Project Overview Statement—Executive Summary

Project Overview Statement Technical Summary

Project Name: Universal Tx Module

Department: Engineering

Last Updated:


Project Development Case

Project Overview
Universal module is a substitute or in parallel of Orange Module 9171000070
The module is used in JR- compatible module transmitters with DSM2/DSMx receivers.
In addition to manual selection by switches there will be an automatic selection option.
This mode will be selected based on the best protocol available in the receiver.
Hardware requirements:
Connection to transmitter - Standard JR compatible 5-pin connection
Input – PPM, 5V
Output protocols:
·  DSM2 –1024/22ms, 2048/11ms
·  DSMx – 22ms/11ms

Primary Project Objectives

Primary Project Objectives
Design the module having the same basic functionality as Assan and Orange modules and in addition to extend to an advanced functionality selected by 8 single pole dual throw switches.
·  Adding new protocols – DSMx – 22ms/11ms
·  Automatic selection of the most advanced protocol available
·  Manual selection of the protocol and settings in case if automatic selection is not preferable

Primary Project Deliverables

Milestone 1
·  Design DSM2 –1024/22ms, 2048/11ms protocols - preliminary
·  Design DSMx – 22ms/11ms protocols - preliminary
Milestone 2
·  Design binding procedure for DSM2 with integration with DSM2 protocol
·  Design binding procedure for DSMx with integration with DSMx protocol
Milestone 3
·  Design channels mapping AETR/TAER compatible with JК and Futaba respectfully
·  Design LED and Buzzer functionality in accordance to the description provided
·  Design buttons functionality in accordance to the description provided
·  Design switches functionality according to description
·  Design output power control according to description

LED, Buzzer, Connector and Buttons description

LED color and functionality
·  Color – red
·  Functionality:
multiple functionality depending on mode used
DSM2, 1024 mode – OFF
DSM2, 2048 mode – single blinks
DSMx, 22ms mode – double blinks
DSMx, 11ms mode – triple blinks
·  Frequency – 2.67kHz
·  Functionality:
When powered on in presence of PPM signal
-  three short beeps
During binding procedure:
-  successful binding - three short beeps
-  unsuccessful binding – single long beep
-  During range test – continuous short beeps once every second.
Connector P1 Pin description:
·  PIN1- PPM signal, TTL 5V
·  PIN2- Not connected,
·  PIN3- VCC In, 6-18VDC, 100mA
·  PIN4- GND
·  PIN5- for future use
Antenna connector:
·  SMA connector to attach a standard rubber duck 2.4GHz 50Ohm antenna.
Button 1(ID)
·  Both Spectrum and Walkera modes:
when pressed upon power on a new unique ID is assigned to Tx.
Totally 4 billion combinations available. Procedure of the ID changing is described in Functionality And Modes section below
Button 2(Bind)
·  In Spectrum mode:
When the module is powered on while the button is pressed a binding procedure is initiated.
When pressed during operation the output power is reduced to xxmW for a range check
·  In Walkera mode:
When pressed during operation the output power is reduced xxmW for a range check

Functionality and Modes

Functionality at modes chosen by switches
1.  Spektrum mode Auto SW1-OFF, SW3-OFF
Inputs and outputs:
·  Button1 – ID change
·  Button2 – When pressed during operation the output power is reduced to xxmW for a range check. When pressed during power on a binding procedure will be initiated
·  Buzzer – see Functionality
·  LED – see Functionality
Power ON:
·  When powered up the module is waiting for valid PPM signal to be detected.
·  As soon as PPM signal is detected the buzzer generates three short beeps(0.1s) indicating that the system is ready
·  When module transmits RF packets red LED blinks in accordance to the mode selected during binding.
DSM2, 1024 mode – OFF
DSM2, 2048 mode – single blinks
DSMx, 22ms mode – double blinks
DSMx, 11ms mode – triple blinks
Binding procedure:
·  After power ON with the Button2 detected pressed and valid PPM signal present the module generates three sort beeps and enters binding procedure.
The module sets output power at 10mW
The module transmits 125 packets with delays 10ms between packets, then makes 200 attempts of receiving with 20ms delays in between. After getting info about the settings and modes available the module stores data into EEPROM and uses it to select settings for the transmission. After that the module generates three short beeps. If the bind was unsuccessful it generates one long beep. After binding procedure is over the module enters the regular transmitting mode and stays in this mode until power turned off. The settings for transmission are:
-  Old if the binding procedure was unsuccessful
-  New if the binding procedure was successful
If receiver and the module can operate with different protocols following priority is taken (from most simple to most advanced):
ID change:
·  When powered up with Button1 pressed the new ID will be generated. The procedure of new ID generation is initiated regardless if PPM signal present or not. After detection of Button 1 pressed module waits for 3 sec then generated a new ID and buzzer generates long beep(0.3 sec). After this the module waits until the button 1 is released. When button is released the module detects PPM signal from the radio. In Spektrum mode following binding procedure is necessary.

Project Duration Estimates

Project Milestone / Date Estimate / Confidence Level
Project Start Date / Jul/03/2013 / medium
Milestone 1 / Jul/30/2013 / medium
Milestone 2
Milestone 3
Project End Date

Confidential Page 3 5/15/2015