Public Works and Government Services
CHECKLIST – Upon completion of your Green Procurement Plan please ensure that (check off each step once completed):The environmental criteria and specifications listed in your questionnaire are aligned with the criteria and specifications noted in the scorecard.
The plan is completed within a timeframe that allows for the integration of the proposed criteria and specifications in the upcoming Solicitation documents.
The plan has been reviewed by the Green Procurement Team in Acquisitions Branch (PSPMD)
The plan is properly formatted and translated.
The plan has been reviewed by the Office of greening Government Operations (OGGO), Environment Canada (EC), and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
GREEN PROCUREMENT PLAN – Part A: Questionnaire
Name of Good/Service and Description of Good/ServiceSolicitation/Contract Number
A. Key environmental impactsassociated with the good or service / What environmental issues are associated with the manufacturing and procurement of the item, including planning, acquisition, use/maintenance and disposal? (For example, greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions, Solid waste, Outdoor air contaminants, Hazardous waste, Energy and water efficiency, Toxic, hazardous chemicals (including indoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs)), Ozone depleting substances, Other impacts)
B. Mitigation Initiatives / List environmental criteria and specifications representing the Best in Class for industry (please list these in the scorecard also) These may include environmental conditions of the good or service itself, as well as those placed on suppliers, in terms of use, delivery, maintenance and disposal of goods and/or services.
Packaging issues associated with good/service and recommended supplier requirements:
- What steps do suppliers take to minimize packaging?
- Is packaging re-useable or at minimum recyclable?
- If recyclable, who is responsible for recycling it - GOC or supplier?
- Are there plans to have the supplier address all packaging disposal?
- How is communication with suppliers being conducted, to ensure that they are evolving their products to meet future environmental requirements? Provide details.
- Do suppliers currently provide a listing of environmental attributes offered within their goods/services? If yes, is this information readily accessible to government purchasers wishing to compare suppliers who have standing offers?
- Ecolabels in use (i.e., Environmental Choice Program (ECPP/ Ecologo), Green Seal, Hotel Rating, Envirodesic etc.)
- Indicate any industry-specific standards relating to environmental considerations and best practices.
- Note any relevant policies or legislation that are used to address environmental issues associated with the good/service.
NOTE: When completing this section please refer to Annex A: Recommended Environmental Considerations and Sample Environmental Clauses, Conditions and Instructions
C. Existing Green Procurement Initiatives – included in existing procurement instruments /
- Is the reduction of consumption being addressed as part of the Green Procurement strategy?
- Are surplus assets being used instead of buying new?
- Are there alternative goods/services being considered which minimize environmental impacts?
- Are there other internal initiatives being implemented that have green procurement implications? I.e. e-procurement, asset rationalization studies, etc.
- What Mandatory or Optional/point-rated environmental criteria or specifications are currently included in RFP/RFSO’s? (i.e., what environmental conditions are placed on suppliers, in terms of use, delivery, maintenance and disposal of goods and/or services?). (ensure these criteria are included in the scorecard – last RFx column – Part B)
- When was each of the above green procurement actions first incorporated into bid specifications?
D. Green Procurement Initiatives for the Upcoming RFx / Environmental Considerations / Sample Wording for Environmental Clauses, Conditions and Instructions
GoC commitment to Green Procurement
Standard paragraph stating commitment to integrating environmental considerations into GoC procurement
Suppliers are encouraged to offer or suggest green solutions whenever possible
Reports and Billing
Invoices and correspondence to be sent and processed electronically
Use of electronic signatures, where client capacity to accept them exists, to reduce paper consumption
Electronic transmission of documents from supplier to client/Draft reports are sent electronically
Limitations on number of hard copies of documents provided
Paper is certified as originating from a sustainably managed forest and/or has a minimum of 30% recycled content
Recycle (shred) unneeded copies of non-classified/secure documents
Use of reusable electronic devices is preferred
Supplier environmental attributes
Environmental management policies and practices
Regular completion of waste audits
Energy efficiency measures, such as use of ENERGY STAR qualified equipment where applicable
Consider the complete lifecycle of products and services provided
Eco-labels that indicate certification of supplier processes as environmentally preferable
Sound waste and disposal programs
Environmental Reporting
Supplier Operations When Delivering Service
Administrative practices that result in reduced paper consumption
Documents printed in duplex (double sided) format and printed in black and white
Efficient use of electric equipment to conserve energy
Where applicable, suppliers use ENERGY STAR qualified products, or equivalent, in their organizations
Goods Associated with Service Delivery
Environmental Certifications
1. Include the green procurement actions that will be in each of the following sections of the solicitation:
Clauses and ConditionsAre there any environmental clauses related to delivery, maintenance or disposal of the goods/services being purchased? Packaging? Please list them.
Specifications in the Statement of Work (SOW) After discussing the SOW with the clients, list the inclusions that are relevant to green procurement.
List of Environmental Evaluation Criteria (mandatory or rated) List the criteria related to green procurement that you have included in your evaluationdocuments (ensure these criteria are included in the scorecard – upcoming RFx column – Part B).
Financial Evaluation Are you evaluating the price of environmentally preferable goods and services? Have you considered the costs that will occur throughout the entire lifecycle? Have you given more weighting to the environmentally preferable line items?
2. Demonstrate how the green options within the procurement instrument are identified and communicated to users (client departments). For example:
- Where are green options identified? (i.e. S.O., good/service fact sheet, website, supplier catalogues or lists, other (name);
- If applicable, identify specific line items that are considered green.
E. Environmental criteria and specifications that have been identified in research but that will not be implemented in the upcoming RFx / List any green procurement actions that have been identified in research and that may be addressed in future solicitationsdocuments (ensure these criteria are included in the scorecard – future RFx column – Part B).
What issues exist to implementing optional and/or mandatory environmental criteria and specifications? What solutions are being pursued to address these issues?