There are two problems that I am trying to address:
- In crease the size of Media Files that I can attach as resources. Current defaults are: post_max_size = 8 M and upload_max_filesize = 32M to say 750 MB
- I like to play video in a new screen when user click on media / document file is clicked.
In screen above one is MP4 file and other one is PDF file
General background:
I am working on / testing Moodle to be used in a public school. The goal is to put Moodle and all media files on a local server house in say computer lab. Then each class room will have client machine, LED Screen / projector, key board, mouse and a set of speakers in each class room. Teachers in class rooms can play / display media file or pdf file related to the subject they are teaching. There are 1 or 2 classes of each grade in the school. Normal middle school has grade 1 to 8.
There are two benefits – 1. Material is professionally developed and 2. Visual learning is far better than audio / teacher's lecture.
This is a non profit / charitable work. It will provide opportunities to underprivileged students in India. If successful, it will revolutionize education in public schools in India. Long term goal is to implement the concept into a few schools, document the benefits and present the concept to state government to take over the effort. In one state – Gujarat, India there are @50,000 public schools and @1.5 Million students. Similar approach may also be applied to other developing countries.
I was able to solve the 1st problem as described below but still running into the 2nd problems. And I am hoping that from the community / forum someone can help to over come the second problem and that is to play / display media file(s) when clicked on them.
There are better ways such as put media on cloud, centralize software etc... but this is just a baby steps in that direction. I am open for any suggestions.
Why Moodle?:
- Moodle is open source system and it is used by many schools, collages, universities in around the world.
- It provides multi-Language, multi-platform and flexible / configurable and yet very powerful system,
- It is free and supported by professionals around the world.
- Schools can't effort it in initial cost and future maintenance cost. Government is politically inclined and students pay the price of not getting the best there is to better themselves
Testing environment:
- Notebook with i7 processor, 12 GB Memory, 1 TB Hard Drive, 250MB SSD, Window 10
- I have installed Moodle 3.1.2 (Build 20161014) on this notebook with myPHP and MySQL on Apache server (This was bundled with Moodle as complete package)
Following Settings are in place:
- Default application for MP4 is VLC Player in window, and PDF viewer Adobe as default programs for these extension.
- Changes php.ini to increase value of post_max_filesize to 800M and upload_max_filesize to 800 MB. This has allowed me to upload larger file size.
- In Moodle:
Path: PlugIns → Activity Module → Manage Activities → (Click on File)
I interpret this settings in two parts.
Part I → on the top allows me to set available display options when a file is added as resources. In the above screen currently Automatic, Embedded, Force DownLoad, Open And In Pop options are available at the time of adding file as a resource on the course, and
Part II → “Default Values for activity settings” as name says, I can select out of the available options (above) to select an appropriate option. In my case I like to select “Open” or “In pop up”
And this should allow me to play MP4 / PDP / MP3 when I double click.
Am I thinking in correctly here? How should I do that it allows me to play / display file rather than force down load. Currently I get the following when I bring my cursor on the file.