Organ / Epithelium / Cell Type of Epithelium / Lamina Propria / Cells of Glands / Muscularis Mucosae / Submucosa / Muscularis Externa / Serosa or Adventitia
Esophagus / Stratified squamous nonkeratinized / Esophageal cardiac glands / Mucus-secreting / Longitudinal layer only / Esophageal glands proper / Inner circular and outer longitudinal (upper and middle region have skeletal muscle) / Adventitia( except serosa in abdominal cavity)
Cardiac stomach / Simple columnar / Surface lining cells (no goblet cells) / Cardiac glands, shallow gastric pits / Surface lining cells, mucosa neck cells, regenerative cells, DNES cells, parietal cells, chief cells / Inner circular, outer circular, and, in some places, outermost circular / No glands / Inner oblique, middle circular, outermost longitudinal / serosa
Fundic stomach / Simple columnar / Surface lining cells (no goblet cells) / Fundic glands / Surface lining cells, mucosa neck cells, regenerative cells, DNES cells, parietal cells / Inner circular, outer circular, and, in some places, outermost circular / No glands / Inner oblique, middle circular, outermost longitudinal / serpsa
Pyloric Stomach / Simple columnar / Surface lining cells (no goblet cells) / Pyloric glands; deep gastric pits / Surface lining cells, mucosa neck cells, regenerative cells, DNES cells, parietal cells / Inner circular, outer circular, and, in some places, outermost circular / No glands / Inner oblique, middle circular, outermost longitudinal / serpsa
Duodenum / Simple columnar(goblet cells) / Surface absorptive cells, goblet cells, DNES cells / Crypts of lieberkuhn / Surface absorptive cells, goblet cells, regenerative cells, DNES cells, paneth cells / Inner circular, outer longitudinal / Brunner’s glands / Inner circular, outer longitudinal / Serosa and adventitia
Jejunum / Simple columnar(goblet cells) / Surface absorptive cells, goblet cells, DNES cells / Crypts of lieberkuhn / Surface absorptive cells, goblet cells, regenerative cells, DNES cells, paneth cells / Inner circular, outer longitudinal / No glands / Inner circular, outer longitudinal / serosa
Ileum / Simple columnar(goblet cells) / Surface absorptive cells, goblet cells, DNES cells / Crypts of lieberkuhn; Peyer patches / Surface absorptive cells, goblet cells, regenerative cells, DNES cells, paneth cells / inner circular, outer longitudinal / No glands (Peyer patches may extend into this area) / inner circular, outer longitudinal / serosa
colon / Simple columnar(goblet cells) / Surface absorptive cells, goblet cells, DNES cells / Crypts of lieberkuhn / Surface absorptive cells, goblet cells, regenerative cells, DNES cells / inner circular, outer longitudinal / No glands / inner circular, outer longitudinal modiefied to form taeniae coli / Serosa and adventitia
Rectum / Simple columnar(goblet cells) / Surface absorptive cells, goblet cells, DNES cells / Shallow crypts of lieberkuhn / Surface absorptive cells, goblet cells, regenerative cells, DNES cells / inner circular, outer longitudinal / No glands / inner circular, outer longitudinal / adventitia
Anal canal / Simple cuboidal; stratified squamous nonkeratinized and keratinizied / Rectal columns; circumanal glands; at anus: hair follicles and sebaceous glands / inner circular, outer longitudinal / inner circular (forms internal anal sphincter, outer longitudinal (becomes fibroelastic sheet) / adventitia

DNES cell = enteroendocrine cell: manufacture endocrine, paracrine, and neurocrine hormones

Surface absorptive cells: tall columnar cells that function in terminal digestion and absorption of water and nutrients

Mucous neck cell: produce a soluble mucous that is mixed with and lubricates the chime, reducing friction as it moves along the digestive tract

Paneth cells: produce the antibacterial agent lysozyme

Crypts of lieberkuhn: ↑ surface area of intestinal lining

Brunner’s glands: produce a mucous, bicarbonate rich fluid as well as urogastrone (human epidermal growth factor)

Parietal cells: manufacture HCL and gastric intrinsic factor; both products released into lumen of stomach.

Chief cells: manufacture pepsinogen, rennin, and gastric lipase and release them into the lumen of the stomach.

Esophageal cardiac glands: produce mucous that coats the lining of the esophagus