Coventry Meadows Property Owners Association

January 26, 2010

7:00—Meeting called to order.

Board Members Present: Bill, Steve, Bonnie, Ryan, Matt and Tiffany (management company).

Bill—motion to call meeting to order.


Steve are we going to give residence copy of the minutes?

Management—I don’t think so, we give them the minutes for the annual meeting, because they have the opportunity to vote at the end. The other meeting minutes are for the board only, but are available to any member upon written request.

Bonnie—They are available on the web site.

Bonnie—motion to approve the minutes from last minutes.


Committee Reports


Steve—do we have any one here from the ARC.

Management—Matt is here. He resigned as chairman, but I think he is still on the board. We need a new chairman since the last one resigned.

Matt—I will be the chairman again.

Steve—We need more people on the board, so please put the word out if you know anyone who is interested.

Neighborhood watch

Bonnie—Nothing new for the neighborhood watch.

Resident—I caught two kinds trying to steal lights off of my garage. I found two drive way lights they stole from someone else in the middle of the road. They just ran off, so I didn’t call the police.

Steve—In the future I would really appreciate if you would go ahead and call the police.

Bill—even if they can’t do anything about it, they will patrol more if they have more complaints from the community.

Bonnie—you can even just let me know, if you don’t want to call the police and I will take care of it. I have put the numbers up you need to call on the website.

Bill—you can just use the nonemergency number.

Management report

Management—Closed the books with a total of $29,858 in the checking and savings combined (including reserve allocation of $7,618).

Unfinished business

Lights at tot lot

Management—Spoke with power company—they will install lights one for $1,400 two for $1,700. They would suggest two lights installed for two reasons one the diameter of the lights would shine and two the cost. They would look like the other lights around the neighborhood.

Tot lot

Bill—I have measured the tot lot and put together a proposal to clean it up. Clean up the little woods behind it and the memorial garden (cut tree limbs up to 6”). The quotes are for between $5,000 and $7,500. The mulch is the most expensive part of it. One of the quotes includes some landscaping (bushes and hydro seeding to stop the erosion). I wanted them to level up the tot lot and mulch it. We are waiting for one more bid, and after we get it we will look at the bids and pick one. We are getting some reserves built up, and so now we have money to do projects like this.

Resident—Do you think it will be done before spring?

Bill—Yes, I have been working on this for months. It has taken a long time to get in the bids.

Resident—Are we liable for injuries at the tot lot?

Bill—We have insurance to cover us for that.

Resident—Over the last three years, there have been three children that have broken bones at the tot lot.

New Business

County/Lee Hill School Board Meeting:

Steve—There is a meeting for the Lee Hill school district meeting tomorrow.

Bill—I think it was last night.

Steve—That was for the county this is for the just Lee Hill school district. I just wanted to let everyone know if they wanted to participate.


Management—We need to do an audit, I would suggest a full audit. It would cost $1,200. I spoke with another company and they made an offer to give residents a 30% discount if we would mail out the flyers they would provide to home owners. A compilation is $350, but the full audit is $1,200.

Steve—I don’t think that we need to pay to send out their advertisement.

Matt—Yeah, just use turbo tax.

Bonnie—I think we should do the full audit if it has been five years since last audit.

Management—It has been three years.

Bonnie—I still think it is a good idea.

Steve—Lets do that.

Management—I have the engagement letter.

Residence Forum

Resident—I missed the meeting where we talked about the bikes being stolen.

Bonnie—Yeah, I think information was on the web site for a while, and I still the information about keeping the garage doors closed.

Resident—I found out that the bike thing lead to a much bigger deal involving drugs, but they took care of it and those children are no longer coming into our neighborhood.

Steve—There are kids cutting through, and we need to stop that.

Matt—my neighbor just put up a fence and that has stopped the children cutting through by my house.

Residence—My neighbor is putting up a fence, but he has already spoken with the children cutting through and put a stop to it.


Board members introduce themselves to new resident and all residents in attendance introduce themselves to new resident.

Management—Next meeting will be April 27 and May 25 for annual meeting. If that is ok with the church.

Steve, Bonnie—that sounds good to me.

Steve—motion to go into executive session at 7:36.


Steve—Motion to end executive session at 8:20.
