Independent Engineering Service

Hosur – Krishnagiri Project Of NH-7



The Government of India (GOI) through Ministry of Shipping Road Transport & Highways (MORT & H) is contemplating to enhance the traffic capacity and safety for efficient transportation of goods as well as passenger traffic on the very heavy traffic intensity National Highways. The Government of India had entrusted to National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for the development, maintenance and management of NH-7 from km 33+130 to km 93+000 (59.87km) in the state of Tamil Nadu.

In order to provide a better level of service to the vehicular traffic and to augment the capacity of NH 07 (NH-44 New) by widening the existing four lane to six lanes divided carriageway facility including rehabilitation/strengthening of the existing four lane, it has been decided to carry out the works under NHDP Phase V as BOT (Toll) on Design, Build, Finance, Operate & Transfer (DBFOT) basis.


The scope of the project include the following during the concession period:

·  Construction of the project highway as set forth in Schedule–A and as specified in Schedule–B together with provision of Project Facilities as specified in Schedule–C and standards as set forth in Schedule–D of the concession agreement with other applicable standard specification.

·  Operation and Maintenance of the project highway in accordance with the provisions of the concession agreement of Schedule “K”

·  Performance and fulfillment of all other obligations of the Concessionaire in accordance with the provisions of Agreement and matters incidental thereto or necessary for the performance of any or all of the obligations of the concession agreement by the Concessionaire.

·  Six laning shall be undertaken and completed by the Concessionaire in conformity with specifications and standards set forth in Annex- I of Schedule –D of CA.


1 / Milestone - I / 255 days / 255 days from the appointed date i.e. 16-02-2012 – Commenced construction of project highway and expended not less than ten percentages (10%) of the total capital cost of the project set forth in the financial package.
2 / Milestone - II / 512 days / 512 days from the appointed date i.e. 27-01-2013 – Commenced construction of all bridges and expended not less than thirty five percentage (35%) of the total capital cost of the project set forth in the financial package.
3 / Milestone - III / 717days / 717 days from the appointed date i.e. 28-10-2013 – Commenced construction of all facilities of the project and expended not less than seventy percentage (70%) of the total capital cost of the project set forth in the financial package.
4 / Scheduled Six Laning with Service Lane Date / 912days / The Scheduled Six Laning date shall occur on the 912th (Nine Hundred and Twelve) day from the appointed date i.e. 04-12-2013 On or before the scheduled six laning date, the Concessionaire shall have completed six laning projects.

Mile stones –I, II and III have already been achieved by the Concessionaire.

Note: For Schedule six laning EOT – I approved up to 30th May 2014. EOT – II submitted 15th Nov 2015 by the Concessionaire and recommended by IE up to 03rd May 2015

Mile Stone :
Sl / Mile Stone / Total days / Date as per CA / Actual date / Percentage / EPC Cost (Crores) / To be Expended (Crores) / Expended (Crores)
1 / Mile Stone -1 / 255 / 16.02.2012 / 16.02.2012 / 10% / 925.44 / 92.54 / 118.14
2 / Mile Stone -2 / 512 / 30.10.2012 / 27.01.2013 / 35% / 323.90 / 325.05
3 / Mile Stone -3 / 717 / 23.05.2013 / 28.10.2013 / 70% / 647.81 / 666.39
4 / Scheduled six laning date / 912 / 04.12.2013 / 04.12.2013 / 100% / Progress / Time extension recommended by IE up to 03rd May-2015

Note: 1. Concessionaire submitted “PCC” and it is under progress( Review).

2. Schedule – I Tests are under progress.


The Authority / National Highways Authority of India
Name of the Project / Six laning of Hosur-Krishnagiri Section of NH-07 from km 33+130 to km: 93+000 (Length – Km 59.87) in the State of Tamil Nadu Under NHDP Phase V as BOT (TOLL) on DBFOT basis.
Independent Engineer /
Consultants / CDM Smith Inc. In Joint Venture with
Wilbur Smith Associates Pvt Ltd
Agreement date of IE: / 14th Aug 2012
The Concessionaire / M/s Hosur-Krishangiri Toll Road Limited
The EPC Contractor / M/s Reliance Utility Engineers Pvt.Ltd.
Construction Contractor / M/s L & T Limited.
Date of agreement / 2nd July 2010
Period of Construction / 30 Months
Date of Commencement of
Construction / 7th June 2011
Date of Completion of
Construction / 4th December 2013
The Concession Period / 24 years
Project Capital Cost / ₹ 925.44 Crores.
EPC Cost / ₹ 840.00 Crores
Project Length / ₹ 59.870 kms
Lenders Engineer / M/s. Frischman Prabhu
Lenders Name / Canara Bank-Mumbai
Lenders Contribution / ₹ 555.00 Crores.
Premium to NHAI / ₹ 66.90 Crores with an escalation of 5% per year
Contribution by Concessionaire / ₹ 370.44 Crores
Flyover / 6 Nos (Repair -3, New – 3)
Vehicular Under Passes / 5 Nos ( New Construction)
Pedestrian Under Passes / 8 Nos (New Construction)
Toll Plaza / 1 No (Existing) @Ch:87+500
Major Bridges / 1 No.
Minor Bridges / 13 Nos (Widening- 3, New- 4, Repair-6)
Box/Slab Culverts / 109 Nos (Widening and Repair, Rehabilitation)
Pipe Culverts / 34 Nos (Widening and Repair, Rehabilitation)
Track Lay bay with Rest Area / 1 No.
Major & Minor Junctions / 9 & 66 Nos Respectively
Length of Service Road / 54.38 kms
Bus Byes with Bus Shelters / 66 Nos (LHS-30nos,RHS 36nos)
Change of scope / Upgraded PUP at Km.44+950, Box culvert at Ch.40+968


Scope of Work and Cross Sections:

Description / Scope / Design Chainage (km)
From / To / Length
Main Carriage Way / Six lane / 33.130 / 93.000 / 59.87
Service Road / Two lane / 33.130 / 93.000 / 27.19 both sides

The Existing LHS (ie Hosur to Krishnagiri) carriageway between Km 68.100 to Km68+900 is proposed

to be used as carriageway of Service road on LHS.

Pavement Configurations:

Carriageway / Type of carriageway (Flexible/Rigid) / Chainage (from - to) / Name of Layer / Design Thickness in mm / Total Thickness
MCW / Flexible / 33+130 to 93+000 except toll plaza location / BC / 40 mm / 610mm
DBM / 120 mm
WMM / 250 mm
GSB / 200 mm
Sub grade / 500 mm / 500mm
Service road / Flexible / 33+130 to 93+000 / BC / 40 mm / 540mm
DBM / 50 mm
WMM / 250 mm
GSB / 200 mm
Sub grade / 500 mm / 500mm
Rigid Pavement for Toll Plaza :
The Location at Ch. Km 87+500. Toll Plaza Expansion and Regid pavement (PQC) drawing submitted from Concessionaire for review and work is in progress.

Rest Area:

The available land between the carriageways from Ch. Km 68+300 to 68+800 LHS is to be developed as truck lay bye and Rest area Facilities, and the existing road to be used as carriage way of service road on LHS

7. Typical Cross-Section:

Typical cross sections are detailed as below:
Sl. no / Type of Cross Section / Code / Length ( m)
1 / 6 – lane cross section with raised median + embankment slope(2H:1V)on both sides + unlined longitudinal drain on both sides + both sides 7.0 m paved service road with 0.75 m earthen shoulder on both sides + utility corridor on both sides in non-built up areas / Type – 1 / 1460
2 / 6 – lane cross section with raised median + embankment slope(2H:1V), unlined longitudinal drain & utility corridor on both sides in non-built up areas / Type – 2 / 26880
3 / 6 – lane cross section with raised median +1.50 m wide separator – cum –lined covered drain (RCC) with M.S railing between paved shoulder & 7.00 m paved service road on both sides- 1.50 m wide footpath – cum – utility duct (RCC) on both sides in urban areas / Type – 3 / 9430
4 / 6 – lane cross section with raised median +1.50 m wide separator – cum –lined covered drain (RCC) with M.S railing between paved shoulder & 7.00 m paved service road on both sides- 1.50 m wide footpath – cum – utility duct (RCC) on both sides in urban areas ( Shifting of Existing Center line to L.H.S) / Type – 4 / 3375
5 / 6 – lane cross section with raised median +1.50 m wide separator – cum –lined covered drain (RCC) with M.S railing between paved shoulder & 7.00 m paved service road on both sides- 1.50 m wide footpath – cum – utility duct (RCC) on both sides in urban areas ( Shifting of Existing Center line to R.H.S) / Type – 5 / 530
6 / 6 – lane Approach cross – section for Flyover/ Underpass with R.E Wall/R.C.C Retaining Wall upto FRL with friction slab & RCC Crash barrier ( excluding Via – Duct portion) + raised median + 1.50 m wide separator – cum – lined covered drain (RCC)between approach & 7.00 m paved service road on both sides + 1.50 m wide footpath – cum – utility duct ( RCC) on both sides / Type – 6 / 6810
7 / 6 – lane Approach cross – section for Flyover/ Underpass with R.E Wall/R.C.C Retaining Wall upto FRL with friction slab & RCC Crash barrier ( excluding Via – Duct portion) + raised median + 1.50 m wide separator – cum – lined covered drain (RCC)between approach & 7.00 m paved service road on both sides + 1.50 m wide footpath – cum – utility duct ( RCC) on both sides (Shifting of Existing Center line) / Type – 7 / 1545
8 / 6 – lane cross section with raised median + embankment slope (2H:1V)&unlined longitudinal drain on both sides in hilly/forest areas / Type – 8 / 5700
9 / Toll Plaza / Toll Plaza / 450
10 / Major bridge / Major bridge / 120
11 / Existing Flyover with 6 – lane configuration with exiting service road. / Existing Flyover / 2520
12 / Uni –directional flyover with 3 – lane Flyover Approach cross – section with 13.50 m deck width R.E Wall/R.C.C Retaining Wall up to FRL with friction slab RCC Crash barrier (excluding Via-Duct portion)+1.50m wide separator-cum-lined covered drain (RCC)between approach & 7.00m paved service road on RHS +1.50m wide footpath-cum utility duct(RCC) ON RHS. / Uni – directional Flyover / 1050


SI / Name / Designation / Date
No / Mobilized
Key Personnel (Professional Staffs)
1 / TBN / Team Leader / Not Mobilized **
2 / Mr. C.V.Krishna Reddy / Acting Team Leader cum Resident Engineer / 01.12.2012
3 / Mrs. Padmaja Jayakumar / Sr. Bridge Design Engineer / 05.09.2012
4 / Mr. Gagan Trivedi / Highway Design Engineer / 05.09.2012
5 / Mr. K.C.Sathiya Murthi / Bridge / Structural Engineer / 04.09.2012
6 / Dr .Jimmy Thomas / Sr. Pavement Specialist / 15.10.2012
7 / Mr. N.Madhsudana Chowdary / Sr. Quality cum Material Expert / 15.10.2012
8 / Mr. P. Hariharan / Traffic & Transportation Expert
9 / Mr. R. Krishna Murthy / Road Safety Expert / 05.09.2012
10 / Mr. Shankar Narayana / Financial Expert / 15.11.2012
11 / Mr. J.Dhanvanth / Legal Expert
Sub-Professionals Staffs:
1 / Mr. S.Ramesh Babu / Survey Engineer-1 / 08.10.2012
2 / TBN / Survey Engineer-2 / Not Mobilized
3 / Mr. R.Ashok Kumar / Asst. Highway Engineer-1 / 03.04.2013
4 / TBN / Asst. Highway Engineer-2 / Not Mobilized
5 / TBN / Asst. Bridge Engineer-1 / Not Mobilized
6 / TBN / Asst. Bridge Engineer-2 / Not Mobilized
7 / Prasanth .K. Deshpande / Asst. Quality cum Material Engineer-1 / 19.01.2015
8 / Mr. J.Selva Kumar / Asst. Quality cum Material Engineer-2 / 11.10.2012
9 / TBN / Quantity Surveyor -1 / Not Mobilized
10 / Mr. Ayyappan Nair / CAD Expert-1 / 16.11.2012
11 / Mr. Shashikanth.Joshi / Electrical Engineer / 22.09.2012
12 / Mr. V.Rangarajan / HTMS/Toll Expert / 22.09.2012
13 / Mr. Rajesh varghese / Environmental Engineer / 10.10.2012
14 / Dr. K. Malla Reddy / Horticulture cum Landscaping Expert / 22.09.2012

TBN: To be Named

**: Shri. P. J. Xavier worked as Team Leader from 27.08.2012 to 06.03.2014 and resigned on personal reason.

Monthly Progress Report – June 2015Page 7

Independent Engineering Service

Hosur – Krishnagiri Project Of NH-7


Monthly Progress Report – June 2015Page 43

Independent Engineering Service