April 13, 2006, 7:00 pm

Meeting Minutes

1.  Mr. Seiler called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

2.  Roll Call

SEILER, Scott (Chairman) / X
RAMSDELL, Van (Vice Chairman) / X
LUKE, Lucinda / X
BOSTRUM, Randy / X
MEEHAN, Shea / X

Also present were Liaison, Merle Johnson, Community Director Pete Squires, Senior Planner Mary Jakob, Senior Planner Todd Stowell and Staff Recorder Penny Mayfield.

3.  The agenda was approved as presented.

4.  Mr. Ramsdell moved, Mr. Meehan seconded and the Commission unanimously approved the January 26, 2006 minutes as amended. Mr. Benegas moved, Ms. Luke seconded, the Commission unanimously approved the March 9, 2006 as corrected.

5.  Announcements, Reports, and Comments: Staff and the Commission talked about setting a time limit for citizen comments and decided to limit speakers to five minutes.

6.  Citizen Comments not on the Agenda:

Jack White, Burbank WA, told the Planning Commission he was now in favor of changing the class of zoning in a way that fits the both the City and the Community.

Ray Goehring, 3910 Kennedy reminded the Commission about the February 23, 2006 meeting when he spoke about CCR’s of Lot 3, Elite Estates and how a 75% vote would be needed by the City to change the zoning. Mr. Goehring said he believes changing the zone to a neighborhood business district would be a good compromise.

Planning Commission and Staff discussed the differences between the land use map in the comprehensive plan and zoning map, the difference between the two and the intent of each.

Margie Goehring, 4210 Kennedy, stated that along with the 130 signatures she collected from a survey she had taken, agree with Jake White comments.

Mr. Seiler explained that changes in designation on the land use map of the comprehensive does not effect what a person can do with their property until a change in zoning is applied to property when that occurs there would be a public comment period available.

Richard Bloom, 5900 Everett Street, talked about the current transportation plan and asked if the City does any traffic studies. Mr. Bloom commented that the current plan does not allow for trails. He also worries about over applying the traffic count.

John Smart, 400 S. 54th Ave., told the Planning Commission that he has done a lot of lighting ordinances in the past and would like to work with the Commission this summer in putting together a lighting ordinance.

7. Presentations / Public Hearings / Open Record Hearings

Joint Public Hearing for items 7a and 7b.

a. EV2006-28: Easement Vacation Request- Lot 141 of Section 8.

b. PP2006-26: Preliminary Plat of “Losino West”- Divide Lot 141 of Section 8 into 8 Lots.

Mr. Stowell explained that the combined proposal involving an easement

vacation and preliminary plat for Lot 141 of Section 8 is a 2.5 acre property located on the south side of Morab Street, ¼ mile east of Bombing Range Road, and is across from Losino Court and that the Planning Commission is to hold a public hearing. Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat and associated easement vacations subject to conditions.

Mr. Seiler opened the public hearing at 8:03 and there were no comments.

Mr. Seiler closed the public hearing at 8:03

Upon a motion by Mr. Ramsdell and was seconded by Mr. Meehan to approved the Preliminary Plat with the conditions recommend by Staff. Ms. Luke abstained and a voice vote was taken.

Mr. Meehan, Yea

Mr. Benegas, Yea

Ms. Diediker, Yea

Mr. Bostrum, Yea

Mr. Ramsdell, Yea

Mr. Seiler, Yea

Ms. Luke, abstain

The motion was approved.

Upon a motion by Mr. Bostrum and was seconded by Mr. Benegas to approve the easement vacation as recommended by Staff. Ms. Luke abstained, all others were in favor. The motion was approved.

8. New Business

a. EV2006-16: Easement Vacation Request – Carl Roberts, Lot 5, Willamette Heights, Section 8. Ms. Jakob explained that the requested easement vacation is located on the north side of Andalusion Street at 3450 Andalusian. Staff recommends the easement be vacated as requested.

Upon a motion by Mr. Meehan and was seconded by Ms Diediker, the Commission unanimously approved the easement vacation as described by Staff.

b. EV2006-21: Easement Vacation Request- Public Works, Lots 2 & 3 Short Plat 2744. Mr. Stowell explained that the requested utility easement is located to the north and south of the new Keene Road, approximately ¼ mile west of the intersection with Lattin Loop. Staff recommends the easement be vacated as requested.

Upon a motion by Mr. Bostrum and was seconded by Mr. Benegas, the Commission unanimously approved the easement be vacated as described by Staff.

c. EV2006-27: Easement Vacation Request- Chuck Sheeley, Lot 2, Short Plat 1340. Mr. Stowell explained that the requested utility easement is located to the north side of Van Giesen and contains a flower shop and former video store. Staff recommends approval of the request, subject to conditions.

Upon a motion by Mr. Benegas and was seconded by Mr. Bostrum the Commission unanimously approved the easement be vacated with the conditions described by Staff.

9. There was no unfinished business.

10. There were no staff reports.

11. The meeting adjourned to workshop at 8:33 p.m.

12. Workshop

a) Review of the Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element.