Patient Forum Thursday 22nd January


Valerie Fabry; Valerie Wilkins; Cathryn Trezise; Suzanne Pike; Madge Green; Ted Smiley; Al Corbett; Sara Pearson; Janet Maines; Edward Green; Suzanne Nicholls; Dr Kate Russell; Christine McIntosh.


Gordon Radley; Sue Haworth-Edwards; Philippa Fabry

Suzanne N opened the meeting @ 6.35pmby thanking everyone for attending and offered a 90 second “soapbox” for everyone to have an opportunity for their say.

Amongst points raised were -

  • new Dementia Lead Practice Nurse in the Surgery , Suzanne Pike
  • GP’s are proactive in asking patients if they have memory concerns
  • Dr Wernick is the Dementia partner lead for the CCG
  • There is a need for dementia support for family and where to go for advice
  • Madge’s Really Useful List
  • Availability of weekend surgeries
  • raisingtelephone appointment awareness
  • hospital letters being emailed to save delays
  • Rushmoor-based bias in CCG

NE Hants and Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group(CCG)

VF attended a meeting on 21st January and explained the background for more recent Forum members.

Our Patient Participation Group (PPG), which we have had for many years, has now evolved into the current Patient Forum. Each GP Surgery is invited to send a representative to the overarching NE Hants andFarnham CCG. Currently more participation from the Farnham area is required.

VF is also very keen to promote Plain English at these meetings to make easier for lay people to understand.

VF will attend the next meeting and SN encouraged members of virtual group to send messages to her. Discussion on how to engage patients with the virtual group – good noticeboard and prompt reaction to feedback from patients so they feel their comments are valued

Feedback on Action Points from previous meeting

Suzanne N updated

  • Children’s area – a small area had been created with posters and books
  • Reception doors – a bid had been put in to NHS England for a grant towards Automated doors and they are due to be fitted in February
  • Notice boards – refreshed with new backing. Themed boards for Community, Carers, Patient Forum etc. as had been requested.

Directory of Services

CT and the team involved in this were thanked for their time and dedication over the last year in compiling it for patients to access. MG had developed a Really Useful List a few years ago and the group have expanded on this idea using the surgery Telephone Directory but deleting sensitive telephone numbers such as staff. Now almost complete and it is hoped to add it to the website soon. Discussion followed on how to make it accessible to patients in other ways as well.

VF suggested a launch date at the next Forum in June andCM suggested following it up at the Flu Clinics in September

Carol Searle

Carol, from Waverley Leisure, and who was with the Forum Table at the last Flu clinic promoting Well Being, is now in the Surgery once a week linking in with Diabetic Clinics and offering those patients, or any in the Surgery,with Cancer, Memory problems, Overweight or Respiratory problems, an opportunity to take up a leisure activity.

Virtual Group

SN hopes to increase representation and ethnicity within the group and gave out forms for the members present. VF reported that the group now has 40 members. TS suggested texting, Dr R another promotion in National PPG week in June. CM said Virtual Group invitation slips go out with new Registration packs.

SN thanked everyone for attending and VW for providing the refreshments. The meeting closed @8.10pm