mr. McLynn and Mr. Dalli had a meeting on January 21, 2010 concerning bond options for the Lockwood Avenue Lot. Those present at the meeting were Alain Nachev, Senior Associate Corporation Counsel of the City of Yonkers; James LaPerche, City of Yonkers Commissioner of Finance; Bond Counsel Andras Komaromi, Troutman Sanders, LLP; Underwriters Elaine Brennan and Herman Sharbonneau, Roosevelt and Cross.

Chairman Regan advised the board that in order to guarantee the bond they may have to go before the City Council for approval. The plan is to refinance the existing bond, borrow additional money to pay off the amount, interest and penalties on the Lockwood Avenue Lot. The City has done this before; they entered into an agreement on behalf of the Authority in 1964 (Master Agreement) and 2003 (Operating Agreement). In April, 2010 the liability will be $764,000 and will go up in May and June, 2010. The fiscal year for the City of Yonkers begins in July, 2010, which is a benefit.

Monthly Financial of December, 2009

Joseph Dalli, Deputy Director/CFO presented the financials for the month of December, 2009. The Yonkers Parking Authority (YPA) meter revenue in December, 2009 was $198,156 versus $161,932 in December, 2008 up by $36,224. The booth revenue in December, 2009 was $58,268 versus $53,329 in December, 2008 up by $4,939. The total permit revenue in December, 2009 was $84,448 versus $79,835 in December, 2008 up by $4,613. The rent receipts in December, 2009 were $20,685 versus $14,045 up by $6,640.

The Buena Vista Garage (BVG) permit revenue was $23,457 in December, 2009 versus $25,409 in December, 2008 down by $1,952. The booth revenue was $9,576 in December, 2009 versus $11,285 in December, 2008 down by $1,709. The total revenue year to date for the Yonkers Parking Authority and the Buena Vista Garage was $4,838,291 in 2009 versus $4,404,653 in 2008 up by $433,638.

Financial Highlights for FY 2009

§  The combined revenues for F.Y. 2009 increased in total by approximately $400,000

§  Operational costs decreased by approximately $50,000 due to renegotiated agreements and procurement policies that were put in place.

§  Technical maintenance costs decreased by approximately $120,000

§  YPA generated a surplus of $450,000 with a 10% increase in revenue compared to a $196,000 deficit in 2008.

§  The combined revenue year to date for the Yonkers Parking Authority and the Buena Vista Garage totaled $4,838,291 in 2009 versus $4,404,653 in 2008 generating an increase of $433,638 in 2009.

§  The combined salaries and benefits for the Yonkers Parking Authority and the Buena Vista Garage totaled $327,077.69 in 2009 versus $327,877 in 2008. A decrease of about six percent (6%) was seen in the Yonkers Parking Authority account due to personnel vacancies and the switching of administrative costs to the Buena Vista Garage.

Executive Session

A motion to go into executive session concerning non-union personnel was made at 7:03 p.m. by Brian Nicoletti, Vice-Chairman and seconded by Patricia Kischak, Member. The Board voted unanimously 4-0. A motion to come out of executive session was made at 7:30 by Patricia Kischak, Member and seconded by Brian Nicoletti, Vice-Chairman. The Board voted unanimously 4-0.

Resolution: 2010-05-Compensation for Non-Union Personnel

The Board considered Resolution 2010-05 concerning salary increases for non-union personnel of three (3%) percent, equivalent to that received by union personnel, retroactive to January 1, 2009. Patricia Kischak motioned to approve Resolution 2010-05 and seconded by Brian Nicoletti. The Board unanimously passed Resolution 2010-05, 4-0.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Yonkers Parking Authority
8 Buena Vista Avenue
Yonkers, New York 10701
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
February 23, 2010

The regularly scheduled Board meeting of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board took place on Tuesday, February 23, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. at YPA offices, at 8 Buena Vista Avenue, Yonkers, New York.


Board members:

William T. Regan, Chairman

Brian R. Nicoletti, Vice Chairman

Patricia Kischak, Member

Michael Ramondelli, Member

YPA Staff:

Jay McLynn, Assistant to the Executive Director

Joseph Dalli, Deputy Executive Director/CFO

Susan M. Maros Victoria, Human Resources Director

Board Counsel:

John de Angeli, Esq., First Deputy Corporation Counsel, City of Yonkers, NY


Louis Nigrello, Member

Call to Order

Chairman Regan called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

Affirmation of Board Minutes

Chairman Regan made several corrections to the paragraph captioned Security Personnel Concerns contained within the minutes of the regular board meeting, held on January 26, 2010.

With the proviso that the minutes of January 26, 2010, would be duly amended with the aforementioned corrections, Mrs. Kischak motioned to affirm the minutes of the regular board meeting, held on January 26, 2010, and was seconded by Dr. Nicoletti. The Board affirmed the minutes of the meeting held on December 29, 2005, four to zero (Mr. Nigrello absent).

Director’s Report

Resolution: 2010-06; Establishment of Parking Permit Rate for Non-Profit Agency Employees.

Mr. Dalli briefed the Board that a review of parking permit rates paid by the Non-Profit organizations (NPO) that utilize Yonkers Parking Authority facilities revealed that there was a great disparity in the permit rate fees that have been paid to date. Mr. Dalli drew the board’s attention to a matrix that listed accounts as Non-Profit organizations and the amount that each NPO paid. Dr. Nicoletti opined that it made sense to make the rates for Non-Profit organizations universal.

The Board weighed Resolution: 2010-06 concerning the establishment of parking permit fees for Non-Profit Agency employees. The Board amended the resolution that Non-Profit organizations must present credentials attesting to their NPO status by submitting a copy of the IRS determination letter granting them 501.c3 status. Additionally, the Board reduced the proposed permit fee of sixty-two ($62) dollars to fifty-five ($55) dollars, effective April 1, 2010.

A motion to approve Resolution: 2010-06, as amended was brought forth by Mrs. Kischak and seconded by Dr. Nicoletti. The Board unanimously passed Resolution: 2010-06, four to zero (Mr. Nigrello absent).

Resolution: 2010-07; Parking Permit Rate Increases for City of Yonkers Employees

Mr. Dalli presented the board with a proposed resolution to increase current parking permit rates for City of Yonkers employees from forty-three ($43) to fifty ($50) dollars. The Board considered Resolution: 2010-07; concerning an increase of parking permit fees for City of Yonkers employees. Discussion ensued regarding the basis for increasing the parking permit fees for City of Yonkers employees as well as for Library employees. The Board amended the resolution to include that “there has not been an increase since 2004”. Additionally, the resolution becomes effective April 1, 2010.

A motion to approve Resolution: 2010-07; was brought forth by Mrs. Kischak and seconded by Mr. Ramondelli. The Board unanimously passed Resolution: 2010-07, four to zero (Mr. Nigrello absent).

Authority Staff was directed to draft two letters: one directed towards the non-profit organiza-tions, and, one directed to City of Yonkers employees, to provide notice of the increases, effective April 1, 2010.

Risk Management Plan

Data Storage

Mr. Dalli briefed the Board on the progress to date on the risk management plan. Mr. Dalli informed the Board that there were some issues with data storage. While Canute McLaughlin, the Authority’s accountant has backup hardware for his computer files as well as Susan Maros Victoria who manages the Authority’s Human Resources, the Authority does not have back up for its other data. The Authority expects to be connected with the City of Yonkers utilizing the same infrastructure shortly.

Panic Buttons

Mr. Dalli informed the Board that the installation of panic buttons have been planned for and will be installed shortly. Mr. Dalli indicated that ADT will provide all labor to complete the installation and programming with an initial investment of one thousand fifty-nine ($1059) dollars and an additional annual fee of one hundred eight ($108) dollars per annum.

Labor Management Negotiations

Mr. Dalli updated the board that management and union representatives would meet on Tuesday, March 9, 2010; at 10:00 a.m.

Other Business

Authority Audit

Mr. Dalli informed the Board that auditors from the accounting firm of O’Connor Davies Munns & Dobbins, LLP division of Bennett Kielson Storch DeSantis Division, of One Barker Avenue, White Plains, New York are scheduled to audit the Authority books in the latter part of March.

Finances – January 2010

Mr. Dalli presented the financial report for January 2010 to the Board. The monthly financial report included in the board meeting packet highlighted the following information:

·  The Yonkers Parking Authority (YPA) generated a total of $453,710 in revenues under the YPA Account and $107,052 under the Buena Vista Garage (BVG) Account in Jan 2010.

·  Expenditures for January 2010 totaled $292 for the YPA and $79,303 for BVG; resulting in a surplus of $160,978 under YPA and a surplus of $27,749 under BVG.

·  YPA revenues reflected a 24% increase from January 2009 to January 2010, while BVG showed an increase of 4% from the previous year.

·  January expenditures for the YPA are 24% less than last year, while BVG expenditures reflect a decrease of 29%.

Yonkers Parking Authority

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

February 23, 2010

Finances – January 2010 cont.

Additionally, Mr. Dalli informed the Board that the meter revenue realized for January 2010 was two thousand ($2000) dollars less than initially projected. Mr. Dalli indicated that there should have been a twenty (20%) percent difference reflected in meter revenues since a thirty-five (35%) percent increase was implemented. Mr. Dalli also reported that the Authority’s Finance section has upgraded its computer finance systems permitting the Finance section to compile balance sheets as well as a summary status sheets which were not available with the previous system. Mr. Dalli updated the Board that the CORE Construction company is currently paying fifty-five hundred ($5500) dollars, a month, in rental fees for a portion of the Getty Square parking facility for their construction equipment. Mr. Dalli noted that their contract will end on April 30, 2010.