Patterson City Council Meeting
Minutes of Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Present: Council members John Rentrop, Larry Mendoza, Claire Sawyer, Joe Russo, III, Mayor Rodney Grogan.
Mayor made announcements concerning: online payments, parking on streets, loud noise, and sagging pants.
Regular Meeting:
The Invocation was offered by Larry Mendoza.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Joe Russo, III.
Agenda Item one: Recognition of Hattie A. Watts Elementary School – Blue Ribbon Achievement.
Item two: Motion to make a resolution for the Patterson Community Center Coalition (FPCCC), made by Joe Russo, III, second by John Rentrop, all voted “AYE.”
Item three: Motion to grant a resolution in memory of Allen Williams, City of Patterson Planning Commission member. Motion made by Larry Mendoza, second by Claire Sawyer, all voted “AYE.”
Item four: Motion to grant a resolution in memory of Frank Governale, made by Larry Mendoza second by John Rentrop , all voted “AYE.”
Item five: Introduction of an Ordinance amending section 14-50 of the code of Ordinance as it pertains to parking on public streets, motion made by Larry Mendoza second John Rentrop, all voted “AYE.”
Item six: Introduction of an Ordinance amending “Uses permitted” provisions of Section 4.104, motion made by Larry Mendoza second by Joe Russo, III, all voted “AYE.”
Item seven: Introduction of an Ordinance adding a supplement as it pertains to recreational vehicles where permitted, motion made by Larry Mendoza second by Joe Russo, III, all voted “AYE.”
Item eight: Clear introduction, motion made by Larry Mendoza second by Claire Sawyer, all voted “AYE.”
Item nine: Legal Matters: John Rentrop made a motion to amend section 2.1 of the zoning ordinance, second by Claire Sawyer, all voted “AYE.”
Larry Mendoza made a motion to introduce an ordinance pertaining to recreational vehicles, second by John Rentrop, all voted “AYE.”
Item ten: Clay Breaud, Providence GSE offered his engineering report.
A Resolution concurring with the award of a Construction Contract for Catherine Street Sidewalk, City of Patterson, Louisiana, and authorizing the issuance of the Noticed to Proceed.
Motion made by Larry Mendoza second by John Rentrop, all voted “AYE.”
With no futher business to be discussed in front Mayor and Council, Larry Mendoza made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by John Rentrop. All voted “AYE.”