Indian Social Science Congress



01 Preamble

The Indian Academy of Social Sciences (ISSA) shall hold 31st session of the Indian Social Science Congress (ISSC) under the auspices of SNDT Women’s University and Bhimarao Ambedkar Institute of Social And Economic Change between December 27 and 31, 2007 with a view to discovering, developing and disseminating science of Nature-Man-Society in Indian conditions in particular, and world conditions in general, which is capable of creating a new democratic world where all men, women and children enjoy higher quality of material, social, cultural, spiritual and healthy life without fear of discrimination, oppression and exploitation while living in peace and harmony with Nature and Society.

02 The Indian Social Science Congress

Since science as an objective knowledge of living and non-living things, is social, Indian Social Science Congress strives to bring all branches of science together under its umbrella with a view to building science of Nature-Man-Society in Indian conditions in particular, and in world conditions in general. All branches of science – social, historical, philosophical, linguistics, juridical, physical, chemical, biological, mathematical, ecological, environmental, medical, health, agricultural, engineering, biotechnological, computer and information technological are represented through 26 Intradisciplinary and 34 Multidisciplinary Thematic Research Committees in it. Since there is no scientific literature in Indian languages even after 60 years of India’s independence which has telling effect on the quality of science education and research in our country, the Indian Social Science Congress strives to produce scientific literature in forms of monographs, books and proceedings in all Indian languages. Building bridges between universities/colleges/institutes/laboratories and peoples and the society is another vital object of the ISSC.

First Indian Social science Congress was held in February 1976 at Allahabad. Since then it has been held every year regularly. So far 30 sessions of it have been held in different parts of India and the 31st session is scheduled to be held in December 27-31, 2007 at Mumbai. Details of all the previous sessions are given on page 57. The University Grants Commission recognizes Indian Social Science Congress on par with Indian Science Congress. All the creative minds find Indian Social Science Congress as a most creative and stimulating national forum of science for creative and democratic interactions, exchanges, dialogues and discourses on all scientific issues of theoretical and methodological significance.

Each session of ISSC has a focal theme and numerous other themes. A National Academic Planning Committee (NAPC) comprising the eminent scientists, social activists, policy planners, Vice-chancellors and Directors steers the formulation of details of the focal theme and academic programmes. A Task Force appraises and integrates the deliberations. Numerous pre-and-post ISSC local, regional and nationals symposia, seminars, colloquia are held throughout the year. Quite a large number of universities, colleges and institutes are actively involved in it.

03 Focal Theme

Since the People of India are celebrating 2007 as the 150 years of their struggles and movements for freedom/independence since 1857, the Indian Academy of Social Sciences has resolved to focus the deliberations of the 31st session of the Indian Social Science Congress on ‘Peoples’ Struggles And Movements For Equitable Society’. A note on ‘Peoples’ Struggles And Movements For Equitable Society’ prepared by the National Academic Planning Committee (NAPC) is given on page 10 for reference to all those who wish to write and participate in the 31st Indian Social science Congress. There shall be several plenaries, intradisciplinary, intradisciplinary and multidisciplinary, symposia/seminars/colloquia Special Lecturers prior to, during and after the 31st Indian Social Science Congress. The ensuing pages provide the thematic details of it.

04 Plenary Themes

It is proposed to hold following plenaries on ‘Peoples’ Struggles And Movements For Equitable Society’ during the 31st Indian Social Science Congress:

  1. Peoples’ Struggles and Movements For Economic Equality
  2. Peoples’ Struggles and Movements For Democracy and full Civil Liberties / Human Rights.
  3. Peoples’ Science & Technology Movements for Alternate / New Paradigm of Science & Technology for Equitable Society.
  4. Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for Gender/ Racial/ Caste-discrimination-free Equitable Society.
  5. Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for Pollution – Free Harmonious Ecological Society / Ecological Social System/Environmental Equity.
  6. Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for a New Democratic and Scientific System of Education for All/Common School/Non-Commercial Education..
  7. Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for Health Education and Health Care for All.
  8. Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for Mass Destruction Weapon-Free and Violence – Free Equitable Society.
  9. Redefining the Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for Equitable Society/Novel Ideas & Models of Movements Equitable Society.

05 Intradisciplinary Research CommitteeS

There are 26 Intradisciplinary Research Committees in the Indian Socizl science Congress. Each Committee has a chairperson, a co-chairperson, a convener, a co-convener and 15-25 members from all over India. (see page 13-18) Each Research Committee is expected (a) to undertake appraisal and integration of current research and theory within it; ((b) to strive to discover, develop and disseminate new theory and method; (c) to evolve new methods and theory for improving teaching and research in universities, colleges and research institutes and (d) to undertake preparation and publication of good monographs and books in all Indian languages for improving the quality of science education and research through Indian languages. The Committee functions through correspondence and meets once in a year during the Indian Social Science Congress.

Each Research Committee has two kinds of academic programmes during the Indian Social Science Congress. These are: one, symposia/seminars/colloquia/special lectures on some aspects of the focal theme or on the theme chosen by the given RC. Two, research papers received from the research scientists. All the research scientists doing research on issues and areas of their concern are welcome to present their papers at the ISSC. The details of all the 26 RCs and proposed sub-themes of the focal theme, ‘Peoples’ Struggles And Movements For Equitable Society’ are given below:

01.Agricultural Science Research Committee: Peoples’ Agrarian Struggles and Movements For Equitable Agrarian Relations and Policies/Movements Against Special Economic Zones/Terminator Gene Seeds/Agribusiness/Organic Farming, Cooperative Farming

02.Anthropology Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles And Movements for Unity of Man-Society-Nature/Peoples’ Struggles And Movements For Preservation And Flowering of Their Identities and Culture/Tribal Peoples’ Struggles And Movements For Equitable Society/Indigenous peoples’ struggles and movements.

03.Biomedical Science, Social Medicine and Community Health Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for a New Market Free Health Science Education and Health Care for All/Rational and Low Cost Drugs/Medical Ethics.

04.Biotechnology Research Committee: Social Applications And Ethics of Biotechnology. Peoples’-Friendly Biotechnology/Market-free Biotechnology.

05.Commerce Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles and Movements against unfair trade and commercial practices including WTO, IPR etc.

06.Communication and Journalism Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles and Movements For Corporate Control-free science-based mass media-communication. Peoples Media For Equitable Society.

07.Computer Science and Information Technology Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles and Movements against Digital Divide and for free hardware and software Information Technology.

08.Defence and Strategic Studies Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles And Movements for A Violence-free Democratic Defence Strategy/Pugwash/Disarmament/ Mass Weapon Destruction Free World. Toward A New Theory of Defence of the Equitable Society.

09.Ecology And Environmental Science Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for Ecological and Environmental Equality Protection/Chipko/Silent Valley/Green House Movements. New Ecosystem of the Equitable Society.

10.Economics Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles and Movements For Economic Equality/Full Employment, Reduction of Disparity, Removal of Poverty, Privatization of Peoples’ Property and Public Production System. New Political Economy of the Equitable Society.

11.Education Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles and Movements For Democratic Scientific Education for All/Common School/Free Education.

12.Geography Research Committee: Spatial Pattern & Analysis of Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for an Equitable Social Order in the World in General and in India in Particular. Peoples’ Struggles And Movements for Community Management of Land, Forest and Mines.

13.History, Archaeology and Culture Research Committee: History of Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for a Equitable and Just Society/History of Indian Peoples Struggle And Movements since 1957. Comprehending the Contemporary Historical Processes of Peoples Struggles And Movements For Equitable Society.

14.Home Science Research Committee: Peoples’s Struggles and Movements for Nutrition, Health and Quality of Life, Family In the Equitable Society. The concept of happy home Peoples’ movements for protection of children.

15.International Relations Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for Domination-free Democratic International Relations. Peoples’ Struggles And Movements Against Imperialism/Colonialism. Peoples’ Sruggles & Movements for House.

16.Juridical Science (Law): Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for Justice to All. New Democratic Jurisprudence of the Equitable Society.

17.Linguistics Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles And Movements for flowering of their languages/Equal Opportunities for Growth of All Languages.

18.Management Science Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for Equitable Share in Production and Distribution/A New Paradigm of People-Oriented or Peoples’- Management Science of the Equitable Society.

19.Philosophy Research Committee: Philosophy of Peoples’ Struggles and Movements For Equitable Society/Peoples’ Movements against increasing Immorality and Unethical practices in the Society.

20.Political Science Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles and Movements For Their Sovereignty; Peoples’ Struggles And Movements For Civil Liberties And Human Rights; Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for a Democratic Society. Nature And role of State in Formation of Equitable Society. Nature of State in The Equitable Society.

21.Population Science Research Committee: Peoples’ Struggles And Movements for Higher Quality of Life/Peoples’ Movements Against Infant Mortality and Morbidity.

22.Psychology Research Committee: Psychology of Peoples’ Struggles and Movements For Equitable Society: From Psychology of Domination/Competition to Psychology of Co-operation/Psychology of Democratic Needs and Aspirations of Peoples’ Struggles And Movements, Psychology Equality.

23.Science & Technology Policy Research Committee: Peoples’ Science Movements For A New Democratic Science Policy: From Market-oriented Science & Technology to Peoples’- oriented Science/Science of Global Warming/The Planet Earth, Peoples, Society and Science..

24.Social Works Research Committee: Social Work For The Equitable Society/Principles of Non-Governmental Organisations’ – led Peoples’ Movements/Redefining The Roles of Social Work In Peoples Struggles And Movements For Equitable Society. Social Engineering of Equitable Society.

25.Sociology Research Committee: Sociology of Peoples’ Struggles and Movements For Equitable Society.

26.Statistics & Mathematics Research Committee: Quantifying And Measuring the Peoples’ Struggles and Movements/underlying pattern in Peoples’. Movements For Equitable Society. Making Mathematics Popular.

06 Multidisciplinary thematic Research Committees

There are 34 Multidisciplinary Thematic Research Committee in the Indian Social science Congress. Each of these have a chairperson or Convener and 10-15 members. Scientists of different disciplines doing research on the common theme are encouraged to engage in interactive exchanges and communication with a view to discovering common language, common method and common theory (see pp 19-23). The details of all the 34 Multidisciplinary Thematic Research Committees are as follows:

Code Multidisciplinary Thematic Research Committees

  1. The Political Economy of India
  2. Peasants, Agriculture, Technology & Market Forces
  3. Survival and Growth of Small Industries and Small Producers
  4. Global Capital, Multinational Corporation And Industrial Development
  5. Democracy And Human Rights in Today’s Global World
  6. State, Society And Peoples
  7. Democratic Politics, Political Parties and Democratic Political Institutions
  8. Ecological And Environmental Protection Studies And Movements
  9. Global Market Forces, Social Policies, Welfare Programmes And Social Justice
  10. Education, Skill Formation And Utilization
  11. Creativity, Innovations And Discoveries
  12. Social Processes And Social Structures In Globalised World
  13. Peoples' Health and Quality of Life in Globalised World
  14. Peoples’ Liberation Struggles And Movements For New Democratic Discrimination –Free World Order (Dalits, Tribals, Women, Peasants, etc.)
  15. Socio-Economic-Linguistics, Communal Conflicts And Violence
  16. Information Technology, Mass Media And Culture
  17. Social Alienation of Modern Man
  18. Development of Indian Languages, Linguistic Unity And Diversity
  19. Cultural Heritage: Archaeological Excavations and Preservation of Historical Monuments
  20. Population, Poverty And Migration In Global World
  21. Labour In Organized And Unorganized Sectors of Global Economy
  22. Diffusion, Propagation And Communication of Science
  23. Natural Resources, Bio-diversity And Geographic Information System
  24. Patent Laws And Intellectual Property Rights
  25. World Organizations, World Trade and Commerce (UNO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO, G-8, G-15, Regional Groups, WTO etc)
  26. Conflicts, War, Peace And Social Security In Globalised World
  27. Science, Technology And Peoples Development
  28. Nation-States And Emerging Challenges
  29. Imperialism, Colonialism, Neo-colonialism And Uni-polar World
  30. Unity of Knowledge (Science of Man-Society-Nature)
  31. Social Theory of Change And Development
  32. Evolution of Man And Society
  33. Rural Technology, Social Organisation And Rural Development
  34. Problematique of Democratic Governance in Globalised World

07 Special Seminars/Symposia/Ad hoc Group Discussions

It is proposed to hold national/international seminars/symposia/ colloquia as following issues:

(a)National Seminars/Symposia Themes:

1. Indian Peoples’ Struggles And Movements For Equitable Society

2. Dalit Peoples’ Struggles And Movements For Equitable Society.

3. Women’s Struggles And Movements for Gender-Discrimination-Free Equitable Society.

4. Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for Secular Society.

5. Peoples’ Science Movements For Equitable Society.

6. Peasants’ Struggles And Movements for Equitable Society.

7.Youths’ Movements And Struggles For Equitable Society (Second All India Young Scientists Convention).

8. Peoples’ Struggles And Movements For Rights For Information.

(b) International Seminars/Symposia Themes:

  1. Peoples’ Liberation Struggles and Movements Across the World (Asia, Africa and Latin America) for Equitable Society.
  2. International Working Peoples/Trade Union Struggles And Movements For Equitable Society.
  3. International Peoples Movements for Protection of Rights of Children.
(c) Special Symposia/Colloquia:

Special Symposia/Colloquia will be held on following issues during the ISSC.

  1. The Planet Earth: Peoples, Society And Science.
  2. The Science of Global Warming.
  3. From The Paradigm of Mal-Development To The Paradigm of Peoples’ Development.
  4. The Socio-economic Implications of Special Economic Zones.

(see pp 25-28 for details)

Besides, research scientists/social activists/policy planners desirous of organizing small group discussions on themes of their concern are welcome to send their proposals under ‘Ad Hoc Group Discussions’. Time is allotted for such discussions during post-dinner session between 2100 and 2330 hours. The proposer shall undertake the responsibility of planning and organizing such discussions. There ought to be atleast 5 participants.

08 Public Lectures

The Indian Academy of Social Sciences organizes public lectures by eminent scientists, social activists, policy planners and educationists prior to, during and after the Indian Social Science Congress within a view to communicating science to the people. Such lectures are held in the evening hour during the Indian Social Science Congress.

09 Task Force

A Task Force set up by the Executive Council of the ISSA deliberates over the deliberations of the Indian Social Science Congress with a view to discovering newer ideas/theories and methods emerging at it. It prepares its recommendations in form of a Trend Report which is further deliberated over by the delegates before finalization.

10 Exhibition

It is proposed to organize books and posters exhibition during the XXXI Indian Social Science Congress. Posters/Films/Audio-Visuals/Books on various aspects of ‘Peoples Struggles And Movements’ in their historical perspective can be put on display. Those wishing to participation in the Exhibition are advised to contact the Local Secretary, Dr. Madhu Madan before October 31, 2007. All the participants shall be required to get themselves registered by paying the stipulated registration fee to the Indian Academy of Social Sciences.

11 Medium

Hindi and English are the official medium of deliberations of the Indian Social Science Congress. As a policy Indian Academy of Social Sciences would like to have the deliberations in all Indian languages. But in the absence of necessary infrastructure and resources, it has to limit itself to Hindi and English.

12 Submission of Papers

All those who wish to present a substantive paper on the themes mentioned in the preceding sections or on any other theme are advised to submit three copies of their papers along with its CD latest by November 1, 2007. However, the abstracts of the papers should be submitted on or before November 15, 2007. Papers can be submitted till December 15, 2007. But such papers may not be printed in the Social Science Abstracts. No paper shall be received and included in programmes of the XXXI Indian Social Science Congress after December 15, 2007. The paper submitted must be based on empirical, theoretical, historical, archaeological or statistical research. Papers based on ‘Critical review of research on a given theme for 10-15 years or polemical papers too can be submitted.