NOTE: Throughout this e-book, you will see the word “God” used. I do this for the sake of simplicity. The label “God” is succinct and universally recognized. The drawback is that not everyone relates to it. Further, some people even have a “negative” connotation with the word “God”.

As a result, please substitute “God” throughout the text for ANY term you prefer. For example, here are a few options: the Source, Consciousness, the Universe, Higher-Self, Infinite Being, Love, Soul, Source Energy, Spirit, Supreme Being, the Creator, the Almighty, Father-Mother God, Light, Truth, Divine Being, Christ, Holy Spirit, Mind, etc.

Chapter 13 – Deconstructing the Ego-self (Summary)

The ego-self is a mental construct created through past programming and repetitive conditioning. It is a creation of the mind. By overcoming any of the following, you deconstruct the ego-self (and duality):


2) EGO (Judgment)

3) EGO (Separation)

4) EGO (Superiority)


To briefly summarize the previous Chapters, the following provides various ways to deconstruct the ego-self. All of the following require change on an INNER level (as opposed to an OUTER one):


2) EGO (Judgment) à NON-JUDGMENT

3) EGO (Separation) à DETACHMENT (of the OUTER) & CONNECTION (to the INNER)

4) EGO (Superiority) à AWARENESS (of ego-self) & APPRECIATION (for Diversity)


KEY POINT: Remember that CONTROL, EGO, and FEAR are interchangeable. Thus, CONTROL = EGO = FEAR. Lessen one and you lessen all three. For example, the more CONTROL you release, the more FEAR you conquer, and the more EGO you diminish.

In summary, the following are a few methods / practices that may prove useful along your ‘path’:

-SURRENDER staying in Present Moment (covered in Chapter 8)

-MEDITATION (Chapter 10)

-Practicing the Presence (Chapter 12)

The Realization of No-Self

For most, the realization of no-self permanently changes their perception of ‘reality’. In other words, you realize that you are not truly separate from everyone else (even though it appears that way).

For many, the real challenge (after no-self) becomes how to LIVE the amazing Truth revealed through the No-Self experience. Even after one has the realization of no-self, the old patterns of the ego-self continue to exist. For many, it’s perplexing to clearly realize that there is no separate “YOU” while, at the same time, there are issues in life that continue to trouble “YOU”.

This is due to the fact that, even after realizing no-self, the prior mental constructs and conditioning of the ego-self continue to play out in a person’s life. In other words, even though there is truly no separate “YOU”, the prior mental constructs and belief in a separate “YOU” have not been erased.

LIVING the TRUTH of Who You Are

“So, how can I be free of my prior mental constructs and conditioning so that I can LIVE the TRUTH that there is only Oneness?”

In order to be free of your prior mental constructs (and conditioning), it requires deconstructing the ego-self. Deconstructing the ego-self allows you to LIVE the TRUTH of Who You Really Are.

For example, the mental construct of separation [See EGO (Separation) above] has developed through years and years of repetitive conditioning and programming. We believe that we are separate from everyone else because this idea is repetitively programmed and reinforced from the very beginning of our lives.

In order to overcome this deeply-rooted, mentally-created construct, it is necessary to deconstruct it. The prior Chapters discuss ways to deconstruct the ego-self through the specific mental constructs of CONTROL, EGO, and FEAR.

For example, in order to deconstruct the mental construct of separation, you could use the following means:

EGO (Separation) à DETACHMENT (of the OUTER) & CONNECTION (to the INNER)

[See Chapter 10 on EGO (Separation) for specific details.]


In effect, focusing on the TRUTH of Who You Are can bring you into alignment with Who You Are. This takes LIVING this Truth, reminding yourself of this Truth, meditating on this Truth, practicing this Truth, contemplating this Truth, acting on this Truth, etc.

This is a process that takes some time. The construct was developed in the mind over time. Likewise, deconstructing the mental construct occurs over time. However, deconstruction can take far less time than the time it took to develop the initial construct. In other words, it doesn’t have to take a long time to achieve balance and peace of mind in your life.

LIVING the TRUTH of Who You Are is also called embodiment. In essence, you are embodying the TRUTH of Who You Are (i.e. making the Truth a part of you).

The No-Self experience can prove to be an extremely valuable contribution in deconstructing the ego-self. HOWEVER, it also has the potential to actually enhance the ego-self through a sense of spiritual superiority, etc.

It’s important to realize that the No-Self experience is not required for one to deconstruct the ego-self. The No-Self experience allows one to clearly see the illusion of a separate ‘self’. However, as mentioned, the old patterns of the ego-self continue to emerge in one’s life. These old, ingrained patterns must still be addressed in order to be completely free of them.

The entire purpose behind this e-Book is to give you a practical way to embody the Truth of Who You Are. Any one of the methods above (Surrender, staying in Present Moment, Non-Judgment, Meditation, Unconditional Love, Practicing the Presence) can be quite effective.

You may have your own methods that work well for you. Whether you utilize your own methods or those mentioned here, USE them. PRACTICE them.

Some people believe that ‘spiritual’ growth and overcoming the ego should be easy. It is not. Overcoming the ego can be the most difficult and painful thing there is.

Deconstructing the ego-self takes work. It takes courage. It takes humility. It takes surrendering. It takes consistent FOCUS and DEDICATION. And, no one else on earth can do it for you. However, the rewards are well worth it.

The work has to be done on an INNER level. Thus, the Transformation must occur within you.

True Freedom

The motivation behind deconstructing the ego-self is to acquire a permanent sense of Joy, Peace, Love, Wholeness, and FREEDOM in life. This is true Liberation. Life takes on an ease and lightness. Stresses, burdens, and problems fall away completely over time. One's life can be wholly transformed.

As CONTROL, EGO, and FEAR lose their power, FREEDOM is what naturally follows. For example, imagine living your life without having to CONTROL any situation or anyone. Imagine living your life without EGO (no judgment of others, no hatred of others, no need to strive to be “better” than others, etc.). Imagine living your life without FEAR. This is the way God would EXPERIENCE your life.

As more and more of the ego-self is deconstructed, more and more of the Truth of Who YouArewill manifest. Your TRUE NATURE willshine through. 'You' will naturally become a channel (or instrument) for Source to work through your manifested form. Source (God) will use 'you' in a unique and special way. It becomes 'your' Gift to this world.

ASK for Help

There will be times throughout your life in which you will not be able to overcome an ego-self issue (or long-standing problem) no matter what you do on your own. In these trying times, it is necessary to ASK for help.

You may need to ask for help with some situation that requires a greater strength and ability than you possess. It may involve a situation where you require greater guidance, understanding, surrendering, insight, forgiveness, etc. than you are capable of.

The following methodology is what I use personally whenever I need help with anything:

1) Specifically ASK for the understanding, insight, guidance, etc. that you wish to acquire. You make the specific request to Source (or the Universe, God, Consciousness, etc. - Use whatever label you resonate with).

This could also be called ‘SETTING THE INTENTION’.

2) Completely LET GO of the desire or intention. In other words, SURRENDER it to the Universe, Source, etc. Trust that your help will come to you in the perfect way AND at the perfect time. In other words, you choose the WHAT, but you leave the details (the HOW and WHEN) to Source.

3) Express THANKS and then simply WAIT for your help to come to you (At this point, you can even forget about it.). You do not need to go out and actively seek it. Trying to ‘make it happen’ through your own efforts will only serve to delay it.

Utilizing this methodology, I’ve had:

-Knowledge ‘downloaded’ into my mind while sleeping. Upon waking up, the information is there.

-Physical healings.

-Specific insights & understanding come while in meditation.

-A sudden freedom in surrendering something that seemed nearly impossible before.

-Information come from dreams.

-Help by being unexpectedly guided to a specific website or book that provided the answer being sought.

-All financial needs taken care of.

-Immediate help in times of need.


Your requested help and guidance can come to you from anywhere or anyone. Oftentimes, it appears where you least expect it. The key is to remain flexible and OPEN-MINDED regarding where and what you are guided to.

The above 3-step methodology can be applied to ANY issue or area in life. For specific examples involving money, life purpose, career, etc., go to: .

Copyright © 3/1/2011

All rights reserved.

[The information in this e-Book was freely received. It is therefore freely given.

The copyright remains in place to prevent this material from being sold.]