Chapter 19

Using Behavior Analytic Procedures to Teach Verbal Behavior

Study Questions

1.What does it mean to address communicative problems topographically? (p. 375)

2.B.F.Skinner suggested two functional classes of behavior. What are they and what does each entail? (p. 376)

3.If you are a good listener you will automatically be a good communicator, and vice versa. T or F? Explain your response. (p. 376)

4.What is a duplic? (p. 378)

·List and define two duplics as applied to language models.

5.While teaching a student to imitate a vocal model, the SLP said the word “Ba-ll,” simultaneously handing the child a preferred ball. This is an example of which of the following (one or more): (p. 379)

a.Echoic training

b.Stimulus – stimulus pairing

c.Imitation responding

d.A verbal stimulus

Defend your choice(s)

  1. Explain functional utility in its simplest terms. (p. 379)
  1. Define what a mand is and what purpose it serves. (p. 380)
  1. A mand becomes a mand only after it has been reinforced. Explain this concept. (p. 380)
  1. Think of an example of your own recent use of a mand to get something you wanted and another of a mand directed to you by someone else to obtain what they desired. Share! (p. 380)

10. To demonstrate your understanding of how a mand works, fill in the empty spaces in the boxes below with the correct components. (p. 380-381)

Motivating Operation / Mand / Reinforcing Consequence
Mary is outside and she is cold / Coat
D-D is thirsty and wants a glass of water / Mom gives her water.
Borrow $5.00 please / Dad gives son money

11.All of the following are true statements about incidental teaching (IT), except: (p. 382)

a.Increases generalization of language

b.Used within the person’s natural, everyday environment

c.Adult chooses what is reinforcing to the client

d.Conducted throughout the day in various places, and various times and contexts

e.Child/ client takes the lead in IT

12.Seven-year-old Gina makes various sounds but does not yet speak. She is curious and usually communicates wanting help to see an object above eye level by tugging an adult’s clothing. Gina is still little and has no trouble soliciting people to pick her up this way. Her mother worries, however, that Gina may fail to learn more age-appropriate language, such as “up” or “pick me up.” Explain why incidental teaching would be particularly appropriate and easy to implement for Gina. (p. 382)

13.Explain how Functional Communication Training (FCT) works, and when you would want to use this method. (p. 383)

14.Define the Tact and why it is so important to humans. (p. 384)

15.Give examples of how to teach responses to the following behaviors by using various ways of tacting: (p. 385)

a.Requesting an item at snack time

b.Getting a favorite toy to play with

c.Being pushed on the swing as opposed to being taken to the slide

16.What is an intraverbal? Give an example. (p. 386)

17.Give an example of an autoclitic. (p. 387)

18.Explain how to teach using a mand frame and give a couple examples. (p. 387-388)

19.What should you consider when deciding what device, or method, to use with someone who is non-verbal? List and explain the various choices available. (p. 390)