Deposited by the late Baron de Rutzen, Slebech


Estate and family records of Barlow, Phillips and de Rutzen of Slebech, co. Pembroke, 13th-20th cent.; include records of the Knights Hospitallers of the Commandery of Slebech, 14th cent.; ministers’ accounts, 1355-1485; manorial records 16th-19th cent. The estate was bought by Nathaniel Phillips in 1792; there are records of the Phillips’ Jamaican sugar plantations, 1760-1812. Other records in Dyfed R O (Haverfordwest).

Schedule (1948), 322 pp. Annual Report 1838-39, p. 45. NLWJ, 5 (1947-8), pp. 179-98.


Manorial Records

Deeds and Documents





MINISTERS’ ACCOUNT, Michaelmas, 31 Edward III to Michaelmas 32 Edward III.

Accounts of the ministers of Roger de Mortuo Mari, Earl of March:- David Leget, reeve of Nerbert; William Chaund, forester of Nerbert; John Atha, reeve of Roberdeston; Phillip Wadyn, reeve of Kanaston; Richard la Webbe, reeve of Tempulton; John Tynker, reeve of Moilleston; John Cole, reeve of New House (nova domus); Ll. ap Gruffith, beadle of the commote of Wilfrey; David ap Thomas, reeve of Castrum Duraunt; Gruffith ap Ll’ ap Eignon, reeve of Whitland (Albalanda); Phillip Hogge, reeve of Lanwaythan; William ap Ieuan ap Eignon, beadle of Amgoyd and Plunyok; John Philly, reeve of St. Clare (Sanctum Clarum).



ACCOUNT of John Wyn, receiver of Roger de Mortuou Mari, Earl of March, for Nerbert and a third part of the commote of Amgoyd and Plunyok, from Michaelmas, 31 Edward III to Michaelmas, 32 Edward III.



ACCOUNTS of David Langs[?n], reeve of Moylaston; Thomas Mold, reeve of Lanwaythan; Griffith ap Ieuan Vachan, beadle of Amgoit and Pelinauc; John Bauson, reeve of Seint Clier; Ieuan Cutta, reeve of Castledurant.




ACCOUNT of John de Wylteschir, receiver, constable and forester of Philippa, Countess of March, for Narberth, a third part of Amgoyd and Penllinyniaug, and St. Clare, from Michaelmas, 35 Edward III. Also the detailed accounts [incomplete] of the several ministers of the said Philippa, Countess of March:- John Baron, reeve of Robertson; Phillip Cole, reeve of Kanaston;

John Gibbe, reeve of Tempilton; Phillip Henry, reeve of St. Clare; avid Hychyn, reeve of Nova Domus [New House]; Llewelyn ap Griffith ap Howel, beadle of Wilfrey; Gwyon Vachan, beadle of Amgoyd and Pluniauc; Iuan Gotta, reeve of Castro Durant; David Iuan, reeve of Moileston; Iuan Meynlas, reeve of Lanwaythan.




Michaelmas, 35 Edward III to Michaelmas, 36 Edward III. Accounts of the ministers of Philippa, Countess of March: John Tailour, reeve of the town of Nerbert.




ACCOUNT of John de Wilteshire, receiver, constable and forester of Philipps, Countess of March, for Nerbert, a third part of Amgoyd Pellyniok, and Seint Cler, from Michaelmas, 37 Edward III to Michaelmas, 38 Edward III.



MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS. Lands of Philippa, Countess of March, in cos. Pembroke and Carmarthen. Michaelmas, 38 Edward III to Michaelmas, 39 Edward III. Accounts of the several ministers of the said Philippa, Countess of March:- William le Smyth, reeve of the town of Nerbert; Robert le Webbe and Walter Ph’yn, forester [of Nerbert]; Thomas Brian, reeve of Robeston; William Wade, reeve of Kanaston; Phillip Kyft, reeve of Tempilton; Thomas Thomelyn, reeve of St, Clare; Thomas Baroun, reeve of Nova Domus [New House]; William ap Ros, reeve of Albaland’ [Whitland]; Thomas ap Meredith, beadle of Wilfrey; Gwyon ap Gr’, beadle of Amgoid and Pluniawc; Iuan ap Gwylym, reeve of Castro Durant [Castell Dwyran]; Roger Stocker, reeve of Moileston, Gr’ ap Sair, reeve of Lanwaythan.



ACCOUNT of John Wyn, receiver, constable and forester of Philippa, Countess of March, for Nerberth, a third part of Amgoid and Penllynioc, and St. Clare, from Michaelmas, 38 Edward III to Michaelmas, 39 Edward III.



ACCOUNT of John Wyn, receiver, constable, and forester of Philippa, Countess of March, for Nerbert, a third part of Amgoid and Pluniac, and St. Clare, from Michaelmas, 39 Edward III to Michaelmas, 40 Eward III. Also the detailed accounts of the several ministers of the said Philippa, Countess of March:- David Gilbert, reeve of the town of Nerbert, Robert le Webbe and Res’ ap Iuan, foresters of the forest of Nerbert;

John Jankyn, reeve of Roberteston;

John Cole, senior, reeve of Kanaston;

Maur’ son of John, reeve of Tempilton;

John Bosoun, reeve of St. Clare; John Adam, reeve of Nova Domus [New House];

Adan Goch, reeve of Albalanda [Whitland]; John ap Mereduth, beadle of Wilfrey; Eynon ap Gr’, beadle of Amgoid and Pluiawc; Adass’ Stocker, reeve of Castrum Durant [Castell Dwyran]; David Llewelyn, reeve of Moileston; Gr’ Sair, reeve of Llanwaythan.



MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS. Possessions of Philippa, Countess of March, Michaelmas, 40 Edward III to Michaelmas, 41 Edward III.

Accounts of the ministers of Philippa, Countess of March:- James Br’nles, reeve of the town of Nerbert; Robert le Webbe and Walte Ph’yn, foresters of the forest of Narberth; Phillip Adyn, reeve of Rob’ston; William Sth’, reeve of [Kan]Aston; Phillip Loi, reeve of Tempilton; John Henry, reeve of St. Clare; John Phillip, reeve of Nova Dom’ [New House]; dominus Gr’ ap Gwylym, reeve of Albalanda [Whitland]; Phillip ap Mereduth; beadle of Wilfrey; Gr’ ap Iuan Vachan, beadle of Amgoid and Pluniac; Phillip Stokker, reeve of Castrum Durant; John Rowe, reeve of Moileston; Gr’ ap Sair, reeve of Llanwaythan.



MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS. Lands of the Countess of March. Michaelmas, 41 Edward III to Michaelmas, 42 Edward III. Vellum roll. Accounts of the ministers of Philippa, Countess of March for the above year:- John Tailour, Chaplain, reeve of the town of Nerbert; Robert le Webbe and Eustas Knethil, foresters of the forest of Nerbert; David Gronowe, reeve of Robertstoun. [Robeston Wathen]; Phillip Cole, junior, reeve of Kanaston; Richard le Webbe, reeve of Tempilton; John Goldi, reeve of a third part of St. Clare (Sanctum Clarum); David Hichyn, reeve of New House (Novus domus); Phillip ap Mereduth, reeve of Whitland (Albaland); Lawelun ap Gosseline, beadle of Wilfrey; Griffith ap Iuan Vachan, beadle of Amgoid and Pluniauc David Phillip, reeve of Castrodurant; Llywelyn (ii) ap Cadogan, reeve of Moileston; Iuan Duy, reeve of Llanwaythan.



ACCOUNT of John Wyn, receiver, constable and forester of Philippa, Countess of March, for [Nerberth]; a third part of Amgoyd and Penylioc, and St. Clare, from Michaelmas, 44 Edward III to Michaelmas, 45 Edward III. Also the detailed accounts of the several ministers of the said Philippa, Countess of March:- Walter Held, reeve of the town of Nerbert; Res ap Ieuan and Walter Ph’yn, foresters of Nerbert; William Jacke, reeve of Robetistoun; Phillip le Clerke, reeve of Kanestoun; William Hychyn, reeve of Tempiltoun, Thomas Thomlyn, reeve of a third part of [St. Clare]; Walter Hike, reeve of New House (Novus Domus); Howel ap Ieuan, reeve of Albalanda [Whitland]; Howel Thew, beadle of Wilfrey, Thomas ap Gr’ Vachan, beadle of Amgoyd and Penyloc; Phillip Veleyn, reeve of Castell Durant (Castro Durant); and Thomas Owan, reeve of Moylestoun.

Edge of one membrane of the roll missing.



DUPLICATE of the accounts of the several ministers of Philippa, Countess of March, specified in No. 13.



ACCOUNT of John Wyn, receiver, constable and forester of Philippa, Countess of March, for Nerbert, a third part of Amgoid and Pynnyliock, and St. Clare, from Michaelmas, 48 Edward III, to Michaelmas, 49 Edward III.



ACCOUNT of Thomas Peytevyn, receiver of Edward de Mortuo Mari, Kinght, for the lordship of Nerberth, from Michaelmas, 22 Richard II to Michaelmas, 23 Richard II.



DUPLICATE of No. 16.



ACCOUNT of Phillip Heilot, reeve of Nova domus [New House]/




MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS for lands in cos. Pembroke and Carmarthen. Michaelmas, 22 Edward IV to Michaelmas, 2 Richard III.

Accounts of John Davy and Thomas Davy, bailiffs of the town of Pembroke (villa Pembrochie); Richard Hante, knight, and Richard Neuton, esq., occupiers o the mills of Pembroke, Robert Dymet, farmer of the ferry of Burton; Thomas Hobbe, reeve of Castlemartyn; Thomas Hobbes, collector of the rents of Westhundred of Castlemartyn; Jankyn ap Phelip, reeve of Coidroth; John Broune, reeve of Westpembroke, John Lewis and Thomas Maughlett, bailiffs of the town of Tembie; David Thomas, bailiff of Dongledy; Lewis ap Gwillim and Rees ap Gwillim, beadles of Kemmys; John Philkyn, beadle of Rous; John Honyburgh, reeve of St. Florence (Sanctus Florencius); Robert ap Henry, reeve of Kyngeswode and Gawdon; Thomas Saunders, reeve of Malros; William Hoper, reeve of Pierston; Jank’ Walter, reeve of Fobbeston; John More, reeve of Fenton; William More, reeve of Rowespole; John Goss, reeve of More, John Reynold, reeve of Suertebury; William Hoyman, reeve of Haroldeston; John Smyth, reeve of Syke; John Tasker, reeve of villa Castro Walwini; John Davy, beadle of the manor of Waldwyn’s Castle, David Thomas, reeve of Fletherhill; William Wynter, bailiff of the vill of Llanstephan and reeve of the court of le Ferry; David Lloid, beadle of Penryn; Llywelyn ap Llywelyn ap Gwillim Lloid beadle of Osterlowe; Maurice Lloid, reeve of St. Clare; Rece ap Phillip ap David ap Llywelyn, beadle of Trayne Clynton.



ACCOUNT of Robert ap Henry bailiff and receiver of the rents of Emote, formerly wife of Richard Neuton, knight, in co. Pembroke, Michaelmas, 14 Henry IV to 15 Henry IV.



ACCOUNT of Henry Wogan, treasurer of the county of Pembroke, from Michaelmas, 1 Richard III to Michaelmas, 2 Richard III, being a summary of he accounts received frown the various ministers of the town of Pembroke, the mills of Pembroke, ferry of Burton, reeveship of Castlemartyn, Westhundred and Easthundred of Pembroke, Coidrath forest, Coidrath, the town of Tenby, Dougledy, Kemmys, Rous, St. Florence, Kyngeswode and Gawdon, Malros, Pyerston, Fobbeston, [Fenton], Rowespole, More, Suerthbury, Haroldston, [Sy]ke, vill of Cast’ Walin, Fletherhill, [all in co. Pembroke], town of Llanstephan, Penryn, le Ferry, Oisterlowe, St. Clare, Trayneclynton, [co. Carmarthen,] town of Kilgarren, Emelyn, Maynordevy, Differyn Bryan, weirs of Kilgarran, and Kevyndrym forest, [co. Pembroke].



ACCOUNT of Peter Warton, bailiff of Cheylesmore [co. Warwick], from Michaelmas, 19 Henry VII to Michaelmas 20 Henry VII.



ACCOUNT of John Phillipps, esq., deputy of Maurice ap Parre, receiver of the King, in [the lordship of] Narberth and its members, from Michaelmas, 23 Henry VIII to Michaelmas, 24 Henry VIII.



MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS. Co. Pembroke. 1 Edward VI. Accounts of the ministers of Reis Griffith, esq., attained of high treason:- Phillip Hancok, deputy of John Webbe, reeve of the town of Narbert; and Eynon david, reeve of Caniston, parcel of the manor of Carew.



MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS of the lands and possessions late of Rees Griffithe, esq., attained of high treason, in co. Pembroke for 5 and 6 Phillip and Mary.

Accounts of John Watkyns, reeve of the town of Narberth; John Jacob, reeve of Roberdeston; John ap Ieuan, reeve of Templeston; Gr’ Roger, reeve of Caniston; Thomas Roberts, reeve of Welfraye.



MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS. Lands and possessions of Rees Griffith, esq., attained in co. Pembroke.

Accounts of the several ministers for the said lands:- William Gwillim, reeve of the town of Nerberte; Thomas Ll’in, reeve of Robertston; John Hoell, reeve of Templeton, Phillip Gibbe, reeve of Caniston; Lewis Baron, reeve of Welfray.



EXTRACTS from ministers’ accounts (44 Elizabeth) of the lands and possessions late of William Stanley, Knight, attained of high treason, in the manor of Ridley, parcel of the lordship of Bromfield and Yale, co. Denbigh; accounts (44 Elizabeth) of the possessions of Katherine, late Countess of Bridgewater, and late of Rees Griffith, esq., attained, in Caniston and the manor of Roberston and Welfrey, co. Pembroke; and accounts (2James 1) of the lands exchanged by William, Earl of Pembroke with the late King Edward VI, formerly parcel of the land of the late Earl of March, viz. the lordship of Royle, parcel of the lordship of Elvell, co. Radnor, Extracted 14 April, 1621.



EXTRACT of ministers’ accounts the year ending Michaelmas, 2 James 1 of the lands exchanged by William, Earl of Pembroke, with the late King Edward VI, formerly parcel of the lands and possessions of the late Earl of March, viz. the lordship of Royle, parcel of the lordship of Elvell, co. Radnor. Extracted 7 May, 1621.




ESTREATS of fines and amercements from the court rolls of St. Clare and Nerbert [cos. Pembroke and Carmarthen], from Tuesday next after the feast of the Ascension, 20 Edward I to Monday next before the feast of St. George, and from the rolls of the hundred Court of Nerbert from Monday next after the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 20 Edward I to Monday next after the feast of St. Eufemia the Virgin, 21 Edward I.



ESTREATS of fines and amercements from the court rolls of Wilfrey, from Wednesday next before the feast of St. M…… [?48 Edward III] to Tuesday next before the feast of St. Matthew [?49 Edward III].

The roll is stained and slightly torn at the beginning.



ESTREATS of fines and amercements from the rolls of the hundred courts of the lordship of Nerbert from Monday next after Michaelmas, 48 Edward III to Monday next after the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, [49 Edward III].



ESTREATS of fines in the Court of the lordship of Nerbarthe and in the hundred courts of the aid lordship from Michaelmas, 4 Edward VI to Michaelmas, 5 Edward VI.




COURT BOOK, Manors of Mynewere and Slebiche. 6 May, 10 Elizabeth to 8 June, 15 Elizabeth. 9 folios. RECORDS of the curia secreta [?small court] and view of frank pledge [one record] of the manor of Mynwere and Slebiche.



COURT BOOK. Lordship of Narbarte. Monday next after Michaelmas, 11 Elizabeth to 5 May, 14 Elizabeth. 46 folios.

Needs re-sewing.

RECORDS of the hundred court of the lordship of Narbarte, [?10] Oct., 11 Elizabeth; and of the courts of the lordship of Narberth foreign, Monday next after Michaelmas to 11 Feb., 14 Elizabeth.



COURT ROLL. Lordship of Narberthe foreign. 25 Oct., 10 Elizabeth to 17 May, 38 Elizabeth to 17 May, 38 Elizabeth. 9 membranes. Extracts from the rolls o the court baron and court leet of the lordship of Marberthe foreign, copied from the originals for the direction of the jury.



COURT ROLL. Lordship of Narberth. 19 April, 11 Elizabeth to 17 March, 26 Elizabeth. 5 membranes.

EXTRACTS from the court rolls of Narberth foreign relating to the lands held by John Elliott, esq., in 1584.



COURT ROLL. Lordship of Nerberthe in Oct. 15 Elizabeth to 20 Dec. 17 Elizabeth. 11 membranes.

Bottom edge tattered and crumpled. Incomplete.

Records of the Courts [?Baron] of the lordship of Nerberthe foreign.



COURT ROLL. Lordship of Nerberth. 3 Oct., 28 Elizabeth to 31 July, 29 Elizabeth. 24 membranes. One edge tattered.

Records of the courts leet and courts baron of the lordship of Nerberth foreign.



COURT ROLL. Lordship and manor of Slebidge. 19 Oct., 10 James I 0 27 Feb., 3 Charles I. 41 membranes. Bottom edge tattered and crumpled. Incomplete; not chronologically inserted in the roll.

Records of the courts leet, view of frank pledge [these form membranes 42-6 in the roll] and courts baron of the lordship and manor of Slebidge [ Slebech, co. Pembroke], including Slebidge, Minwere, Robeston [Wathen], Newton, Canestan, Colby.



COURT ROLL. Lordship or manor of Slebech. 2 May, 13 James I to 3 May, 12 Charles I. 55 membranes. Bottom edge frayed and crumpled.

Records of the court leet or view of frank pledge of the lordship or manor of Slebech.




WARRANT of the steward to the bailiffs of the manors of Slebetch, Minwear, Welsh Hook and Sciber, co. Pembroke, in connection with the summoning of the courts of the said manors.



LISTS of persons who had or had not served on juries and jury lists in the courts of the manors of Slebetch, Minwear, Welsh Hook and Skiber.



PRESENTMENTS of the court leet with view of frank pledge and courts baron of the manors of Slebetch, Minwear, Welch Hook and Sciber.



ROLLS OF SUITORS to the courts leet; view of frank pledge and courts baron of the manors of Slebetch, Minwear, Welsh Hook and Sciber.



1469, Tuesday after the feast of St. Barnabus.

ESTREAT of a court roll of Newhouse recording the taking up of the possession of a messuage and lands in Newhouse by William Gan’.


1512, June 8.

ESTREAT of a court roll of Willfrey recording the payment of a fine by Thomas Scorffill of the parish of Saynt Tyssellis in the neighbourhood of Coetrath, co. Pembroke, on entering two messuages and lands in Moleston in the lordship of Nerberth.


1550, Oct. 7.

ESTREAT of a court roll of Newhouse in the hundred of Nerberth recording the taking up of possession by John Vaughan of Nerberth of land in Newton and land called Montayne lond.


1550, Oct. 7.

ESTREAT of a court roll of Newhouse recording the taking up of possession by Robert Row of Newton of a fulling mill at Penglin in Newton.


1550, Oct. 7.

ESTREAT of a court roll of Newhouse recording the taking up of possession by Thomas Wyllie of a tenement, etc.




RENTAL, made before John de Coggeshale and his associates, auditors of the Earl of March, 31 Edward III, of Nerbert, Templeton, Kanaston, Moleston, Whitlond, Sotisdone, Robertston, Wylfrey, Amgoyt and Plinyok’, Castel Durant.


1357, Aug.

RENTAL of [the town of ] St. Clare [co. Carmarthen]. ?Incomplete: needs repair.


1609, April 13.

EXEMPLIFICATION of a particular of the manors of Roberston and Welfrey, co. Pembroke, parcel of the lordship of Narberth and late of Rees Griffith, esq., attained.

Incomplete seal.



RENTALS of chief rents and wood rents of the lordship or manor of Narberth (including Templeton, Molleston, Robeston Wathan, Caneston, Newton and Newhouse). The rentals are for the years 1793 (2 copies), 1794-1798, 1800, 1802-1808, 1809-1813, (2 copies of each), 1814-1818; 1824-1831, 1833-1834.



ACCOUNTS of chief rents and wood rents received in the lordship of Narberth.



All place names in this schedule are in co. Pembroke except when otherwise stated.


1200, April 16.

GRANT of King John to William Marescall’, earl of Pembroke, of the lands called Wilfrey and Oisterlof until the King delivers to him his land of Emelin.

Latin. Copy 17th cent.


1282, Friday next after the Feast of St. Nicholas.

INQUISITION POST MORTEM of Roger Mortimer, touching lands and tenements in the lordship of Nerberd.

Latin. Copy 1621.

(See Cymmrodorion Record Series NO. 7, part ii, pp 73-4.)



CONFIRMATION of Anselm [le Gras], bishop of St. Davids, of the churches, lands and properties belonging to the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, Slebech.