Canadian Friends Service Committee

Application for Financial Supportfor Individuals


Who may apply?Canadian Friends and regular attenders who are undertaking activities related to peace and social justice, or are working to meet a social need (local, national, or international) may apply. Friends who have received CFSC Individual Grants within the past 3 years are encouraged to consider other sources of available funding so that more Friends may benefit from this program.

Please consider contacting us before you go to the trouble of filling in this form to check that your application will be eligible.

What kinds of projects qualify?Proposals should have a clear relationship to a Quaker Testimony, be well articulated in the application, and be supported by the applicant’s Monthly Meeting.

What expenses are eligible?The maximum grant is $2000. Eligible expenses include travel, living allowance, supplies and materials, and communications. Tuition and training expenses usually are not eligible.

Application deadline:Completed application packages are considered as they are received. Depending on the nature of the application, the process of discernment by CFSC can take up to 8 weeks. Applicants will be notified of a decision as soon as a decision is made. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the CFSC Toronto office ( or 416-920-5213).





Postal Code:



Monthly Meeting:

Are you a Member or an Attender?:


Title of project:

Start date:

Finish date:

Name and address of organization(s) with which you will work (if applicable):

  1. Briefly describe the project or activity and your goals or objectives in undertaking it:
  1. Briefly describe your role or the tasks you will perform:
  1. How does your proposed activity relate to a Quaker Testimony?


  1. Describe the nature of the organization with whom you will be working (if applicable): How did you learn about it? What kind of work do they undertake (and how do they do it)? How large is the organization? How long has it been active? How well equipped is it to work with international volunteers? Is it legally registered? Are you communicating to develop a clear plan for your time and in to agree on which activities in which you will be involved?
  1. Have you obtained the appropriate visa for a volunteer working in that country? Please give details.
  1. Please describe your contingency plans, e.g., in case co-operation with hosts does not work out as planned, or there is a need for emergency evacuation. What security and cultural training, if any, have you taken to prepare yourself? Are there any specific risks or challenges you foresee, and if so, how might you respond to these?(CFSC will review safety plans, including travel insurance arrangements and emergency contacts, with approved applicants)
  1. What preparations are you making to ensure that you are able to fully participate during your visit? (Language, cultural and technical orientation studies, health precautions [vaccinations, etc.], health insurance)
  1. How will this project or activity and your goals and objectives be evaluated?


On a separate page, please list the planned expenses (travel costs, materials, etc.) and income (grants from CFSC and your Meeting, personal contribution, etc.) related to your proposal. Specify what groups you are seeking funds from and which requests have been approved. Generally speaking, the total expenses and the total income should be the same figure. If you need help with your budget, please contact the CFSC office. Remember: maximum grant from CFSC is $2000.

Sample Budget: Poverty workshop – traveling ministry in lower mainland (BC) and southern Ontario



Airfare: $700.

Buses: $200.

Gas/local travel: $100.

Travel total: $1000.

Food: $200.

Materials (slides, paper, markers, etc.): $200.

Phone costs: $25.

Misc. $75.



Requested from CFSC: $500. (applied)

Requested from Meeting: $400. (approved – Vancouver MM)

Other sources of funding

(please identify): $400. (applied – Samuel Rogers Memorial Trust)

Personal contribution: $200. (committed)


PLEASE NOTE:Be sure to include the amount requested from CFSC in your budget and application.


Individuals seeking financial support from Canadian Friends Service Committee are asked first to seek support from their Monthly Meeting.

All applications must be accompanied by a letter from the applicant’s Monthly Meeting, or a copy of the appropriate minute indicating approval of the project and the application to CFSC.

The following Queries have been prepared to assist Monthly Meetings and applicants in this process.

The use of a Clearness Committee as a part of the discernment process is recommended. Please share these Queries with your Meeting, and your Clearness Committee if applicable, when you submit your proposal to them for consideration of support for your application to CFSC.

Queries for Monthly Meetings:

  • Is the Friend, in his or her intended action, rooted in the testimonies of Friends?
  • What need does the project serve? If the proposal involves working with a group of people, has that group beeninvolved in the development of the project's goals and objectives?
  • What support will the Monthly Meeting offer (personal, financial, practical)?
  • How might the Friend share their experience and learning with the Meeting?


Application documentation to submit:

Please include the following in your application package:

  1. Completed application form
  2. Letter (or minute) of support from your Monthly Meeting
  3. Letter of confirmation from organization(s) with which you will work (if relevant)
  4. Budget

Submitting application:

Please submit your application package via email

If you do not have email and need to send it via mail, please mail it to:

Canadian Friends Service Committee. 60 Lowther Avenue, Toronto, ON M5R 1C7


If your application for an Individual Grant is approved, you will need to submit the following documentation to CFSC upon completion of your project:

  1. Original receipts for expenses that you are using the grant funds to cover (e.g., receipt from airline ticket). If we do not receive original receipts, or photocopies of them with a notation of what agency (perhaps another funder) has the original receipts, then CFSC will consider the grant as income and issue you a T-4.
  2. Narrative report on your project. The report should cover the activities and goals/objectives of your project and evaluate how well they were met. It should also include a summary of incomes and expenses for your project.

In addition, Friends who receive grants are encouraged to consider how they might share what they have learned with the broader community through presentations to theirMeeting, Half-Yearly Meeting, Yearly Meeting, or through a communications tool such as The Canadian Friend or Quaker Concern.

More information on reporting will be sent to you if your grant application is approved.

Version: April 10, 2015