Unit 3 Activities

Activity 3.1

Find the equal opportunity policy for your place of employment or an organisation you know. Summarise its main points.

Assessment criteria: 2.1

Activity 3.2

Can you think of any examples you have seen in the media or heard about in your local community where an employer has fallen foul of the law? Include details of what happened to that employer, particularly concerning:

  • Legal consequences
  • Business consequences
  • Social / moral consequences

Assessment criteria: 2.4

Activity 3.3

Outline duties that organisations must follow under equality legislation.

Assessment criteria: 2.5

Activity 3.4

a)Find out what your company’s grievance policy is. How would you report an incident you had witnessed between two of your colleagues?

b)What sanctions may be taken against an employee who is found guilty of harassing another employee. Where is this stated, in the company’s policies and procedures?

Assessment criteria: 2.1 and 2.3

Activity 3.5

Outline the rights individuals have under equality legislation.

Assessment criteria: 3.1

Activity 3.6

Detail what responsibilities the following have for equality and diversity in the workplace:

  • Employers
  • Employees

Assessment criteria: 3.2

Activity 3.7

What is the difference between positive action and positive discrimination?

Assessment criteria: 3.3

Activity 3.8

For this activity you need to investigate the ways in which your place of work (or learning) tries to create a diverse environment.

Part a:

Find out about:

  • The organisation’s policies and codes of practice that encourage and/or protect equality and diversity. How does the organisation encourage and protect people’s rights?
  • The expectations made of staff who have particular and specific responsibility for equality and diversity. Who is responsible within the organisation?

How do they implement this?

  • The expectations made of all staff in relation to equality and diversity.

What are your responsibilities?

Obtain copies of policies and codes of practice, and make notes about expectations in order to help you complete part b of this activity.

Part b:

Write a report to summarise what you have found out (in part a), under the following headings:

  • Name of organisation
  • Equality and diversity policies and codes of practice
  • Expectations made of staff with particular/specific responsibility for equality and diversity
  • The expectations made of all staff in relation to equality and diversity.

Attach copies of policies, codes of practice, notes and your report to this page or complete below. Please use additional pages, as required.

Assessment criteria: 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3

Activity 3.9

Produce a report that describes how your place of work or learning maintains and monitors equality and diversity.

Your report could include:

  • Examples of monitoring activities taking place
  • Examples of how the organisation’s policies and procedures are promoted
  • Examples of how the organisation’s policies and procedures are shared, internally and externally
  • The disciplinary procedures for not promoting equality and diversity.

Attach your report to this page or complete below. Please use additional pages, as required.

Assessment criteria: 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3

Activity 3.10

Part a:

Describe why it is desirable to create and maintain an environment that promotes equality and diversity.

Part b:

Complete the table below to show the advantages, for the organisation, of an environment that promotes equality and diversity. For each advantage provide an example.

An organisation with an environment that promotes equality and diversity

Advantages / Examples

Assessment criteria: 1.2 and 1.3

Activity 3.11

Think about what consequences there would be, for you and your organisation, if the organisation did not try to create and maintain a diverse and equal environment.

These consequences might be legal, economic or have social repercussions.

Use the table below to show the consequences you identify in each category.

Potential consequences

Assessment criteria: 1.4

Activity 3.12

Have you, or anyone you know, ever changed their opinion of a company because of the way in which their staff behaved? This may be positive or negative. Explain also why it is important for employees to promote and maintain equality and diversity.


Does a pub or bar near you have a reputation for always serving women first at the bar?

Is there a business you have come across that has an excellent reputation for helping those with disabilities?

Assessment criteria: 3.4

Activity 3.13

a)Please find out the types of organisations that provide support information about the rights of individuals, in relation to equality and diversity.

b)Describe the services that these organisations offer.

Assessment criteria: 3.5 and 3.6

I confirm that ______(learner name) has completed unit 3 in this programme and that I am satisfied that the evidence supplied in this assessment section is sufficient to demonstrate their understanding of the subject.

Tutor Name: ______Signed: ______

Date: ______

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