Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: High Voltage Wheeling Rate / Date: 04/01/09

Settlements & Billing

BPM Configuration Guide:High Voltage Wheeling Rates


Version 5.0

CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 9
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: High Voltage Wheeling Rate / Date: 04/01/09

Table of Contents

1.Purpose of Document




3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

3.3Successor Charge Codes

3.4Inputs – External Systems

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

3.6CAISO Formula


4.Charge Code Effective Date

1.Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Charge Code in one document.



The purpose of this calculation is to determine High Voltage Wheeling Rates for each Low or High Voltage Scheduling Point or Take-Out Point in order to collect High Voltage Wheeling Allocations (CC 382). Scheduling Coordinators that schedule Wheeling Out or Wheeling Through transactions to a Scheduling Point or Take-Out Point between the CAISO Controlled Grid and the transmission system of a Non-Participating Transmission Owner (Non PTO), that are located within the CAISO Control Area, shall provide the CAISO details of such transactions scheduled by them (other than transactions scheduled pursuant to Existing Contracts). The CAISO shall use such information, which may be subject to review by the CAISO, to settle Wheeling Access Charges (WAC) and payments

Once PTO’s FERC approved Transmission Revenue Requirement’s TRR (based on estimates) for the upcoming year are established, PTO’s with capacity entitlement at any System Resource defined as multi-owned must submit Capacity Entitlement quantities and the date range the Capacity Entitlement is in effect for each month of the upcoming year at least one month before the beginning of the new year. Any later revisions to Capacity Entitlement must also be submitted over the course of the year.


The High Voltage Wheeling Rate Pre-calculation calculates values that are used in successor wheeling rate related Charge Codes. For Scheduling Point or Take-Out Points where a single PTO holds all of the ownership or capacity Entitlement, the applicable High Voltage Wheeling Rate is based on the transmission Access Charge (TAC) Blended Rate of the TAC Area where the PTO with ownership or Entitlement resides. For multi-owned Scheduling Points, where ownership or capacity Entitlement is held by multiple PTO’s, the High Voltage Wheeling Rate reflects an average of the TAC Blended Rates of the TAC Area where the PTO’s with ownership or Entitlement reside, weighted by their relative share of capacity of the ownership or Entitlement.

High Voltage Wheeling rates are derived as daily rates for each Scheduling Point and Take-Out Point with the understanding that FERC related readjustments to a PTOs TRR (which results in recalculation of TAC Blended Rate) or revisions related to the PTO’s originally submitted capacity Entitlements occur infrequently. These adjustments can occur at any time and shall trigger a re-calculation of daily High Voltage Wheeling Access Charge.

CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 9
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: High Voltage Wheeling Rate / Date: 04/01/09

3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule
1.0 / High Voltage Wheeling Rate is calculated on a daily basis by Intertie ID Q, Trading Month m, and Trading Day d.
2.0 / Both Low Voltage Scheduling Point designated for exports AND Take-Out Point’s will have capacity entitlement held by no more than one PTO.
2.1 / Capacity Entitlement at any Take-Out Point or Scheduling Point where no more than one PTO holds entitlement will be set to one (1) for the purposes of the High Voltage Wheeling Rate Pre-calculation.
2.2 / For Scheduling Point or Take-Out Points where a single PTO holds Capacity Entitlement, the applicable High Voltage Wheeling Rate is based on the TAC Blended Rate of the TAC Area where the PTO with entitlement resides.
2.3 / Capacity Entitlement at a multi-owned Scheduling Point can change mid-month.
2.4 / For multi-owned Scheduling Point, where Capacity Entitlement is held by multiple PTO’s, the High Voltage Wheeling Rate reflects an average of the TAC Blended Rates of the Transmission Access Charge (TAC) Area where the PTO’s with entitlement reside, weighted by their relative share of Capacity Entitlement.
3.0 / Capacity Entitlement submitted by PTOs are entered as standing data by the Settlement Analyst at least one month before calculating the relevant Trading Month.
4.0 / Prior to the first Trading Month calculation for the year, CAISO will calculate for the purposes of creating an output file, the CG PC High Voltage Access Charge and Transition Charge and High Voltage Rates that will be in effect for the year as of a specified effective date.
4.1 / The calculation runs used to create the Rates’ output files can be an independent run from other settlement calculations as it is not tied to a specific Trading Day.
4.2 / At any time following the initial publication of the Rates’ output files, CAISO shall be able to recalculate rates using updated input data and the rates shall be output in a new versioned file for the purpose of publishing to CASIO web site.
4.3 / Recalculations of rates due to updated Capacity Entitlement or CG PC High Voltage Access Charge and Transition Charge shall always be output with the new effective dates for each of the relevant High and Low Voltage rates.
4.4 / The following data for each High and Low Voltage Take-out points shall be defined and stored in the settlement system for the purpose of posting in the yearly Rates’ file:
  1. PTO holding Capacity Entitlement
  2. Interconnection with Non PTO
  3. Take-Out Point Within CAISO Grid
  4. Voltage Level Designation

4.5 / The following data for each High and Low Voltage Wheeling Rate for a Scheduling Point where no more than one PTO holds Capacity Entitlement shall be defined and stored in the settlement system for the purpose of posting in the yearly rate file:
  1. PTO holding Capacity Entitlement to Scheduling Point
  2. Scheduling Point
  3. Voltage Level Designation
  4. High Voltage Wheeling Rate
  5. Low Voltage Wheeling Rate

4.6 / High Voltage Wheeling Rates for Scheduling Point where more than one PTO holds Capacity Entitlement shall be calculated at a monthly granularity and if a rate change occurs mid-month, its new effective date range is shown.
4.7 / The following data for each High Voltage Wheeling Rate for Scheduling Point where more than one PTO holds Capacity Entitlement shall be defined and stored in the settlement system for the purpose of posting in the yearly rate file:
  1. Scheduling Point
  2. Voltage (KV)
  3. Month
  4. High Voltage Wheeling Rate

CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 9
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: High Voltage Wheeling Rate / Date: 04/01/09

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
CG PC High Voltage Access Charge and Transition Charge

3.3Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
CC 382 – High Voltage Wheeling Allocation

3.4Inputs – External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description
1 / ExportCapableIndicator Q / Standing Data. Export Capable Indicator by Intertie ID Q. Indicator designating a Scheduling Point as being Export Capable. 1= Export capable. 0 = Not export capable
2 / CapacityEntitlementQuantity tvPQ / Standing Data. Capacity Entitlement Quantity by TAC Area v, PTO ID P, Resource ID r, Resource Type t, Intertie ID QEffective start date, Effective End Date (Data Submitted by PTO and input by Settlements Analyst into Standing data table one month before the start of each new year and as revisions to capacity entitlement occur over the new year)
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 9
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: High Voltage Wheeling Rate / Date: 04/01/09

3.5Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/ Pre-calc Configuration
1 / HighVoltageBlendedTACAreaRatevmd / CG PC High Voltage Access Charge and Transition Charge

3.6CAISO Formula

3.6.1BAIntertieHighVoltageWheelingSwapPrice BQPmd = attributeswap(PTOIntertieHighVoltageWheelingPrice QPmd)

NOTE: @attributeswap function is utilized in order to swap the PTO_ID attribute column over to the BA_ID attribute column

3.6.2PTOIntertieHighVoltageWheelingPrice QPmd= PTOSpecificHighVoltageWheelingRatePortion tQvPmd

3.6.3The ISO formula for High Voltage Wheeling Rateby Intertie ID Q, Trading Month m, and Trading Day d is as follows:

HighVoltageWheelingRate Qmd=PTOSpecificHighVoltageWheelingRatePortiontQvPmd

PTOSpecificHighVoltageWheelingRatePortion tQvPmd =(CapacityEntitlementQuantity tvPQ / TotalCapacityEntitlementQuantity tQmd) * HighVoltageBlendedTACAreaRate vmd

WhereResource Type (t) = “ETIE” Or “TOP”


ExportCapableIndicatorQ= 1

TotalCapacityEntitlementQuantitytQmd = CapacityEntitlementQuantitytvPQ


ExportCapableIndicator Q = 1 “Export” for Scheduling Point


Output ID / Name / Description
1 / In addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be included as outputs.
2 / HighVoltageWheelingRate Qmd / High Voltage Wheeling Rate by Intertie ID Q, Trading Month m, and Trading Day d.
3 / PTOSpecificHighVoltageWheelingRatePortion tQvPmd / PTO Specific High Voltage Wheeling Rate Portion by PTO ID P, Intertie ID Q, Resource Type t, TAC Area v,Trading Month m, and Trading Day d.
4 / PTOIntertieHighVoltageWheelingPrice QPmd / PTO Intertie High Voltage Wheeling Price by Intertie ID Q, PTO ID P, Trading Month m, and Trading Day d.
5 / BAIntertieHighVoltageWheelingSwapPrice BQPmd / BA Intertie High Voltage Wheeling Swap Price by BA ID B, Intertie ID Q, PTO ID P, Trading Month m, and Trading Day d.
6 / TotalCapacityEntitlementQuantitytQmd / Total Capacity Entitlement Quantityby Intertie ID Q, Resource Type t, Trading Month m, and Trading Day d.
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 9
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.0
Configuration Guide for: High Voltage Wheeling Rate / Date: 04/01/09

4.Charge Code Effective Date

Charge Code/
Pre-calc Name / Document Version / Effective Start Date / Effective End Date / Version Update Type
CG PC High Voltage Wheeling Rate / 5.0 / 04/01/09 / Open / Documentation Edits Only
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 9