Belmont Men’s Shed Inc. November 2013 news update

Greetings to you all,

The Steering Committee is delighted to report the Incorporation has been completed and we are on our way as a legal entity. The next step is to have an ABN and also to be an approved charity so that we can gain tax deductibility for gifts over $2.00

Logo design.

The Steering Committee is considering a range of designs for the logo of the Belmont Men’s shed .

A Fund raising opportunity for the Men’s shed that requires only some time and we need your help.

The Rotary club arranges for oversight of the early morning market at the Belmont forum each Sunday and by the holding of donation tins which patrons of the market donate a coin to the respective charity on duty for that month . We have been offered the month of December .Originally we were to be allocated February and given a bit more time for planning and getting volunteers. But we have this coming month and do need as much help as we can arrange. The Rotary Club advises that organizations get around $500 plus per Sunday so we are hoping to collect over $2,000 for the Men’s Shed project.

Can you help on any or some or even all of the Sunday mornings in December? If you are able to help on all Sundays or even one Sunday then that would be great.

Please contact Laurie Sumner on phone 9277 3970 or by email at

We will also have a table to give out information about the Men’s Shed project and a very small pamphlet to explain what the project is all about.

This is the first among many ways we will be working to raise funds for the Shed project

The Men’s Shed profile

The Steering Committee has been busy working on a profile that sets out the vision for the shed with a range of information about the City of Belmont and its needs. This document will be part of the ongoing discussion with the Belmont City Council as we try to find a site for the shed in the city. The Council have asked for the profile so it will be able to understand where we are coming form in terms of the vision for the city and how the men’s shed will contribute to the health and well-being of men in the wider community. If you would like a copy of the profile then please contact me and I will send you one via email.

December gathering

We are trying to find a venue to have an informal gathering of the Steering Committee and other interested men just to keep our contacts informed and a chance to meet one another. It is not easy to find a venue that will enable such an event to be held.

The wider community consultation

This proposed event where a series of options in regard to the location, construction and operation of the Belmont Men’s Shed is on hold until we know whether the Belmont Council is able to support the project with some land. It is no use arranging a meeting that sets out the vision if we don’t have a place to locate the vision. We have applied to the Council for a grant to fund this consultation process and we also await their response to our application

Finally, if you know of anyone in the community who could be interested in the Men’s shed project and please advise me and I will ensure that they receive a copy of the brochure and an expressions of interest form. Don’t forget Sundays in December.

Brian Carey email