Chapter 4 Quiz

1. The characteristics of human populations and segments, especially those used to identify consumer markets.

a)Competitive Intelligence




2. All of these factors make up the political/regulatory environment EXCEPT.

a)Political Parties

b)Government organizations

c)Laws and Regulations

d)Economic Situation

3. A group of people of the same generation who have similar purchasing behaviors because of shared experiences and stage in life.



c)Generational Cohorts

d)Alpha Moms

4. ______is used to collect and synthesize information about their position with respect to a firm’s competitors.

a)Data Mining


c)Technological Advances

d)Competitive Intelligence

5. All of these are examples of a consumers immediate marketing environment EXCEPT.



c)Corporate Partners


6. This factor of a consumer’s environment aligns firms with manufactures, suppliers and other economic opportunities to increase efficiency.


b)Information Systems

c)Corporate Partners

d)Supply Chain Management

7. Collection of shared meanings, beliefs, morals, values and customs of a group of people that is passed on through generations.





8. Tweens have gained an immense amount of purchasing power recently totaling and estimated ______annually in the U.S. alone.

a)150 Billion

b)260 Billion

c)380 Billion

d)90 Billion

9. This agency handles complaints of privacy invasion and unwanted telephone solicitors.

a)Federal Trade Commission

b)Federal Communication Commission

c)Securities and Exchange Commission

d)World Trade Organization

10. Which of the following is considered a key input in Social Responsibility Programs?






  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A

1) Firms use ______to collect and synthesize information about their position with respect to their rivals.
A. the Internet
B. macromarketing measures
C. scenario planning
D. competitive intelligence
2) The ______comprises political parties, government organizations, and legislation and laws.
A. Political environment
B. Political/Regulatory environment
C. Global environment
D. Regulatory environment

3) In the immediate environment, the first factor that affects the consumer is the ______.

A. Technology

B. Culture

C. Demographics

D. Firm

4) Which of the following are considered to be macroenvironmental factors that operate in the external environment?

A. Social issues

B. Technological advances

C. Demographics

D. All of the above

5) Many experts believe that the ______is the biggest strength to Wal-Mart’s success in the retail business.

A. Supply Chain

B. Economy

C. 138 million customers

D. Size

6) Which of the following is not a Social Trend in Marketing?

A. Greener Consumers

B. Privacy Concerns

C. Country Culture

D. Time-Poor Society

7) Technological Advances in Marketing Include:

A. New Products

B. Satellites

C. New Forms of Communication

D. A and C

8) Which of the following affect firms’ ability to market goods and services?

A. Inflation

B. Foreign currency fluctuations

C. Interest rates

D. All of the above

9) Indicate the characteristics of human populations and segments, especially those used to identify consumer markets.

A. Demographics

B. Generational Cohort

C. Country Culture

D. Political/Regulatory Environment

10) Involves the region in which people live in a particular country?

A. Demographics

B. Regional Culture

C. Culture

D. Country Culture

Answer Key:

1) D

2) B

3) D

4) D

5) A

6) C

7) D

8) D

9) A

10) B