Reformation Counter Reformation, Religious Wars
Documents selected for instruction may include but are not limited to:
Textbook and Primary Sources
Ø Kagan, The Western Heritage. Ch: 11, 12
Ø John Tetzel, The Spark for the Reformation: Indulgences”
Ø Martin Luther, “Justification by Faith”
Ø Martin Luther, “Condemnation of Peasant Revolt
Ø John Calvin, “Institutes of the Christian Religion: Predestination”
Ø “Constitution of the Society of Jesus”
Ø Teresa of Avila, “The Way of Perfection”
Ø Peter Paul Rubens, “Loyola and Catholic Reform”
Secondary Sources
DocPkt – 1 Protestant Reformation 3,3 DocPkt – 5 Edict of Restitution, 1669 DocPkt – 5 Excerpts from Malleus Maleficarum
Visual Sources
• Luther and the New Testament
• Luther and the Catholic Clergy Debate – Sebald Beham
• Loyola and Catholic Reform – Peter Paul Rubens
• War and Violence – Jan Brueghel and Sebastian Vrancx
• Germany and the Thirty Years’ War
Unit Focus
The social and religious background to the Reformation
Martin Luther’s challenge to the church and the course of the Reformation in Germany
The Reformation in Switzerland, France, and England
Transitions in family life between medieval and modern times
The war between Calvinists and Catholics in France
The Spanish occupation of the Netherlands
The struggle for supremacy between England and Spain
The devastation of central Europe during the Thirty Year’s War
# / Assignment Title / Due Date / Points Possible
1 / Kagan Chapter(s) – Readings & Multiple Choice Questions
2 / Vocabulary & Review Questions
3 / Protestant Reformation 1
4 / Protestant Reformation 2
5 / The Wars of Religion (Use “Wars of Religion” PowerPoint)
6 / Activity – Jigsaw of Explorers
7 / Editorial Activity
8 / Reformation Chart & Jigsaw
RJ1 / Unit Reading Journal (Completed By 3rd Day of Unit)
RG / Reading Groups (Done In Class On Day Before Unit Exam)
CL1 / Reading Quiz (Only Over Textbook Chapters)
CL2 / Unit Summative / Exam (MC, FRQ, DBQ – Possible Formats)
Name: ______Hour: ____ AP European History – Mr. W.B. Brooks
First Semester, Unit II: Europe Expands & Divides—Overseas Discoveries & the Protestant Reformation Calendar
Reading: Text, document handouts, Luther excerpts, 12 Articles of the Swabian Peasants
Day / Date / Topic of the DayReformation Video and PPT Intro to the era
How to Write a DBQ in AP Euro—Rubric and 2008 Docs on the German Peasant’s Revolt
DBQ’s due on ______
Jigsaw of Explorers—chart; peasants’ revolt document analysis and prep for debate
German Peasants’ Revolt Debate and concluding discussion
The Reformation in France—Handout and Editorial Activity
The Reformation in England—PPT and docs and family tree
Calvinism, Anabaptism, and other reformers—group jigsaw preparation; Art of Early Modern Europe—PPT and tour
Reformation Chart Jigsaw & Review
Quiz on Exploration and the Reformation
First Semester, Unit II: Europe Expands & Divides—Overseas Discoveries & the Protestant Reformation Calendar
Enduring Understandings
1. The age of exploration was a natural outcome of Renaissance intellectual, economic & political changes
2. The Reformation was a social, political and economic movement, not just a religious one.
3. There were many similarities & differences between the various Protestant reformers.
4. As a result of the age of exploration, power shifted from Mediterranean merchants to the Atlantic seaboard.
Essential Questions
1. Why did the Reformation occur? (Social, Political, Religious, and Economic reasons)
2. What were the social, economic, and political conditions in Germany that contributed to the enormous success of Lutheranism?
3. How did the Reformation change the world religiously, politically, economically, and socially?
4. Was the status of women and children in European society changed by the Reformation? Explain.
5. To what extent was Catholic doctrine retained during Henry VIII’s reign? When and how did the Church of England become more Protestant? Why did Henry VIII’s break with Rome have so much support from the English people?
6. What were the primary goals of the Council of Trent? List the major positions taken by the Council of Trent on dogma and church reform.
7. How were geographic & religious exploration related?
8. What motivated the voyages of exploration & how did they change the world?
Assignment #3Sources: / § Document packet:"Protestant Reformation #1"
Questions: / 1. What is an indulgence? How did it become a major reform issue by the late 15c?
2. What aspects of Luther's personality and experience contributed to his reforming zeal?
3. What was Luther's core theological premise? Make a list of his major ideas.
4. How did the church initially react to the printing and dissemination of Luther's95 Thesesin Wittenberg? Why did they have such a strong appeal in Germany?
5. Luther and Erasmus both attacked what they saw as abuses and pretensions of the church and the clergy. Compare their criticisms and their approaches to Church reform.
6. Although there had been heretics and reformers in the Catholic Church before Martin Luther, none had threatened the unity of the church. What were the social, economic, and political conditions in Germany that contributed to the enormous success of Lutheranism?
7. What were the religious and political implications of Luther's reforms?
8. Why did the Holy Roman Empire, Charles V, in collaboration with the Pope, issue the Edict of Worms in 1521? What were the implications of this move?
9. Why did many German political authorities [especially the nobility] support Luther's cause? Why was their support so essential to his success?
10. What were the causes of the Peasants' Revolt of 1525-1526? What was Luther's position in this upheaval?Why did he take that position?
11. Where was Lutheranism most successful in the 16c?
12. What role did the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, play in the Protestant Reformation?
13. What were the provisions of the Peace of Augsburg of 1555? How was it a religious compromise? What issues were left unresolved?
Assignment #4
Sources: / § Document packet:"Protestant Reformation #2"
Questions: / 1. Identify the main religious beliefs of Ulrich Zwingli. How were they similar to Luther's beliefs? How were they different?
2. What were the basic beliefs of the Anabaptists? Why do you think that they were labeled the "radicals" of the Protestant Reformation movement?
3. Who were the Melchiorites? Why were they so intensely persecuted?
4. List the major beliefs of John Calvin. How were they similar to Luther's beliefs? How were they different?
5. What was life like in Calvin's Geneva under his Ecclesiastical Ordinances?
6. To where did Calvinism spread throughout the 16c?
7. What impact did Reformation doctrines have on the family, education, and popular religious practices?
8. How did the role of women in some Protestant churches change in the 16c? Why did their social and religious positions remain the same in most others?
9. According to most Reformation thinkers, what was the most important role of a woman in the Christian household?
10. What groups in European society were most attracted to Calvinism? Why?
Assignment #5
Sources: / § PowerPoint:"The Wars of Religion"
§ Document:an excerpt from the Edict of Restitution, 1669.
§ Document:excerpts from theMalleus Maleficarum,1486.
Questions: / 1. Analyze the validity of this statement:The Thirty Years' War was in part a German religious war and in part a German civil war fought over constitutional issues in the Holy Roman Empire.
2. How did European rivalries and ambitions become linked to the conflict within Germany in the late 16cand early 17c?
3. Create a CHART that briefly identify each stage of the Thirty Years' War --> What were the key issues? -- The results of each phase? -- The winners? -- The losers?
4. What were the social, political, economic, and religious reasons behind the uniqueness of the United Provinces in Europe?
5. How was the small area of the United Provinces able to defend itself against Spain? What explains its rapid economic and cultural success?
6. Why was Sweden able to rise from a second-rate power to a position of dominance in the Baltic during the 17c?
7. Identify the major provisions of the Treaty of Westphalia in the following areas by creating another CHART: the religious settlement, territorial changes, and political/diplomatic changes.
8. How did the Peace of Westphalia mark the advent in international law of the modern system of independent sovereign states?
9. Why have some historians labeled the Thirty Years' War the "last of the religious wars", while others have called it the "first modern war"? Which is the more accurate assessment? Why?
10. What was the military revolution which resulted from the Thirty Years' War? What effect did it have on warfare in the 16cand 17c?
11. What were some of the population trends and changes that occurred in Europe during the 17c? How do you explain these population patterns/
12. How was the 17csociety organized? What were the possibilities for social mobility among various social groups?
13. Why did the peasants experience increased economic and social difficulties at the end of the 16c?
14. How was traditional village life changing in the 17c? What were some of the forces of that change?
15. What were some of the characteristics of urban life in the 17c?
16. What was theMalleus Maleficarum? How was it used during the witch craze?
17. Describe the typical "profile" of an accused witch.
18. Why was this profiled individual especially targeted?
19. What was the theological view of women in the 16cand 17cin Europe?
20. What was the importance of social and economic conditions in explaining the witchcraft hysteria?
21. Why did this hysteria subside substantially by the end of the 17cand early 18c?