Family Systems and Family Development

Instructor: Edward Neukrug, Ed.D.

Course Number: Coun 691

Course Title: Family Systems and Family Development

Course Description:The course offers a study of the family as a system, family life cycle stages, tasks, and difficultiesthat families may experience as they move through their developmental stages. Concepts and principles applicable to helping people within a systems perspective will also be discussed.

Purpose of Course: To have counselor trainees obtain a basic knowledge systems theory and how it applies to working with families. To examine how systems theory is used by a variety of family therapy approaches and to begin to distinguish among the various popular approaches to working with families.

Course Objectives:

  1. To review the foundations of a family systems approach to counseling.
  1. To examine the historical roots of family counseling/family therapy.
  1. To examine the classic schools of family therapy.
  1. To review professional, ethical, legal, and cross-cultural issues related to practicing family therapy.
  1. To begin practice on implementing various approaches to family therapy.
  1. To develop your own theory of family therapy.
  1. To examine your family of origin to understand how it impacts on you and your work with families.
  1. To become adept a practicing assessment of families.

Course Requirements:

1) To read assigned chapters from text.

2) Genogram presentation

3) Role-playing participation as client and/or therapist

4) To take exams, as required

5) To complete a paper that addresses your beginning view of family work

6) Hand in three typed questions per week based on readings

Accommodating Students with Special Learning Needs:

In accordance with university policy, a student who wishes to receive some instructional accommodation, because of a documented sensory and/or learning disability, should meet with the instructor to discuss this accommodation.


See “Course Evaluation”


Point Spread for Grade Determination

92.1 to 100 = A 78 to 79.9 = B-

90 to 92 = A- 75 to 77.9 = C+

85 to 89.9 = B+ 70 to 74.9 = C

80 to 84.9 = B 68 to 69.9 = C-

Final Grade:

1)25% for 1st test

2)25% for 2nd test

3)25% for genogram

4)25% for theories paper

5)1 absence allowed. 4% loss for every other absence.

Lack of participation can lower grade.

Course Evaluation:

  1. Exam 1
  2. Exam 2
  3. Presentation of your genogram based on guidelines handed out in class..
  4. Family Systems Theory Paper: 6-8 pages with following sections: View of human nature, the therapeutic relationship, techniques used, considerations for cultural accommodations, and summary.

Honors Pledge:

“I pledge to support the honor system of OldDominionUniversity. I will refrain from any form of academic dishonest or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of the academic community, it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violators of the honor system. I will report to Honor Council hearings if summoned.” By attending OldDominionUniversity you have accepted the responsibility to abide by this code. This is an institutional policy approved by the Board of Visitors.

Class References:

Texts:Walsh, W. M., & McGraw, J. A. (2002). Essentials of family therapy: A structured summary of nine approaches (2nd ed). Denver, Co: Love Publishing.

Videos: One or more family therapy videos will be shown to highlight concepts.

Office Hours, Location, Phone, Home Page, and E-mail:

Monday through Friday, 9-4 (but please make an appointment)

Work Number: 683-3326

Office: Education 110


Home Page:

Course Sequencing and Prerequisites: Students should have taken the following courses prior to taking this course: Coun 601, 630, 633, 644, and 650.

Course Content Chapter

Week 1: (5/11/09).....Introduction to Course. Understanding our own families

Week 2: (5/13/09)….Brief Overview of Family Therapy Models* 1

Week 3: (5/18/09)….Structural Family Therapy4

Week 4: (5/20/09).....Communication/Validation Family Therapy 2

Week 5: (5/27/09).....Bowenian Theory3

Week 6: (6/01/09).....Strategic Family Therapy5

Week 7: (6/03/09).....Exam

Week 8: (6/08/09)…..Milan Model of Family Systems Therapy6

Week 9: (6/10/09)...... Adlerian Family Therapy7

Week 10: (6/15/09)…..Solution-Focused Family Therapy8

Week 11: (6/17/09).....Narrative Family Therapy9

Week 12: (6/22/09)…..Exam

Week 13: (6/24/09)…..Genogram Presentations (Papers Due)

*Also read on Blackboard “Family” chapter: Intro, View of Human Nature, Key Concepts, Social, Cultural, and Spiritual Issues, and Efficacy.

Also, read sections that parallel reading in book.

The contents of this communication are the sole responsibility of Ed Neukrug and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of OldDominionUniversity. Updated on 04/28/09. Ed Neukrug is responsible for the maintenance of this page. Address: College of Education, Counseling Program, OldDominionUniversity, Norfolk, VA 23507. E-mail: .