Why it Works

Successful freelancers know how to set and achieve goals. A SMART goal helps you focus your business. Mini-goals let you make steady progress toward your larger goal.

Yes, I want to make 2017 my best year ever
in freelancing!



2017 SMART Goal

See the next page for a SMART goal example.

In 2017, I want to:



(By when)

SMART Goal Example

Goal: “Make $20,000 more in 2017 than in 2016 by getting 3-5 new clients.”

What: Make $20,000 more in 2017 than in 2016

How: Get 3-45 new clients and 20% more business from current clients

By when: December 31, 2017

SMART Goal Checklist

  • Is my goal specific?
  • Can I measure my goal?
  • Can I achieve (or attain) my goal?
  • Is my goal relevant (important to my freelance business)?
  • Is my goal time bound (is there a deadline for achieving my goal)?

If you can check all of these items, you’ve set a SMART goal. If you can’t, revise your goal until you can.

2017 Mini-Goals

Break your SMART goal down into easily achievable mini-goals to keep you motivated and help you make progress toward your SMART goal.

Mini-Goal Example


“Make $20,000 more in 2017 than in 2016 by getting 3-5 new clients.”

Quarterly mini-goal (for first quarter of 2017):

Research 100 new prospects, with a focus on [TYPE OF CLIENTS] and start direct email campaign.

Actions to achieve this mini-goal:

1.  Each month:

•  Research 30-40 prospects each month

•  Prioritize prospects into 3 lists: hot prospects, routine prospects, and lukewarm prospects

2.  March:

•  Start direct email campaign

•  Send about 5 direct emails per week

Review and assess progress toward mini-goal:

Last 2 weeks in March

Deadline to achieve this mini-goal:

March 31, 2017

Mini-Goal Timelines

Set mini-goals to work on each quarter, month, or 10-day period:

•  Quarterly mini-goals work best if you’re doing well and just want to do a little better, expand your focus, etc.

•  Monthly mini-goals are a good choice if you want or need to build your business quickly.

•  10-day mini-goals are the fastest way to build your business but will take the most work.

Include the actions you’ll take to achieve each mini-goal.

To achieve my SMART goal, I will:

Mini-goal #1:

Actions to achieve this mini-goal:

Action #1:

Action #2

Action #3:

Deadline to achieve this mini-goal:

Mini-goal #2:

Actions to achieve this mini-goal:

Action #1:

Action #2

Action #3:

Deadline to achieve this mini-goal:

Repeat for each mini-goal. Add as many actions as you need.

Goal Review

Review how you’re doing quarterly (every 25 days if you’re setting a 100-day goal). It’s okay if you need to adjust your SMART goal and mini-goals.

The key is to keep making progress.

Learn from what worked well and from what you struggled with. Figure out how to do better in the next quarter.