What is the Foster Grandparent The Foster Grandparent Program offers seniors age 55 and older
Program (FGP)? opportunities to serve as mentors, tutors, and caregivers for
children and youth with special needs. Volunteers provide 15-40
hours of weekly service to schools, day care and youth centers.
How does the FGP benefit Foster Grandparents offer academic and emotional support to
communities? children, selected by the classroom teacher, who can benefit from
additional one-on-one assistance. These volunteers provide youth services that community budgets cannot afford and build bridges across generations through meaningful relationship development.
How does FGP operate locally? Livingston County Office for the Aging receives federal funding
from the Corporation for National and Community Service to
operate the Foster Grandparent Program in Livingston, Steuben
and Wyoming Counties. Federal dollars are brought into our local
community and services are made available through this grant
and funds from New York State Office for the Aging, Livingston
and Wyoming Offices for the Aging and Volunteer Site donations.
What organizations are eligible Public and parochial schools, Head Start and nonprofit day care
for FGP assistance? centers, child and youth organizations that qualify as FGP
volunteer stations.
What benefits do Foster Foster Grandparent volunteers receive modest tax-free stipends,
Grandparents receive? reimbursement for transportation, meals (school lunch if offered
by the site), annual physical examination reimbursement, and
excess accident and liability insurance while volunteering.
Who can be a Foster Grandparents must meet income eligibility requirements
Foster Grandparent? and be at least 55 years of age. They must complete an applica-
tion, satisfactory interview, provide acceptable reference checks, and participate in pre-service orientation and on-going monthly in-service trainings. Background checks through the NYS Unified Court System, National Sex Offender Registry checks and (begin-
ing 2012) FBI fingerprint checks are conducted by the FGP office.
What benefits do schools and With ever changing learning standards and expectations for
volunteer sites receive? students to perform well with academic, social and emotional skills, educators are required to do more at every grade level. Teachers can benefit from an “extra set of eyes and hands” in the classroom. Through volunteer service, extra support for teachers and students can be provided very economically. We request an average of 50¢ per hour donation to support a FG volunteer in the classroom. Please note that no one will be denied service because of the inability to contribute. The inter-generational relationships developed are priceless.