GenNET Criminal Justice
Mrs. Malmquist
Fall Semester 2016
Room 103/GenNET room
Phone: 591-9540
Book Title: Criminal Justice in Action by Gaines and Miller
Course Description:
Students will study in depth many areas of criminal justice including: the criminal justice system, the police and law enforcement, criminal courts, corrections, and special issues. Criminal justice is one of the fastest-growing majors in American higher education. We will use a combination of theory, practice and topics that present a unique perspective on issues that dominate today’s headlines. We will also discuss many criminal justice majors such as: law enforcement, corrections administration, and probation and parole as well as a strong foundation for those going into a career in law or crime-based research and data analysis.
Course Objectives:
· Define crime and the different types of crime
· Outline the three levels of law enforcement
· Explain some links between income level and crime
· Distinguish between social disorganization theories and social conflict theories of why people commit crimes
· List and explain the six basic elements of any crime
· Explain the two basic functions of criminal law
· List and briefly define the most important excuse defenses for crimes
· Distinguish between substantive and procedural criminal law
· Explain the importance of the due process clause in the criminal justice system
· List the five main types of law enforcement agencies
· Identify the five investigative priorities of the FBI
· List the minimum requirements for becoming a police officer in most law enforcement agencies
· List the three primary purposes of police patrol
· Outline the four major sources that may provide probable cause
· List the four elements that must be present for an arrest to take place
· List the four categories of items that can be seized by use of a search warrant
· Recite the Miranda warning
· Define jurisdiction and contrast geographical subject-matter jurisdiction
· Explain the difference between trial and appellate courts
· Outline the federal court system
· List and briefly explain the motivations of the prosecutors, defense attorneys, and defendants to plea bargain
· List the standard steps in a criminal jury trial
· List the six basic steps of an appeal
· List the six forms of punishment
· Describe the main issues of the death penalty debate
· Explain the justifications for community-based corrections programs
· List the factors that have caused the prison population to grow dramatically In the last several decades
· List and briefly explain the four types of prisons
· List the four major differences between juvenile courts and adult courts
· Distinguish cyber crime from “traditional” crime
· Explain why the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA) is an important legal tool against potential terrorists
· Describe the primary goals of an intelligence agency and indicate how it differs from an agency that focuses solely on law enforcement
What to expect in class: I expect every student to come to class prepared to learn. Students should have paper, pencil, their book, and other needed materials and be in their assigned seat when class starts. Also, you must always be on camera. You will be required to use Blackboard for course materials etc…
I follow the handbook on student discipline and rules must be followed.
Evaluation: I will use a variety of evaluation methods in this class. I will use participation, daily assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects to assess each student.
Delivery of Instruction: I use lecture and discussion, reading aloud as a group or individually, group assignments, small group assignments, and individual assignments. I use a lot of visual types of lectures including guided notes and power points. These make excellent study guides.
Grading Scale: 93-100% = A
90-92% = A-
87-89% = B+
84-86% = B
80-82% = B-
77-79% = C+
73-76% = C
70-72% = C-
67-69% = D+
63-66% = D
60-62% = D-
0-59% = E
· All assignments will be recorded as points; larger assignments will be assigned more points.
· Progress reports will be sent home half way through each quarter.
· Grades will be updated on synergy frequently, so parents are encouraged to check current grades often.
· Semester grades are based on the following formula:
o Each marking period is worth 40%, and there are 2 per semester
o The semester exam is worth 20%
o Semester grades are the only grades that are recorded on the transcript and count toward GPA
Classroom Rules
Ø I expect you to come to class on time. The door will close when the bell rings. If you are not in the room at that time you will be marked tardy.
Ø Make sure you have your materials for class including paper or pen, and other classroom materials. You will not be given a pass to go get materials.
Ø You may have water, but no other food or drink.
Ø Do not talk while the teacher or another student is talking. If you have a question please raise your hand.
Ø Be kind and respect everyone in the classroom at all times.
Ø You may leave the classroom only with the teacher’s permission and the hall pass. Passes will be used sparingly.
Ø Do not line up at the door at the end of the hour, stay in seats.
Ø The rules set forth in the student handbook will be followed in my classes.
I look forward to getting to know everyone in my class here at Bentley High School and my distance learning locations. I will enforce these rules to create an educational environment that will benefit everyone in our classroom. Not following these rules and/or disrupting the class will result in verbal warnings, calls home, detentions, and/or referrals to the principal. Please feel free to call or email me with any questions or concerns. Please sign that you have read this syllabus and send it back to school with your student.
Due date: Tuesday September 13th. This will be the first graded assignment.
Criminal Justice Syllabus
Mrs. Malmquist
Due Tuesday September 13, 2016
I have read the syllabus and understand the class rules.
Student Signature:______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______