IT 105B

Mechanical Power Transmission


Spring 2011

Instructor:Tom Bruns
Office:EIT Bldg.
Phone: 775 753-2008
Office Hours: TBA

Course Information
Course Title: / Mechanical Power Transmission
Course Number: / IT 105B
Course Discipline: / Industrial Millwright Technology
Course Description: / A four credit lecture, demonstration, and laboratory course in the study and application of bearings, belt and mechanical drives, chains and chain drives, couplings, clutches, gears, and fluids in the transmission of power usedin industrial processes.
Course Prerequisites / None
Course Location: / IMT Classroom
Course Times: / 7 AM – 12 Noon Monday – Thursday
Course Credits: / 2 Credits
Required Textbooks: Reading Assignments: / Industrial Mechanics by Kemp ISBN: 0-8269-3690-3
Oct. 8 – Oct. 11 Chapter 10 & 11 Bearings & Belt Drives
Oct. 15 – Oct. 18 Chapter 12 Mechanical Drives & Clutches
Oct. 22 – Oct. 25 Hand Outs on Couplings, Chain Drives, and Fluid Drives. Other reading assignments pertaining to laboratory work will also be assigned.
Learner Expected Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will have a competency level to trouble shoot and repair power transmissions and their various components.
The student will:
Know the proper way to remove and install bearings. (1), (2), (3)*
Know how to size and select bearings for proper application. (1), (2), (3)
Know the proper way to remove and install flexible belts and belt drives. (1), (2), (3)
Know how to size and select flexible belts for proper application. (1), (2), (3)
Know the proper way to remove and install chains and chain drives. (1), (2), (3)
Know how to size and select chain drives for proper application. (1), (2), (3)
Know how trouble shoot and repair mechanical drives. (1), (2), (3)
Know how to select and install mechanical drives in the correct application. (1), (2), (3)
Know the proper way to remove and install couplings. (1), (2), (3)
Know how to size and select couplings for proper application. (1), (2), (3)
(*) Numbers represent the learner outcome measurement method.
Measurement of Learner Outcomes
(1) Written Examination
(2) Practical Evaluation – Students will be asked to show competence by kinesthetic demonstration.
(3) Verbal – Students demonstrate competence by presenting oral demonstrations in groups and individually.
Students will be tested for knowledge and skill attainment through written tests comprised of questions taken from handouts, reading assignments, homework and lectures. Laboratory assessments will consist of practical, verbal and written examinations. Quizzes may be unannounced, but tests will be announced at least one class period before they are given.
Method of Instruction
A combination of lecture, discussion, demonstrations, and film/video presentations will be used in classroom training.There will also be hands-on training in the lab.
Course Requirements
Safety principles will be covered as pertaining to the subject matter.
Students will complete training on all needed shop equipment.
Students will be required to hand in homework assignments by due date.
Students will be required to hand in shop exercise assignments.
Attendance Policy: / Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Exceptions may be discussed with the instructorwith suitable make-up activities agreed upon. All course work is due on the assigned dateswhether or not the student is present. The instructor assumes no responsibility for making sure studentsreceive any course material for which they were absent.
Students with Disabilities: / GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer (Julie Byrnes) in Elko at 775.753.2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.
Grading Policy and Grading Scale
Grades will be weighted according to the following scale:
Class Participation, Assignments, Tests and Quizzes – 50%
Lab Assignments, Lab Tests and Lab Quizzes – 50%
Grade Scale:
A 90% – 100%
B 80% – 89%
C 70% – 79%
D 60% – 69%
F Below 60%