Texas Road Trip 2012

This summer, you will take a road trip through Texas and discover that this massive state is divided into four unique regions. Your assignment is to create a travel log of each city you visit using the specific information listed below, and to write down any new information you learn or observations your make along the way. Your trip will begin in city 1, El Paso, and end in city 4, Houston. Make sure to be detailed in your description!

At the end of your trip, you must answer this question, “Why is Texas divided into four separate regions?” Make sure you fully explain and defend your thinking and use proper writing mechanics.

Starting Point – City 1, El Paso

A.  Which region is El Paso located?

B.  What are some of the nearest landforms and waterways?

C.  Describe the climate and vegetation.

D.  What state borders El Paso?

City 2, Odessa

A.  To get from El Paso to Odessa, which direction will you need to drive?

B.  What highway(s) will you travel?

C.  What is the distance between El Paso and Odessa?

D.  Which region of Texas are you in now?

E.  What are some landforms and waterways near Odessa?

F.  Describe the climate and vegetation.

City 3, Dallas

A.  To get from Odessa to Dallas, which direction will you need to drive?

B.  What highway(s) will you travel?

C.  What is the distance between Odessa and Dallas?

D.  Which region of Texas are you in now?

E.  What are some landforms and waterways near Dallas?

F.  Describe the climate and vegetation.

City 4, Houston

A.  To get from Dallas to Houston, which direction will you need to drive?

B.  What highway(s) will you travel?

C.  What is the distance between Dallas and Houston?

D.  Which region of Texas are you in now?

E.  What are some landforms and waterways near Houston?

F.  Describe the climate and vegetation.

Texas Highway Map

Texas Regions