Date: October 5, 2012 Number on council: 12

Date of Senate Meeting: October 4th, 2012 Number present: 12

Prepared by Shelby Burton

Senate Chair Ryan Lee called the Senate meeting of the 2012-2013 Senate to order at 4:00 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.

Roll Call

The following Senators were not present at the meeting:

-All Present

Approval of Minutes

Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate meeting

Second: Senator Creaser

Discussion: None

Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.

Call to the Audience


Unfinished Business


New Action Business

Item a: Mayor Jerry Neighbors, mayor of Flagstaff for approximately four months, reports that the last few months have been very busy. He has been working on the relationships between the school and the city. There are two groups that meet regularly. “One Community” brings both representatives from the city and from NAU to work on common issues; “Good Neighbor Committee” works on immediate concerns between the two. For example, in the last meeting, the homecoming parade was discussed. It has been decided that the location will be changed, so as to help with city complaints (ie: drunken students from tequila sunrise, trash, etc). In addition, Mayor Neighbors reports about a fairly large problem with parking; residents of Flagstaff constantly have blocked driveways and cars on their streets, much of which are student’s cars. Mayor Neighbors points out his concern for pedestrian traffic, as well, explaining that it is a safety concern to have pedestrians walking around the on/off ramp of a freeway because there are no sidewalks. He reminds the citizens to “not throw rocks at each other.” For example, while Flagstaff does spend lots of money on police for downtown, the students help give back money to the bars in return. He says that his goal is to increase the school spirit throughout the city by putting flags up around the city and linking downtown to many NAU events. Mayor Neighbors was a 1971 graduate of NAU, so this school has a special place in his heart.

Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item b, Club Recognition: American Red Cross Club

Second: Senator Creaser

Discussion: The focus of this club is to hold events like blood drives, provide volunteer opportunities, and educate the general public about disaster preparedness. They plan on holding CPR demonstrations and participating in Make-A-Difference Day by putting a booth in the mall and handing out an ad to scan onto smart phones that provides an app for emergency situations. Senator Fox asks why there is a cap on the number of students allowed. Nicole, the co-president, explains that forty people is the perfect number to become a close knit group of students with more volunteer opportunities. However, they would consider expanding once they gain more notoriety.

Vote: Unanimous, item b (Club Recognition: American Red Cross Club) has been approved

Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on item c, Club Recognition: Art Through All Mediums

Second: Senator Creaser

Discussion: The focus of this club is to make art a social event. Their first event will be next Friday from 5 to 8 P.M. and will include open mic as well as open canvas. All students are welcome. Senator Woodhouse asks where the meetings will be held; the representative responds that she has gotten approval for the Green Scene Café

Vote: Unanimous, item c (Club Recognition: Art Through All Mediums) has been approved

Motion: Senator Lopez move to vote on item d, Club Recognition: Mixed Martial Arts Club

Second: Senator Chan

Discussion: The two people in charge of this club have had twenty years of experience in martial arts, in a variety of different techniques. The purpose of this club is to bring everyone together with a common love for martial arts in a safe environment and learn from each other’s experiences. Senator Fox asks where the meetings will be held; the representatives reply that this is the only detail that has not been officially decided yet.

Vote: Unanimous, item d (Club Recognition: Mixed Martial Arts Club) has been approved

Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on item e, Club Recognition: Native American Cultural Enrichment

Second: Senator Creaser

Discussion: The goal of this club is to bring Native American culture onto the campus, especially for people who are students and miss their cultural experiences. They plan on taking trips to ancient ruins like Montezuma’s Castle, as well as participate in traditional activities like basket-weaving and making fry-bread.

Vote: Unanimous, item e (Club Recognition: Native American Cultural Enrichment) has been approved

Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item f, Club Recognition: Northern Arizona University Pre-Dental Club

Second: Senator Lake

Discussion: The purpose of this club is to prepare students interested in this field by providing leadership opportunities, volunteer information, and practice for their aptitude test. They wish to plan events that will increase oral health awareness through reaching out to dental schools and health centers, especially North Country Dental Clinic. They will be making their own website because they do not wish to rely on social media to plan events. Senator Chan inquires about their dues; he explains that their dues are $1. Senator Lake asks why there are only five people anticipated to participate; he responds that they are expanding once approved.

Vote: Unanimous, item f (Club Recognition: Northern Arizona University Pre-Dental Club) has been approved

Motion: Senator Creaser move to vote on item g, Club Recognition: Poi Club of NAU

Second: Senator McDiarmid

Discussion: The goal of this club is to be a creative outlet for students who have unique interests and want to channel their creativity in a healthy and meditative way. Senator Lake asks what the requirements to join the club are; he responds that you just need socks, tennis balls, and an interest in poi.

Vote: Unanimous, item g (Club Recognition: Poi Club of NAU) has been approved

Motion: Senator Creaser move to vote on item h, Club Recognition: Pokemon Intra-Collegiate Authorized Trainer’s Union

Second: Senator McDiarmid

Discussion: The purpose of this club is to bring individuals together who enjoy pokemon. They plan on watching episodes, doing monthly movie nights, participating in tournaments (video and card), and learning about the culture behind pokemon. Senator Woodhouse inquires whether there are other clubs like this at other universities; he replies that he does not know.

Vote: Unanimous, item h (Club Recognition: Pokemon Intra-Collegiate Authorized Trainer’s Union) has been approved

Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on item i, Club Recognition: Society of Student Sociologists

Second: Senator Lopez

Discussion: The purpose of this club is to branch community service and educating peers together through participating in projects like food drives while handing out pamphlets to educate the public on poverty and homelessness. This club used to be on NAU, but died out, so they are trying to revive it.

Vote: Unanimous, item i (Club Recognition: Society of Student Sociologists) has been approved

Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item j, IA: Krystal Jaeger, $50

Second: Senator Boruch

Discussion: This money will fund a CCJ480 capstone project on civil dialogue. It will bring facilitators from ASU to help facilitate a debate on public policy in a professional manner. The money will pay for their gas to drive to Flagstaff. Senator Woodhouse asks what other funding they received will go toward; she responds that it will go toward possible hotel and event fees. She also explains that the event will be open to the public and will be advertised through facebook, flyers, and word of mouth.

Vote: 11 in favor, 1 abstains, item j (IA: Krystal Jaeger, $500) has been approved

Motion: Senator Chan move to vote on item k, OA: Flagstaff Derby Fury, $170

Second: Senator Boruch

Discussion: The money will go toward a roller derby event. Roller derby is a new sport to NAU and has 20 students. They believe it positively impacts society and promotes healthy living. The team has been invited to be referees or simply audience members. Senator Woodhouse asks if there are dues; she says that it is $11 per month or $30 per semester. The money will cover gas.

Vote: Unanimous, item k (OA: Flagstaff Derby Fury, $170) has been approved

Motion: Senator McDiarmid move to vote on item l, OA: Student Environmental Caucus, $500

Second: Senator Fox

Discussion: The organization is asking for money to attend a conference in L.A. for a week. This will sponsor five students who will be presenting on sustainability and social justice. It is a great opportunity to network for grad schools and jobs.

Vote: Unanimous, item l (OA: Student Environmental Caucus, $500) has now been approved

Motion: Senator Tenney move to vote on item m, SB 25-17: ASNAU Budget Line 125 (Student Environmental Caucus), $1654.34

Second: Senator Creaser

Discussion: Senator Lake asks how many students will be in attendance; there will be five. The money will pay for hotel and gas, so Senator Lake asks what the organization will be paying for; Senator Woodhouse replies with food. Senator Woodhouse also points out that this is what was funded last year. Senator Fox explains that it averages to be about $400 per person. Senator Lake says that ASNAU cannot fund every club’s events 100%. Senator McDiarmid says that, on the other hand, the money would be helping NAU’s green reputation. Senator Creaser suggests that we take the gas money out of the bill because that means each student will only have to pay $24 for gas. Senator Woodhouse and Senator Fox agree that this is a good compromise.

Motion: Senator Lake move to amend the bill (SB 25-17: ASNAU Budget Line 125- Student Environmental Caucus) to allocate up to $1534

Second: Senator Boruch

Discussion: None

Vote: Unanimous, the bill (SB 25-17: ASNAU Budget Line 125- Student Environmental Caucus) is now amended to allocate up to $1534

Discussion: None

Vote: Unanimous, item m (SB 25-17: ASNAU Budget Line 125 (Student Environmental Caucus), $1534) has been approved

Motion: Senator Creaser move to vote on item n, SB 25-18: ASNAU Budget Line 156 (Sigma Nu Philanthropy), $466

Second: Senator Lake

Discussion: The Sigma Nu representative announces that the bill will help fund an event where the proceeds go to charity. The fraternity’s goal is to raise $2,000 for St. Mary’s Food Bank. The event is based off of “Hunger Games” and will include field day activities and eating competitions. Chairman Lee reminds everyone that there is a conflicting bylaw that does not fund philanthrophies, so the senate will have to discuss it more. Senator Smart points out that she interpreted the bylaw as stating that as long as the funding goes toward funding the event and not the charity itself, then the action can be approved. She also states that is unfair for a club to get this far into the process and then be denied the money.

Motion: Senator Smart move to amend the bill (SB 25-18) to read “line 125,” not “line 156”

Second: Senator Lake

Discussion: None

Vote: Unanimous, the bill (SB 25-18) now reads “line 125,” not “line 156”

Disc: fox: we can fund tables, chairs, trash cans? Yes; lake: his interpretation was that he could not help with event, but would like to discuss with leg committee but could ratify document like materials to fund; lee: by laws in front of you because as senate if it something we want to support we need to change bilaws; cross: suspend bylaw today pending review not fair to present and then say we cannot vote, we must take it upon ourselves, we have done similar acts; lake: if we pass it pending that if we have to go back on it, then it would put us in a difficult spot committee should discuss, would like to see table; Kristi: bylaws it says what phil event is defined as: event that is raising funds to give to another cause; mcdiarmid: if we tabled this, would they have to represent? No; lee: caution that the senate needs to consider but to pass it pending would leave them in the dark; cross: informal poll that this should still be in the bylaws, then there should not have long disc; if not in bylaws, who would support it? Majority; pres: if chosen not to vote now, could there be a special session? Lee: event in three weeks, so I think we should vote now; Kristi: approve like cross, approve it pending the review approve it pending changes in the bylaws will be binded to commitment; lake: suspend it for today? Suspend it now and then abide by what the bylaws say; woodhouse: agree with Kristi; fox: agree with lake, get it out of the way, wont make them wait; if we do it the other way around though, suspend it now, then discuss; lake we should check on suspending bylaws, do it in motion so that it only applies to that motion; Kristi: either way, but can attach; in OAs cannot pay for materials, Sammy dodgeball situation would have to give it back to us cannot fund equipment or jerseys for athletic club on campus; cross: we did fund for equip for sports club, hockey team; mcdiarmid: outside opinion, if we wil fund to have things, asnau could be involved for since it is for the students; fox: estab big precedent in what an item and material can be, I fear that we will have this disc every time, suggest taking it out so we can have more clarity; lake: I know we have approved similar things, why was it put in the bylaws and OAs? Dr b: local revenue instead of fee dollars, state laws and regs where money could be directed, has been happening for years if there is event planning costs for activity this has prob already been funded, religious group ex we can fund social or travel but not actual charity; creaser: circles, we are agreeing that this IS happening, the disc is for how to go around the bylaws; cross: did fund at least one event last year; lee: first make motion to suspend article 8, section 6, subsection A of bylaws; then move to amend bill to take out dodgeball; then, if leg wants to disc it, then they can; woodhouse: with dodgeball, what about rope?