Principal Investigator Instructions

Process for Requesting a MnDOT – U of M Contract Amendment

*Note: This includes amendments for time extensions

  1. Initiate the process to request a contract amendment as soon as you realize an amendment is needed, but no later than eight weeks prior to the contract expiration date. Contract amendment requests are due to Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) at least six weeks before the contract expiration date (need to allow at least two weeks for TL and PC approval).
  1. Compose a letter using the attached letter template. This template includes information required by MnDOT and SPA.
  1. Prior to signing the letter, send it via email to the Project Coordinator (PC) and Technical Liaison (TL) to obtain their approval on the amendment request. Copy Joe Barbeau () andJan Lucke ()on this email.
  1. After receiving approval from the PC and TL, mark the checkbox indicating this. Sign the letter and obtain signature from your Department Head.
  2. Route a Proposal Routing Form (PRF) if you are requesting additional budget or a change in Principal Investigator (PI).
  1. Send the letter to Kim Makowske, Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA), 450 McNamara.
    Request that SPA sign the letter and email the request to d copy Joe Barbeau.Do NOTsend the letter directly to Tina Folch,MnDOT Research Services. If you have questions, you may reach her at 651-366-3769
    NOTE: Before the request is submitted to SPA, check that the request is fully-signed, the PRF is attached (when appropriate) and the box indicating you have received PC and TL approval is checked.
  1. Tina Folchwill review each request and determine if a formal amendment is needed.
  • If a formal amendment is not needed, an Amendment Request Form is still required to be completed and returned.
  • If a formal amendment is needed, the letter will be signedand MnDOT will generate an amendment to the work order contract. After the amendment is fully executed by SPA and the State, SPA will make the appropriate changes in the University's financial system.



Tina Folch

Financeand Contracts Manager

Research Services and Library

Minnesota Department of Transportation

395 John Ireland Blvd., M.S. 330

St. Paul, MN 55155-1899

RE: Project Title:______

Contract Number:______Work Order Number: ______

University of Minnesota EFS Chart String: ______

Dear Ms. Folch,

Please consider my request for an amendment to the contract work order referenced above. Detailed information related to this request is as follows:

Please check all boxes that apply for this request. Add text for each box that you have checked. Refer to the current signed contract work order when filling out this request.

Amendmentfor time extension OR change in task schedule

NOTE: The minimum extension duration is six months for all time extension amendments.

Requested revised end date (if applicable): ______

NOTE: End date should reflect four months needed at the end of the project to review and edit the final report.

Project schedule amended as follows in the table below. NOTE: Include all tasks even if completed with any revised task begin and end dates.

Task / Original Start Date / Revised Start Date / Original End Date / Revised End Date

Provide a justification for schedule change and/or reason the project could not be completed by original end date: ______

Amendment for budget change (additional budget or re-budgeted costs)

Include a Revised Budget and Revised Budget by Task, including any new tasks as appropriate, in the same format as in Attachment B of the original contract.
NOTE: A Proposal Routing Form (PRF) must be routed to obtain appropriate U of M approval when additional funding is being requested.

Amendment for contract language change

Specify what section of the work plan will be amended, the scope or contract language change you are requesting, and what effect it has on the project schedule.

Approval for change in Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator
NOTE: A work order amendment is not needed for a change in Principal Investigator or Co- Investigator. However, this letter should be used to document department head, Sponsored Project Administration, and MnDOT approval, as well as indicate that you have obtained TL and PC approval prior to requesting the change. In addition, a Proposal Routing Form (PRF) must be routed to obtain appropriate U of M approval for a change in Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator.

Name of New Principal Investigator: ______

Name of New Co-Investigator: ______

NOTE: Prior to signing the letter, send it via email to the PC and Technical Liaison (TL) to obtain their approval on the amendment request. The PC will also forward the letter via email to the TL to request a timely approval.

I have sent this form to thePC and TL (or Project Manager) and they approved this amendment

request prior to obtaining signatures from the Department Head and SPA.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.



PI Name Department Head Name Authorized Representative Name

Principal Investigator Department Head Sponsored Projects Administration

If requesting a change in PI or Co-Investigator:


New PI or Co-Investigator

New PI or Co-Investigator

The amendment request outlined above is hereby approved.


Authorized Representative NameDate

Minnesota Department of Transportation