RCPS Gifted Collaboration Teacher Contract 2015-2016
The GA DOE allows school systems to serve gifted students through a variety of service models: advanced content, cluster, resource, and collaboration. In the collaboration model, gifted students are served as a small group within a regular classroom teacher’s room. However, in order to claim those students for FTE purposes, the following regulations must be met:
1. The collaborating gifted teacher must have a clear renewable GaPSC approved gifted education endorsement. (This person must be approved by the Academic Rigor Coordinator.)
2. The gifted teacher, the regular classroom teacher, and the gifted student(s) (when appropriate) collaborate and document the development of differentiated instructional strategies, Georgia standards based curriculum, and evaluations practices.
3. The collaborating regular classroom teacher and gifted teacher must be provided adequate planning time which must be documented and approved by the LEA. In CPI, the regular education teacher is the teacher of record and the gifted program teacher in recorded in the consultative subject code.
4. The gifted education teacher must be given one full period each week or its monthly equivalent during which he/she has only gifted education collaborative planning responsibilities (as determined by the local system) for every three classes in which he/she has collaborative teaching responsibilities.
5. The total number of gifted students whose instruction may be modified through this collaborative approach may not exceed eight per class. For example, if the gifted program teacher is working with three classroom teachers during the first period of the school day, there may be no more than 24 gifted students (for whom curriculum is being differentiated divided among the three classes).
6. Instructional segments that have been modified for gifted learners may be counted at the gifted FTE weight if the gifted education teacher, and regular education teacher document the curriculum modifications made for the gifted students in the following way:
a. separate lesson plans which show the reason(s) why any student whose instruction is counted at the gifted FTE weight needs an advanced curriculum in that particular content area (e.g., National norm reference tests and/or benchmark tests,);
b. a time and discussion log of the collaborative planning sessions between the teachers
c. individual or small group contracts indicating the differentiated learning standards for the gifted student(s) and the alternative instructional strategies in which the gifted student(s) will be engaged.
RCPS Expectations for Regular Classroom Teacher:
1. You will meet with the assigned gifted specialist once per week for a minimum of 45 minutes per subject area that is being counted at the gifted FTE weight.
2. You will complete, and keep on file, an individual contract for each gifted student in your classroom.
3. You will differentiate your lesson plans to show A). why the student is receiving gifted services in that subject area, and B). the differentiated activities, assessments, etc. that the student is receiving in that subject area.
4. Your classroom instruction will demonstrate the differentiated instruction for the gifted students.
By signing below, I agree to adhere to the GA DOE regulations and RCPS expectations for collaboration teachers, as outlined above.
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