June 21, 2011



June 21, 2011


Mr. Bliss reviewed the monthly GAT reports. He pointed out that OtsegoCounty is expected to be below the GAT by about 2,100 tons with the three counties aggregate expected to be below by 18,373 tons. He also reviewed the monthly recycling report and stated that the average cost per ton so far this year is $105. He also noted that Single-Stream Recycling will begin on July 5, 2011. When this starts the contract with Hawkins & Hurlbut Sanitation will be reduced by approximately five dollars per ton. He also explained that there was an introductory meeting held on May 26, 2011 to help both recycling attendants and county haulers understand the changes that will be happening once Single Stream Recycling begins. He continued on to state that The Solid Waste Department will be spending around $4,000 on publicity for this changeover.

Mr. Bliss explained that under agreement with MOSA the county’s four roll-off containers will be used as needed by both MOSA and OtsegoCounty. In addition, this benefit has also been expanded to schools and municipalities within our county. He stated that municipalities and schools will contact the Solid Waste Department whenever this service is needed.

Mr. Bliss requested that the committee authorize The Solid Waste Department to pay rent that is due for the Southern Transfer Station, totaling at $10,080.00. Representative Murphy moved for approval. Seconded, Rowinksi. Total: 4; Ayes: 4.Motion carried.

Mr. Bliss explained the status of OtsegoCounty’s Home Rule Request. He stated that it is now before Governor Cuomo. If passed by the Governor, the request will be finished. He explained that both Montgomery and SchoharieCounty have recently raised an issue with the request stating that they were unaware of our county’s intent to depart from MOSA. He stated that the county disagrees with their responses. Letters have been sent to both the Senator and the three Assemblymen to help them understand there has been good communication between Otsego and the other two counties.

Representative Murphy presented that SchoharieCounty has passed a resolution that petitioned the governor to veto OtsegoCounty’s request. He was unsure if our county would need to pass another resolution. Mr. Bliss answered his question by stating that after a meeting with the CountyAttorney and Hans Arnold, they decided that there will be no need for another resolution.

Mr. Bliss then stated that if the Home Rule Request is passed, Hans Arnold has projected April 2012 to be the approximate date OtsegoCounty departs from MOSA.

Representative McCarty explained that many residents in our county feel that once departed from MOSA, there will not longer be a solid waste user-fee. Mr. Bliss stated that this depends on the future role the county will have in solid waste management.

Representative Murphy reviewed his observations on the trip to Fulton County Land Fill that took place on May 18, 2011.

Mr. Bliss stated that Hans Arnold from Gerhardt has been hired to study two different options the county will have post MOSA. He explained that Mr. Arnold has begun doing field visits, along with submitting surveys to local haulers to understand costs and other information. Mr. Bliss continued to explain that Hans Arnold and himself plan to meet with the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Region 4 Solid Waste Engineer in late June. They will discuss what the DEC thinks about OtsegoCounty’s position to separate from MOSA.

Mr. Bliss stated that OtsegoCountyis in partnership with MOSA and will hold the annual Household Hazardous Waste Day on September 17th. He also noted that after going through an RFP process, MOSA has chosen MXI as the company for Household Hazardous Waste Day. He stated that the Solid Waste Department will be setting up for this event; handling registrations, volunteers, advertising, etc.


Mr. Bliss stated that the Natural Gas Advisory Committee has recommended that emergency response agencies should get funding assistance if gas drilling occurs.

Mr. Bliss stated that Melanie Chapel, of Delta Engineers has been hired for the Program Manager position. He added that in mid-June she began doing field visits to our local municipalities. She will be working with each municipality one-by-one, assisting each with the adoption of the local law that was drafted by Whiteman, Osterman, & Hannah, and distributed to each municipality at ameeting in May.

Dave Parker requested that the Planning Department send letters to each of the municipalities that did not sign up for the Delta Program reminding them that they are still able to join. Mr. Bliss agreed, and letters will be sent out in the coming weeks.

Mr. Bliss then stated that on June 24, 2011 he and Psalm Wyckoff would be attending a day long conference held by the NYS Association of Towns, reviewing various subjects related to gas drilling.

Dave Parkersuggested to the committee that the NGAC review its mission statement and memberships.


Mr. Fickbohm reviewed the District Managers Report for June, 2011. The report summarized 15 projects including: Agricultural Environmental Management; Upper Susquehanna Coalition Agreement; agricultural plastic bailer; specific environmental projects; water quality monitoring related to natural gas industry; and funding.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Monday, July 18, 2011 at 9:15 am. in the EMS Training Room at The MeadowsBuilding.