RefNo: - Circle Council/ Punjab/14-15/2 dated at Ldh. 19-08-2014.
The Chief General Manager Telecom,
Punjab Circle,Chandigarh.
Chairman CC Punjab.
Sub: - Items for discussion in the meeting of CC Punjab.
I am submitting herewith the list of items for discussion in the Meeting of CM Punjab. I request you to kindly arrange to fix a date for holding the meeting of CC at earliest.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
(Balbir Singh)
Secretary Staff Side,
Circle Council, Punjab.
Enclosure :- AA
Items for discussion
- Non payment of bills of empanelled hospitals.
The payment to the empanelled hospital is badly delayed, resulting refusal of treatment and empanelment. Major reputed hospital, like DMCH and CMC&H Ludhiana have already refused empanelment with BSNL. In case of MAX hospital Bathinda a payment of rupees ten lac is pending and hospital authorities are refusing treatment of patients of BSNL. Timely payment of empanelled hospitals should be ensured so that the hospitals do not refuse treatment of employees.
2. Discrepancies in reimbursement of outdoor treatment bills.
A) Refusal to entertain medical claim cases in the next financial year.
As per the decision of BSNL Management, payment of fixed medical claims has been discontinued. The payment of medical claim bills is being made on production of vouchers only. The prescribed limit is fixed as 25 days salary + DA in a financial year. As per instructions, contained in BSNL CO.order No. BSNL/ADMN/1 dated 22-04-2003 all claims for reimbursement should be submitted latest by six monthsfrom the completionof the treatment. Claims submitted beyond this period are liable to be rejected. In some cases the bills of outdoor treatment crossed the prescribed limit. The official submitted the bills in the next financial year, but the same has been rejected on the plea that yearly limit has exhausted. We request you to adjust the previous financial year bills in the next financial year.
B) Reduction of bill of medicines taken during the outdoor treatment.
Cost of some of medicines is being deducted from the outdoor medical claim bills. As per the instruction contained in BSNL CO order No. BSNL/ADMN./1 dated 28-02-2003” The employees and dependents shall be entitled to the reimbursement of actual expanses not exceeding the prescribed limits under this scheme incurred for domiciliary treatment and medical attendance by any Registered Medical Practitioner, including cost of medicines, appliances, diagnostic & pathological tests. These instructions should be followed strictly.
C) Non reimbursement of cost of appliances.
It has been brought to the notice of circle council members by field’sunits employees that the payment of appliances recommended by doctors is not being made. As per instructions contained in BSNL CO order No. BSNL/ADMN./1 dated 23rd December 2003”Cost of appliances is reimbursable within the annual limit of outdoor treatment i.e. one months' salary .+IDA,(Amended from time to time) as per Para 2.1.0 of BSNLMRS. Appliances covered under CGHS Rules shall only be considered for the reimbursement within the limit of outdoor treatment.”
D)100% checking of outdoor medical claim bills by Vigilance.
It has been brought to the notice of union by the staff of circle office that 100% outdoor treatment claims are being checked by the vigilance. As per the instruction of Corporate office issued vide letter No.BSNL/Admn.1/15-20/12 dated October 16, 2012 only 10% bills are to be checked by the vigilance, so only 10% bills should be checked by the vigilance.
E) Payment of consultation fee
Filed units are refusing payment of consultation fee paid by the employee on the pretext that the bill is raised on letter pad and is not on proper numbered receipt charged by the doctor
3. Outsourcing of provisioning & maintenance of BSNL wire line Broad Band.
Following observations have been conveyed to CGMs of all circles by BB cell of corporate office:-
i) The customer satisfaction and reduction in fault rate does not appear tenable as the circles, who have entered into maintenance contract have registered negative growth for BB connections.
ii) The cost benefit analysis furnished by the field units is also not satisfactory.
In the light of above observation we request that provisioning & maintenance of BB should not be outsourced and if already outsourced agreement should not be extended.
4. Repatriation of staff deputed to other SSAs/Circles
Executive & Non-Executive staff in Punjab Circle is retiring en-masse hence shortage of staff is being felt almost in all the SSAs. For example from Chandigarh SSA 15 non-executive and equal executive have been deputed to other SSAs/Circle office. Staff send on deputations should be repatriated to their parent SSA.
5. Revision of rent of quarters rented out to employees of other departments.
As per policy for utilization vacant staff quarters in BSNL issued by corporate office vide no 482-16-2007-BG (Staff Qrs.) Dated 26-11-2006 BSNL staff quarters have been rented out to the employees of other Govt. Departments employees. The rent is being charged at present is very nominal. There is great resentment among the BSNL employees who are residing in BSNL staff quarters,as they are paying almost double the amount than outsiders. For example a type II quarter no 143 in Sanchar colony Ludhiana has been rented out to Sh. Sumit Jindal at a nominal rent of Rs.1991, where as Sh. Harvinder Singh Sr. TOA Ludhiana is residing in the same category of quarter and paying Rs. 3793/- which is almost double of Sh. Sumit jindal. No doubt we are earning handful revenue by renting out the quarters and saving the expenditure on maintenance and minimum electricity bill. In the mean time we should also keep in mind the market rate of accommodation of area where our colonies are situated. For example Sanchar Colony Ludhiana is situated in very posh area of BRS Nagar. The minmum rent in this area for the same space may not be less than Ten Thousands. Now when we have rented out most of the vacant quarters and our quarters are in demand the rates may be revised as per the policy.
6. Acute shortage maintenance/ store material.
We would like to bring to you kind notice that there is acute shortage of maintenance material in Punjab Circle.5 pair cable, Modem, Battery, toppers and Clip instruments are out of stock. In the 7th Circle Conference of BSNLEU concluded on 14-06-2014, each & every speaker spoke about the deteriorating services due to non availability of drop wire & jumper wire. This matter was brought to the notice ofadministration several times but to no avail. Not only the drop wire & jumper wire Wi-Max instruments are also out of stock. In some of district even Wi-Fi modems are not available. Adequate supply of maintenance material should be ensured.
7. Undue burden on line staff.
Line staff is facing following problems in Punjab Circle.
- Fault booking service is automated in CDR system. As and when the subscriber books fault through CDR a message of fault booking is sent to the area lineman as well as the mobile number of lineman is sent to the subscriber. The subscriber dials mobile number of lineman/Telecom mechanic directly and sometimes misbehaves with the line staff.
- Fault booking is allowed 24 hours and even on holidays. No doubt we have to improve our services but it is difficult to attend the subscriber 24 hours and on holidays.
- Fault booking is central and is being monitored from Chandigarh. In case of pending faults Line staff is contacted directly from Chandigarh.
- In the lineman slip faults of Broadband and land line are not bifurcated due to which the BB faults are unnecessarily given to line staff even he has to do nothing in it. Similar is the problem with the cable faults.
- There is no provision of uploading of underground faults and telephone set fault.
Infect total responsibility of fault clearance is given to the line staff whereas we have multiple channels to clear the faults.
Now when we are going to implement ERP system in Punjab Circle shortly, above noted difficulties should be kept in mind while switching over to new system.
8. Non- holding the District Council meetings in the Punjab circle.
Despite the pertinent instructions of corporate office and emphasis by worthy Chief GMT Punjab these meetings have not been held in many SSAs except in Hoshiarpur, Chandigarh SSA, Circle Office and Ferozpur.
It is requested that these meetings should be held to discuss whatsoever agenda is received from recognized union.
9. Non holding of works Committee meetings:-
Though corporate office has been repeatedly instructing the circle heads to ensure holding of these meeting and pursuance by the worthy CGMT Punjab circle, in the whole circle, none of the District head has called any meetings till date. If any union does not forward the name of his members then meetings should be held with the available nominated members.
10. Recording of TSM service in HR package.
As the half of service rendered as TSM is counted as service for pension, the same may be included In the HR package. Compliance may be sought from SSAs that no TSM service is left out and all the records found in the respective HR package.
11. Awareness and Gender sensitization programme in every SSA for giving due attention to honour the dignity of women employees at work places.
As per the Visaka case, Harassment at work place Monitoring cell should be formed and empowered in every SSA. There should be a centralized programme/seminar to detail the provisions to the officers and members of the cell inviting experts in that field. BSNL community should be made/ trained more on gender sensitive issues. Our CTTC may be instructed to frame the same as a subject matter forming a part of their curriculum.
12. Filling up the vacant posts of SCs, STs in Punjab circle.
It is reference to corporate office no. 90-1/2012-SCT/432 dated 10/10/2012 and subsequent reminders to convey compliance of this most urgent issue; we demand that the latest information forwarded to C.O. may be supplied to staff side.
13. Non- Compliance of instructions of corporate office w.r.t. transfer Policy as circulated vide its no. 6-1/2007 Restg. dated 7th May 2008 in some SSAs in Punjab circle.
We are constrained to point out that instruction regarding transfers of staff from rural to urban and vice versa are not being implemented in some SSAs particularly in Ludhiana, Amritsar, and Ferozepur. Latest instructions of worthy CGMT Punjab on this issue have been ignored. Uniform policy at circle level should be formulated.
14. Revision of rate of stipend payable to DR TTAs/SR TOAs / TMs regarding.
These rate of stipend have been increased vide C.O. No. 16-01-2003 Trg. Dated 7th April 2014 w.e.f 01-01-20107. SSA heads should implement it.