350 –Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Capital Project Request

2015-17 Biennium

Project Title:

Starting Fiscal Year:

Host District:

Project Phase: Pre Construction ___ Construction ____




Legislative District:

Project Summary

Please provide a one paragraph description of your project:-

(Remember in your response to answer who, what, where, when, why)

Project Description

What is the proposed project?

What is the opportunity or problem driving this request?

This is the why of the project. Why is this project needed and what are the drivers pushing for the project need (e.g. increased student demand, facility conditions, etc.)

How does this project support the agency and statewide results?

OSPI will provide this response.

What are the specific benefits of this project?

List each benefit in order of importance.

How will clients be affected and services change if this project is funded?

Speak to clients as potential skill center students, and your business and industry partners.

Why is this the best option or alternative?

Explain why this option or alternative was chosen above others.

Historical Significance

• Does this project alter any structure on the historical register or have any archaeological impacts?

What is the impact on the state operating budget?

(State apportionment funding, MSOC, new staffing)

What is the agency's proposed funding strategy for the project?

OSPI will complete.

What is the economic impact of this project?

(How will this project support the business community?)


Growth Management Impacts

Prepare a narrative incorporating answers to:

• Is the proposed capital project identified in the host city or county’s comprehensive plan including the capital facility plan and implementation rules adopted under chapter 36.70 A RCW?

• Is the proposed capital project located within an adopted urban growth area?

• If located within an adopted urban growth area, does the project facilitate, accommodate, or attract planned population and employment growth?

• If located outside an urban growth boundary, does the proposed capital project create pressures for additional development?

• Was there regional coordination during project development?

• Have environmental outcomes and the reduction of adverse environmental impacts been examined?

Other Items to Consider:

Does the project provide a new type of development to an existing neighborhood such as employment, housing, educational, cultural, recreational, or services?

Does the project attempt to minimize the increase in vehicle miles traveled generated by the project?

Is the project located near existing or planned transit service?

High Performance Schools and Environmental Information:

  • Will materials from demolition or construction waste materials be recycled?
  • Does the project include preservation and re-use of at least 75% of an existing structure?
  • Will energy conservation equipment, systems, or programs be used in the project?
  • Will green building materials be used in constructing the project?
  • Will the project use water conservation systems (metered water, gray water, re-use)?
  • Will the project include solar or other, non-traditional energy sources?
  • Will on-site natural features (wetlands, riparian corridors, watersheds, steep slopes, etc.) be protected, preserved, and/or restored in construction of the project or as part of the project, and will buffers around on/off-site natural areas be created or maintained?

Funding History:

  • Has the project received previous state funding?
  • Has the project previously applied for and not received state funding?

If the project will not be completed after the requested state funding and matching funds are used, describe: (1) what the project will be at the completion of the portion funded by this request and how it will benefit the public; and (2) the phases and schedule for completion of the project.

Is the project currently applying or planning to apply for other sources of state funding?

Does the project include leveraging of local or other funds?

Include any information that was provided in the local contribution form submitted during the prioritization process. See page 25 for more information.