May 19, 2011

Members present: Mary Christensen, Sharon Coats, Ruth Daniels, Shirley Ebelt, John Gallagher, John Hill, Gene Hoppe, Judy King, Caroline Melcher, Robert Rebman, Harvey Steffen, Bonnie Weyers, Kim Wolfmeyer.

Members absent or excused: Ashley Bornhoffer, Lloyd Cady.

Others present: Department of Social Services Staff: Melissa Bezio, June Erdmann, Sara Gartner, Ginger Heller, Melissa Hogan, Diane Radtke, Melissa Rosenow, Kelly Rundberg, Elizabeth Wagner, Angie Wians, Dennis Zack.

Others present: Rolf Hanson, Northeast Wisconsin Family Care

Location & Time: Lundmark Room at Fellman Center

607 E. Elizabeth Street, Shawano 1:00 p.m.

  1. The meeting was called to order by the chair, Gene Hoppe, at

1:00 p.m.

  1. Gene Hoppe led us in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
  1. Review and Approval of the March 17, 2011 Full Committee Minutes. A motion was made by Shirley Ebeltand seconded by Caroline Melcher to approve the March 17, 2011 Long Term Support Planning Committee minutes. All aye. Motion carried.
  1. Public Comments. None.
  1. Motion to Deviate from Agenda, if Necessary. A motion was made by Caroline Melcherand seconded by Judy King to deviate from the posted agenda, if necessary. All aye. Motion carried.
  1. Introduction of New Board Member. This item on the agenda was passed over as the new board member was not present.
  1. Review of the Community Options Program (COP) statistics and wait list for Department of Community Programs. The statistical summary was distributed to all persons present and reviewed by Mary Christensen, Fiscal Services Manager. There are 11 individuals on the mental health wait list currently receiving partial services. There is one individual on the Developmentally Disabled wait list currently receiving no services and 39 individuals receiving partial services.
  1. Review of the Community Options Program (COP) Statistics and Wait List for Department of Social Services. The statistical summary was distributed to all persons present and reviewed by Kim Wolfmeyer, Long Term Support Supervisor. There are no physically disabled and no elderly individuals on the Community Options Program waiting list. There is no wait list for Alzheimer’s disease or supportive homecare. There are no individuals on the Community-Based Residential Facility wait list.
  1. Family Care Update. Kim Wolfmeyer, Long Term Support Supervisor, introduced Rolf Hanson, who is the CEO of Northeast Wisconsin (NEW) Family Care. Rolf provided an update and distributed information about district information, development, and processes for NEW Family Care. Rolf explained the history of Family Care and all of the progress made to the present time. Rolf also discussed the audit that the Legislative Audit Bureau completed on Family Care. At this time, Family Care expansion is on hold. However, the audit confirmed that Family Care has improved access to long term care by allowing participants to avoid institutional care. The audit shows that implementation of the program expansion is proceeding as planned.
  1. Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of the Wolf River Region. Kim Wolfmeyer, Long Term Support Supervisor, discussed that the Governor has included funding for Aging and Disability Resource Centers in the Budget. The ADRC of the Wolf River Region will be operational January 1, 2012. Anyone can come into the ADRC for information regarding resources available in the community. The planning group is busily preparing and moving forward to meet the January 1st 2012 target date.
  1. Community Options Program Update Plan Approval. Kim Wolfmeyer, Long Term Support Supervisor, discussed that she received a letter from the State approving the COP Plan Update for 2011 for Department of Social Services. The care management rate was approved for $68.77.

Mary Christensen, Fiscal Services Manager, discussed that she received a letter from the State approving the COP Plan for 2011 for Department of Community Programs.

  1. Other Business. None.
  1. Oustanding Checks. June Erdmann, Fiscal Supervisor, informed the committee there are six outstanding checks that have not been cashed. A letter was sent out to these individuals. One individual responded so that one is in the process of being reissued. A second letter will be going out to the remaining five individuals giving them a deadline to respond back by. If these individuals do not respond back then June would like to return the money to the account.

A motion was made by John Hill and seconded by John Gallagher to approveto try to reissue the checks to these individuals. If unsuccessful, the money should be returned to the account. All aye. Motion carried.

  1. Satisfaction Surveys. Gene Hoppe and John Hill volunteered to survey the Long Term Support clients selected by the case managers. The needed materials for this survey were distributed to these members. Surveys should be completed and returned for the next meeting in July.
  1. Client Situations/Variances. Angie Wians, Social Worker, is requesting a 90-day variance for an 89 year old woman who suffers from congestive heart failure, status post hip fracture, and depression. She currently lives at a CBRF. She was taken to the hospital in early May due to fluid around her heart and in her lungs. She was very weak due to this hospitalization and was discharged to the rehab unit at Homme Home. She’s hoping to be able to return to the CBRF as quickly as possible as she really enjoys living there. A 90-day variance is being requested.

A motion was made by Harvey Steffen and seconded by Robert Rebman to approve the 90-day variance. All aye. Motion carried.

Angie Wians, Social Worker, is requesting a 90-day variance for an 88 year old woman who suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. She fell towards the end of March and was hospitalized with dehydration and a urinary tract infection. While in the hospital, she also had a colonoscopy done and the doctors discovered that she had rectal cancer. The doctors opted to do surgery to remove the tumor in her colon. She was sent to the nursing home for therapy, but had problems with bleeding. She was taken back to the hospital and is there at this time. She will likely be discharged back to the nursing home to continue receiving therapy. She is in good spirits and very anxious to come home once she is better. A 90-day variance is being requested.

A motion was made by Robert Rebman and seconded by Shirley Ebelt to approve the 90-day variance. All aye. Motion carried.

Beth Wagner, Social Worker, is requesting a 90-day variance for a 93 year old woman who suffers from coronary arthrosclerosis, aortic valve disorder, congestive heart failure, and hypertension. While out eating breakfast with family, she started to show signs of a stroke. She was taken to the hospital where tests were administered proving she had a stroke and due to the weakness it caused, she would need nursing home placement for therapy. The hope is that this client can return to her apartment soon. A 90-day variance is being requested.

A motion was made by Judy King and seconded by John Gallagher to approve the 90-day variance. All aye. Motion carried.

Melissa Rosenow, Social Worker, is requesting a 90-day variance for an 84 year old woman who suffers from COPD, congestive heart failure, depression, chronic pain, and alcohol abuse. At the end of March and early April, she went to the doctor and was put on steroid therapy for an acute episode of bronchitis. Also during this time, she had two falls. In mid April she wasn’t feeling the best and finally decided to go to the ER. She was admitted that night for COPD, weakness and anemia and was also give some units of blood. After her hospital stay, she went to a local nursing home for rehabilitation. Her therapy has ended and she did very well, but she is uncertain if she wants to return home. Options are being discussed with her. A 90-day variance is being requested.

A motion was made by Shirley Ebelt and seconded by Caroline Melcher to approve the 90-day variance. All aye. Motion carried.

Melissa Rosenow, Social Worker, is requesting a 90-day variance for a 73 year old woman who suffers from breast cancer, recurrent DVT TX with warfarin, lumbar radiculopathy with chronic severe back pain, and insufficiency with recurrent stasis ulcers. In April she was discharged from the nursing home to return home. In May she ended up having a fall. She went to the ER and ended up going back to the nursing home. She is receiving therapy there. Other living arrangements are being looked into as she is having mixed feelings about returning home. A 90-day variance is being requested.

A motion was made by Caroline Melcher and seconded by Judy King to approve the 90-day variance. All aye. Motion carried.

Melissa Hogan, Social Worker, is requesting a 90-day variance for an 82 year old woman who has a history of strokes among other diagnosis such as COPD, congestive heart failure, and hypertension. Unfortunately, she had another stroke. After staying in the hospital for a few days she was discharged to the nursing home where she is receiving therapy. She is getting stronger physically but she lost a lot of her verbal skills. She hopes to return to her own home and is working hard in therapy. A 90-day variance is being requested.

A motion was made by Sharon Coats and seconded by Ruth Daniels to approve the 90-day variance. All aye. Motion carried.

Ginger Heller, Social Worker, is requesting a 90-day variance for an 82 year old woman with many physical problems. The home that she was living in was determined not to be conducive to the best care for her. She has been placed in a nursing home to monitor her well being. It is unknown at this time if she will return to the community or if indeed a nursing home placement is the safest and best environment for her. Until that determination is made, a 90-day variance is being requested.

A motion was made by John Hill and seconded by Shirley Ebelt to approve the 90-day variance. All aye. Motion carried.

Kelly Rundberg, Social Worker, is requesting a second 90-day variance for an 88 year old woman who suffers from worsening dementia, diabetes, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis. She was readmitted to the nursing home in February because of cellulitis in her legs and also weakness. She is working with therapy. She recently developed an open wound on her leg and will be seeing a specialist to determine if she will need surgery. At this point family has been looking into the option of assisted livings. The client and her family are hoping she will be able to move into an assisted living once her wound is healed. A second 90-day variance is being requested.

A motion was made by Shirley Ebelt and seconded by Judy King to approve the second 90-day variance. All aye. Motion carried.

Angie Wians, Social Worker, is requesting a second 90-day variance for an 82 year old woman who suffers from insomnia, obesity, chronic pain, and chronic respiratory failure. She was hospitalized at the end of February with shortness of breath, chest pains, weakness, and congestive heart failure. She was discharged to the nursing home for rehab and therapy. She has not been progressing as planned. She became sick with pneumonia and was set back. She continues at the nursing home receiving therapy. She continues to hope that she can return home soon. A second 90-day variance is being requested.

A motion was made by Caroline Melcher and seconded by Harvey Steffen to approve the second 90-day variance. All aye. Motion carried.

Ginger Heller, Social Worker, is requesting a second 90-day variance for a 79 year old woman who fell on March 1st and broke her hip. She was hospitalized, had surgery, and moved to the nursing home. Since then she has been doing as much therapy as allowed each day so she can return home. The therapy department is amazed at her tenacity and her intent to go home. A second 90-day variance is being requested.

A motion was made by Sharon Coats and seconded by Ruth Daniels to approve the second 90-day variance. All aye. Motion carried.

Ginger Heller, Social Worker, is requesting a second 90-day variance for a 62 year old woman who was admitted to the hospital in Green Bay with a severe decubiti. She had extensive surgery to debride the area. It took some time before the wound had stabilized enough to be placed on a wound vac. The doctors’ estimate it may be another two months before there is any thought to discharge. She is very anxious to get home and resume normal life. A second 90-day variance is being requested.

A motion was made by Judy King and seconded by Shirley Ebelt to approve the second 90-day variance. All aye. Motion carried.

Ginger Heller, Social Worker, is requesting a second 90-day variance for a 75 year old woman who was near death when she was rushed to the hospital. Several days went by much to the doctor’s amazement. She stabilized and was transferred to a nursing home for rehabilitation. Although not every day is a good one, she continues to improve. She is still weak and continues doing therapy daily. She would like to return home. A second 90-day variance is being requested.

A motion was made by Ruth Daniels and seconded by Judy King to approve the second 90-day variance. All aye. Motion carried.

  1. Other Business. None.
  1. Per Diem Approval. John Gallagher made a motion to approve the per diem payments for today’s meeting. John Hill seconded the motion. All aye. Motion carried.
  1. Next Meeting. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 1:00p.m. in the Lundmark Room of the Fellman Center.
  1. ADJOURNMENT. A motion was made by Sharon Coats and

seconded by Shirley Ebelt to adjourn the meeting. All aye. The

meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by:Approved by:


Kim WolfmeyerGene Hoppe

LTS SupervisorChairperson

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