Mrs. Baker’s Lesson Plans

Third grade, Room 9


Week of: Jan. 19-13

Monday 9 / Tuesday 10 / Wednesday 11
8:30-9:00 / Board math./
Correct hw / Board math./
Correct hw
9:00 – 9:45
Reading: Emperor’s New Clothes
9:45-10:16 / Word knwl. 250K
Vocab defn’s 250P
PP & BB 240 O&P
Rowley/Board math / Choral read with skills
Rowley/Board math / Partner read with
1 class. & cat.
2 game of story type definitions
Rowley/Board math
10:15-10:30 recess / Yard duty
Math / Review perimeter, area and volume and give assessment / 2 digit mult 348 / Solve a simpler problem strategy 356
Writing/English / Curriculum Assocs.
Math, pt 2 / Articles, Engl p. 202 / Write a picture description using the important picture elements: prewrite (model, but leave some out) & draft
12-12:40 / Juliana W
12:40-1:15 / Silent read/AR/small groups / Silent read /AR/reading buddies / Silent read/
1:15- 1:30
Homework/cursive / homework / Cursive word prac. / Wed. folders
Social studies/sci / Library
Rock, paper, scis. / Yokuts Round Robin Lap & fitness
2-2:30 P.E.
Homework / S 5x
M Prob solv 14.6vol
L “The girl wore beautiful clothes.” / S alpha
M P 15.3 2 digitX
L articles 21 Spec.LA / S entences
M P 15.6 simp probl
L Weekly Reader
Thursday 12 / Friday 13
Correct hw / Correct hw
Vocabulary sentences
Rowley& board math / Spelling test
Prepare for reading test
Rowley & board math
Yard duty
Multiples of 10, 100, 1000 368 / Reading test
Revision: discuss and list points they should look for – then they self-revise
Show them how to do it without erasing, model with mine / Find a pattern p. 370
Goes with X10, 100, 1000
Board lang./Silent reading/AR/ small group/ Mrs. C / Mrs. B. reads
Curr. Assocs. Math pt 2 / Clean desks/free p.e.
Parking lot duty
S tudy
M P 16.1 multiples of 10, 100, 1000
L articles, Gram. P.65