Minor in Management Information Systems

Business Information Systems Emphasis(Code 831-401)

Based on 2005-2006 Catalogue

24 Total Credits Required

  • Students need not satisfy the College of Business admission requirements to enroll in MIS or BTEL courses they count toward this emphasis, but they must of course satisfy any applicable course prerequisites.
  • No more than 12 credits may count toward another major or minor.
  • MIS majors are not eligible for this emphasis.

Required CoursesCr.Prerequisite Suggested Year

ACCT201 or 202 Accounting I or II3

MIS240Information Systems in Business3

MIS290Intro. to Database Applications3

MIS 304Fund. of Business Programming3MIS 240 Soph/Jr

MIS 310Systems Analysis and Design3MIS 240 Soph/Jr

BTEL345Data Communication Networks3MIS 310 Jr/Sr

ElectivesFrom list below6

ElectivesCr.Prerequisite Suggested Year

ACCT315Accounting Systems3ACCT 202, MIS 240 Jr/Sr

BTEL375LAN Develop &Management3BTEL 345 Jr/Sr

BTEL410Info Systems in Manufacturing3BTEL 345 Sr

BTEL475Electronic Business3BTEL 345 Sr

CS163Programming in C++3 Fr

CS319Fund. of JAVA Programming 3 Jr

CS320Web Database Design & Impl.3 Jr

CS 321Web Design & Development3 Jr

ECON103 or 104 Micro- or Macroeconomics3

MIS314Business Software Engineering3MIS 304, MIS 310 Jr

MIS391Selected Topics in MIS1-3

MIS399Independent Study - Jr1-3See Catalogue Requirements Jr

MIS491Selected Topics in MIS1-3 Jr

MIS495Directed Studies1-3 Jr

MIS 499Independent Study - Sr1-3See Catalogue Requirements Sr

PHIL308Ethics in Computing Engineering3

Other as approved by MIS Department chair

Minor in Management Information Systems

Business Telecommunications Emphasis(Code 831-402)

Based on 2005-2006 Catalogue

24 Total Credits Required

Students choosing this emphasis must meet the College of Business admission requirements which include completion of Acct 201, Acct 202, Econ 103, Econ 104, and MIS 240. Please see requirements listed in University Catalogue.

  • No more than 12 credits may count toward another major or minor.
  • MIS majors are eligible for this emphasis.

Required Courses (24 Credits)Cr.Prerequisite Suggested Year

BTEL 345Data Communication Networks 3MIS 310 Jr/Sr

BTEL 375LAN Development and Mgmt3BTEL 345 Jr

BTEL 410Information Systems in Mfg 3BTEL 345 Jr

BTEL 475Electronic Business 3BTEL 345 Sr

MIS304Fund. of Business Programming 3MIS 240 Soph/Jr

MIS310Systems Analysis & Design 3MIS 240, ACCT 202 Soph/Jr

ElectivesFrom list below6

ElectivesCr.Prerequisite Suggested Year

CS163Programming in C++ 3 Fr/Soph

CS319Fund. of JAVA Programming 3 Jr

CS 320Web Database Design & Impl. 3 Jr

CS 321Web Design and Development 3 Jr.

MIS290Intro. to Database Applications 3

MIS314Business Systems Engineering 3MIS 304 Jr

MIS344Database Management Systems 3MIS 314 Jr

MIS391Selected Topics in MIS1-3Admission to COB

MIS399Independent Study - Jr. 1-3See Catalogue Jr

MIS491Selected Topics in MIS1-3Junior standing or consent Jr

MIS495Directed Studies1-3Junior standing or consent Jr

MIS499Independent Study 1-3See Catalogue Sr

PHIL308Ethics in Computing & Engineering 4

PHYS211General Physics 5 Soph

PHYS212General Physics 4PHYS 211 Soph

Approved by CoB Curriculum Committee 9/22/04