In keeping with tradition, the class of 2017has set aside a section of the yearbook for dedication ads from friends and family. Our rates remain the same this year and are as follows.
Friends and Family Advertisement Rates:
Eighth Page$50 provides space for one picture
Quarter page$75 provides space for up to 2 pictures
Half Page$130 provides space for up to 4 pictures
Full Page $250 provides space for up to 8 pictures
If you would like assistance in creating an ad, our staff of talented yearbook students can also create a custom ad incorporating the text of your choice as well as the pictures you provide. Please note on the form that you would like a yearbook student to call you. Checks should be made payable to the Town of Milford.
To submit an ad, please choose one of the following methods:
Email: Send your text for the ad to and attach the picture(s) as jpg files. Payment should be mailed to the address at the bottom of this form.We CANNOT ACCEPT pdf or pps files, although you can send those as a guide for our staff to use in the design process.
Postal Mail: You may also send the form, pictures and payment by postal mail to the address below. Pictures received by postal mail will be returned at the end of the school year. If you prefer, you may include a self addressed stamped envelope and we will return the pictures to you sooner.
In Person: You may have a student bring the form, pictures, and payment to Mrs. Johnson in room B57. Your pictures will be returned at the end of the school year unless you include a self addressed stamped envelope.
We have strict deadlines set by our printing company therefore we ask that you submit your ad no later than Monday, December5th. We thank you for your support our students and the 2017 Milford High School yearbook.
Mailing Address:
Milford High School
31 West Fountain Street
Cariolann Tebbetts – House A
Milford, MA 01757
Oak, Lily, & Ivy Yearbook 2017
Friends and Family Ad Form
SIZE (check one)Payment:
____Eighth Page____$50
____Quarter page____$75
____Half Page____$130
____Full Page ____$250
Number of Photos enclosed: ______
Note: DO NOT write on the back of photos!
TEXT: (print clearly – advertisement size will determine the ad shape and layout of text and pictures unless you have attached a sample you would like us to duplicate)
Check number (cashier’s checks and money orders accepted also) ______
Student Name:
Parent Name(Please print):
Parent Signature:
In the event that we have a question about our requirements, please include your daytime phone number or email address below.
Email Address:______Daytime Phone #______
O.L.I. Staff:date rec’d______Signature:______