Rabindranath Tagore was a blessed child of God. He was at the same time a great Poet, Musician, Artist, Philosopher and a short story writer. In short, he was a multifaceted personality, indeed. Being passionate about traveling, he had visited almost all the countries around the World. Not surprisingly, then, he is recognized not just as a citizen of India but also as a global citizen. On his 150th Birth Anniversary celebration year we seek to discover Tagore through different views and observations of renowned scholars from all across the globe and belonging to diverse disciplines such as art, literature and music.

Rabindranath said that if "They remember me for nothing else, they will remember me for my song". He received a Nobel prize for his poetic collection Geetanjali. His music is used as a vehicle for emotional expression. He had a great background in classical music and also had close relation with some renowned classical musicians of that time because his father used to invite famous musicians to his residence at Jodasako, so that they could impart training to the children of the Thakur Family. Great nusicians like Vishnu Chakrawarti and Radhika Prasad Goswami were revered as Gurus in this family. Devendranath took personal interest in asking musicians to use Bengali lyrics replacing the Hindi phrases that were generally used in the original classical composition and that was the beginning of a new genre in Bangla music called Bhanga Gaan. This rich musical atmosphere in the Tagore family inspired and taught Rabindranath so that he could create songs within Indian classical compostional frame work of Dhrupad, Dhamar, Khyal, Tappa, Thumari and so on. Geetovitan is a consolidation and collection nearly 3000 songs that have been composed in the style that we all know today as Rabindra Sangit. The compositions are divided into 6 themes such as Puja (Worship), Prem (Love), Anushthanik (occasional songs), Prakriti (Nature), Vichitra (Miscellaneous) and Swadeshi (Nationalist). Rabindranath's songs draw their inspiration from Vaishnav Philosphic thought. Noteworthy among these are Bhanu Singh Padawali, Dance, Dramas, Shyam, Chandalika, Chitrangada. It is also worth mentioning that his songs or poetic creations reflect his concern about political, social, religious and philosophic aspects of the society which mirrored the changing mode of the society he lived in. His concept of tune (Swara) and poetics (Vani) is Ardha Narishwer as the words in his songs are equally important as the musical content. Being not just a wonderful poet but also a blessed writer he expresses his feelings not only through his poetry and musical compositions but also through his Novels, Short stories and letter writing.

Rabindranath was also influenced by Sufi and Buddhist religions which reflects in his creation of Notir Puja or Baul songs. Rabindranath was a great admirer of all regional concepts and creations. We know that he was widely travelled and he collected theme and thoughts from all over the world and these reflected in his regional and folk musical compositions. Rabindranath was a great educationist because he established Vishwabharati Bharati University in 1920 at Shanti Niketan. Rabindranath was also a very good painter. He has started his painting at the age of 60 year. To correct some written work he used his pen or pencil in such an artistic way that the correction came out as a beautiful painting. He also used to act and he would also stage dramas with his family. No wonder, he was a very well known actor and playwright too.

To conclude, Rabindranath Tagore can be seen as a great musicologist, as a student of music, as a sensitive person and over all a positive human being. We are all admirers of Rabindranath Tagore. Just as M.K.Gandhi, the father of our nation, addressed him as Gurudev, we also accept him heartily as Gurudev.

On the 150th Birth Anniversary of this great, versatile personality, we humbly offer our tribute by arranging an International Seminar. The main purpose of this seminar is to educate our students and also spread a message to the society as to what are the main aspects of Kavi Guru Rabindranath through the views and observations of the scholars from different parts of the world. We have, therefore, focused this seminar on the subject "Discovering Tagore : His Art, Music and Literature". I am sure all positive views and thoughts related to this topic will make our seminar a great success.

Along with the central theme we decided the other subthemes for the purpose of inviting papers as bellow-

(a) Renaissance and Rabindranath Tagore

(b) Creativity and RabindranathTagore

(c) Musical Journey of Rabindranath Tagore

(d) Rabindranath Tagore and the Philosophic concept of "Jeevan Devata"

(e) Visual Art and Tagore’s Paintings

(f) Beauty in Rabindra Sangit (music)

(g) Beauty in Literature of Rabindranath

(h) Rabindranath Tagore and Global Relationship

(i) Rabindranath Tagore: An Educationist

(j) Tagore's concept on Ardhanarishwar as a Music & Literature

(k) The Philosophic thought of Rabindranath

(l) Vision of Global unity of Rabindranath

(m) Contribution of Rabindranath in World music

(n) Rabindranath and Patriotism


Discovering Tagore : His Music, Art & Literature

^^laxhr] dyk vkSj lkfgR; ds ifjizs{; esa fo'ooUnuh; johUnzukFk**

From 1st Dec. 2011 to 3rd Dec. 2011

From : 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM

Organised by :

Department of Musicology

Venue : Pt. Omkar Nath Thakur Auditorium

Faculty of Performing Arts, B.H.U.


Prof. Lipika Dasgupta

Convener & HOD, Musicology

Faculty of Performing Arts, BHU


Prof. Sharada Velenkar


Faculty of Performing Arts, BHU

bZ'oj ds ojn iq=] cgqvk;keh O;fDrRo ds /kuh] xq:nso vkpk;Z johUnzukFk Bkdqj dfo] laxhrK] dykdkj] nk'kZfud ,oa ys[kd ds :Ik esa lEiw.kZ fo'o esa fo[;kr gSA lEiw.kZ fo'o esa ifjHkze.k djrs gq;s mUgkasus Lo;a dks mRd`"V Hkkjrh; ukxfjd ,oa lekukUrj :Ik ls oSf'od ukxfjd ds :Ik esa ifjfpr ,oa izfr"Bkfir fd;k FkkA muds lk)Z'krkCnh; tUeksRlo ds eaxy volj ij ge] fo'o ds fofHkUu izkUrksa ds johUnz vuqjkxh lkfgR;] dyk ,oa laxhr fo'ks"kK fo}Ttuksa ds lkFk feydj muds laxhr] dyk vkSj lkfgR; ls lUnfHkZr fof'k"B d`fr;ksa ij vUrjkZ"Vªh; laxks"Bh ds ek/;e ls J)katfy vfiZr djuk pkgrs gSA

dfoxq: dh ekuoh; laosnuk dks vuqHkwr djus dh viwoZ {kerk vkSj lkFk gh lkFk mu laosnukvksa dks dkO;] miU;kl] ukVd] dfork] y?kq dFkk] y?kq i=kofy;ka] vkys[k] fucU/k vkfn lkfgfR;d :iksa ds ek/;e ls lEizsf"kr djus dh vfHkuo dykRedrk ls lEiw.kZ fo'otu vfHkHkwr gSaA lekukUrj :i ls johUnzukFk dh lkaxhfrd izfrHkk xhfrxku] u`R;ukV~;] xhfrukV~;] dFkkukV~; ls ysdj eaph; dyk dh izR;sd fo/kk dks izHkkfor djrh gSA johUnzukFk dh uSlfxZd izfrHkk dks J)katfy vfiZr djus ds fy, laxhr ,oa eap dyk ladk; ¼dk0fg0fo0fo0½ ds vUrxZRk laxhr'kkL= foHkkx us ^^laxhr] dyk vkSj lkfgR; ds ifjizs{; esa fo'ooUnuh; johUnzukFk** o "Discovering Tagore : His Music, Art & Literature" 'kh"kZd ds vUrxZr fnukad 1] 2] 3] fnlEcj] 2011 dks vUrjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij laxkks"Bh vk;ksftr djus dk ladYi fy;k gSA

johUnzukFk dh lkfgfR;d ,oa lkaxhfrd izfrHkk ls izHkkfor gksdj mUgsa xhrkatyh ds fy, lu~ 1913 bZ0 esa ukscsy iqjLdkj iznku dj lEekfur fd;k x;k FkkA thou ds lw{ekfrlw{e vuqHkoksa ds lEizs"k.k ds fy, mUgkssaus laxhr dks ek/;e dss :Ik esa viuk;k FkkA 'kkL=h; laxhr ds rRdkyhu lqizfl) laxhrK fo".kq pØorhZ] jkf/kdk izlkn xksLokeh vkSj ;nqHkV~V vkfn buds ifjokj }kjk lajf{kr xk;d FksA buds firk egf"kZ nsosUnzukFk Bkdqj Lo;a ifjokj ds lUrkuksa ds vkfRed vkSj dykRed fodkl ds fy, ltx FksA os blhfy, rRdkyhu fo".kqiqj ?kjkus ds laxhrKksa ls /kzqin] /kekj] vU; izkUrksa ds laxhrKksa }kjk [;ky] VIik] Bqejh ds lkFk ckaXyk inksa dks 'kkL=h; laxhr ds izcU/k ds mDr Lo:iksa esa fuc) djus ds fy, 'kkL=h; laxhrKksa ls vuqjks/k dj izksRlkfgr djrs FksA QyLo:Ik johUnzukFk ikfjokfjd okrkoj.k ls gh Hkkjrh; 'kkL=h; laxhr dh fo'ks"krkvksa dks vkRelkr djus esa leFkZ gq;s vkSj mUgksaus vusd lkaxhfrd jpuk;sa la;ksftr dhA muds xhrksa dk laxzg xhrksforku xzUFk esa gSA bl xzUFk esa yxHkx iwtk] izse] izd`fr] fofp=] vkuq"Bkfud vkSj Losn'k 'kh"kZdksa ds vUrxZr yxHkx 3000 xhr ladfyr gSaA

blds vfrfjDr bl xzUFk esa oS".ko HkkokuqØe esa Hkkuqflag inkoyh] ';kek] pk.Mkfydk] fp=kaxnk] u`R;&ukfVdk bR;kfn dk ladyu Hkh gSA johUnzukFk us ikB~;i{k vkSj Loji{k nksuksa dk v)ZukjhLoj Lo:Ik vius xhrksa esa izLrqr fd;k gS] D;ksafd Hkko lEizs"k.k esa laxhr dk Loj&y;&rky ;qDr gksuk vR;ko';d gSA lkFk gh dFkk ;k ok.kh ds led{k lkSUn;Z vkSj egRo ij Hkh mUgksaus loZnk /;ku j[kkA ,sls dfo] ys[kd] laxhrK] miU;kldrkZ] y?kq dFkk ys[kd] ukV~;dkj] nk'kZfud] fpUrd ds :Ik esa johUnzukFk fujUrj gekjs iFkizn'kZd gS] vr% lnk Lej.kh; ,oa iz.kE; gSaSA

johUnzukFk us thou ds yxHkx 60 o"kZ dh o; esa fp=dyk ij /;ku dsfUnzr fd;kA mudh jpukvksa esa tks dqN Hkh =qfV;ka gksrh Fkh mUgsa os isfUly }kjk js[kkfp= ds ek/;e ls la'kksf/kr fd;k djrs Fks tks mudh dykRed izfrHkk dks izdkf'kr djrk gSA os ckY;dky ls gh ukV~; ds lkFk vR;Ur izxk<+rk ds tqM+s jgdj] vius ?kj esa gh HkkbZ&cgu] Hkrhtk&Hkrhth vkSj vU; lnL;ksa ds lkFk vfHku; dyk esa jr jgrs FksA dkykUrj esa ns'k&fons'k dk Hkze.k djrs gq, ,oa mu LFkkuksa dh fof'kf"Vrkvksa dks xzg.k djrs gq, mUgksaus fofo/k uohu iz;ksxksa ds lkFk xhfrukV~;] u`R;ukV~; bR;kfn dk l`tu fd;kA

johUnzukFk thou ds jkx ds dfo gSA mudh thoun`f"V oSjkX;lk/kuk ls feyus okyh eqfDr esa fo'okl ugha djrh Fkh] thou gh mudk nsork gSA ^^thou nsork** ds Lo:i esa psruk ds gj Lrj dks nk'kZfud vuqHkwfr ls le> ikus dh thoun`f"V gh johUnzukFk ds n'kZurRo dk ewy gSA muds bl lkoZHkkSe fl)kUr ls izHkkfor gksdj gh egkRek xka/kh us mUgsa ^^xq:nso** dh mikf/k iznku dh FkhA ns'k dh Lok/khu lRrk ij dsfUnzr Lons'kh laxhr ds jpukdkj xq:nso us Hkh egkRek xka/kh dks ^^jk"Vªfirk** ds Lo:Ik esa lEcksf/kr fd;k FkkA johUnzukFk us f'k{k.k {ks= esa Hkh fo'o Hkkjrh fo'ofo|ky; dh LFkkiuk djds f'k{k.k txr dks mPp f'k{k.k dk uohu iFk iznf'kZr fd;k FkkA bl izdkj vk/;kfRed rFkk HkkSfrd thou ds gj {ks= esa johUnzukFk dh izfrHkk dks foLr`r Lo:Ik esa le>us ds fy,] fo'o ds fofo/k {ks=ksa ds fo}Ttuksa ds lkFk lkewfgd fopkj&foe'kZ ds ek/;e ls tkuus] le>us ds fy,] lkFk gh mls vuqHkwfr ds Lrj ij xzg.k djrs gq,] vkt dh larfr esa mDr Kku dk lE;d~ lEizlkj djus ds fy, bl laxks"Bh dk vk;kstu vfHkiszr gS] ;gh bldk ewy y{; gSA bl laxks"Bh esa fuEufyf[kr fo"k;ksa ij 'kks/k i= vkeaf=r gS&

1-  johUnzukFk vkSj uotkxj.k

2-  johUnzukFk dh ekSfyd l`tu'khyrk

3-  johUnzukFk dh lkaxhfrd ;k=k

4-  johUnzukFk ds ^thou nsork* lUnfHkZr nk'kZfud n`f"Vdks.k

5-  johUnzukFk dh fp=dyk ,oa n`';dyk

6-  johUnzlaxhr esa lkSUn;Z rRo

7-  johUnzlkfgR; esa lkSUn;Z rRo

8-  johUnzukFk vkSj oSf'od lglEcU/k

9-  johUnzukFk % ,d f'k{kkfon

10-  johUnzukFk dh lkfgR;&laxhr lUnfHkZr v)Zukjh'oj vo/kkj.kk

11-  johUnzukFk dk vk/;kfRed fpUru

12-  johUnzukFk dh fo'odY;k.k n`f"V

13-  johUnzukFk dh laxhr txr dks nsu

14-  johUnzukFk vkSj Lojk"Vª izse

Registration Form

Name : Dr. Mr./Mrs. Miss ......

University ......

Institute ......

College ......

Residential Address ......



Phone ( ) ...... Mobile......

E-mail Address ......

You should send your paper in MS Word File the Length of Paper should be 1500-2000 words, space typing single, Font size 14 (Hindi) Font Size 12 (English). Please identify the following information separately : the titled Author's full name, Institutions, Address, E-mail Address, Telephone Number, Fax Number for the referee committee. The refereed or selected papers will published as in book form along with proceeding and all papers will be collectively provided as pre-proceeding at Seminar Time as titled "Research Papers of International Seminar". You should send your papers within 15th November, 2011 on E-mail address given as below :


1st Dec, 2011, Time : 10:00 am to 10:45 am

Registration fee : § Rs. 600/- For Students § Rs. 1000/- for Teacher's & Scholars, § $60/- for Foreign Students (excluding B.H.U. foreign students) & Scholars. § Local research scholar students and teachers are requested to pay their registration fee at the Department of Musicology between 12:00 to 04:00 PM till 28th November outstation participants may send their registration fee by cheque in favour of "HOD, Musicology, F.P.A., B.H.U.". Out station participants will get registered between 08:30 am to 09:30 am on spot at venue on 1st December, 2011. Fees includes breakfast, lunch, tea and registration kit.

Accommodation : For external foreigner student we will provide accommodation and they will have to pay for this $36 or Rs.1800/- for 3 days.

For any queries, please contact to-

Prof. Lipika Dasgupta (09839616064)

You can submit your registration form with registration fees at Department of Musicology