Report of Annual Review of an Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan

Date of Meeting:

Section 1
School/College or education provider DfES No

Child or young person's details

Section 2

Family name Other names
NHS Number
Date of birth Age at date of review meeting
Address Year Group
Is this address in the administrative county of Derbyshire? YES/NO
Statutory Review Meeting

Section 3

People invited to the meeting: / Attended / Apologies for non-attendance / Written advice
sent *




*All items must be attached to this report in the relevant appendices and circulated
Report of Annual Review of an EHC Plan

Legal Orders

Section 4
Give details of any orders under child care or well-being legislation, or those applied through the justice system which affect the child or young person.
Parental Details

Section 5

Name Relationship to Child/Young Person
Address Telephone Number
Name Relationship to Child/Young Person
Address Telephone Number
Continue on a separate sheet if necessary

Section 6

Are any special arrangements necessary for communication with the young person and/or parents?

Report of Annual Review of an EHC Plan

Summary of advice and discussions
Section 7Summarise the child or young person’s views of the past year’s progress and their hopes for the future.
(Reports should be attached on Appendix F if provided)
Section 8Summarise the parents’ views of the past year’s progress and their hopes for the future.
(Reports should be attached on Appendix F if provided)
Section 9Summary of provision since the last statutory review or issue of the EHC Plan. Describe provision through school resources as well as any additional resources funded by the LA or other agencies.
LA Services and additional resources:
Social Care:

Report of Annual Review of an EHC Plan

Section 10This section must list and describe the progress the child or young person has made over the last year towards each outcome set out in the EHC Plan. National Curriculum levels, standardised test results and any accreditation where progress against learning outcomes is identified MUST be included in Appendix A.
Section 11Describe how the child or young person is included in the learning and wider community, and any ways in which greater inclusion can be accomplished. Details of any specific barriers to inclusion should be described. Attendance and exclusion records MUST be included in Appendix B.
Section 12Is the child or young person provided with transport funded by the LA? YES/NO
Description of current arrangements
Is Independent Travel Training appropriate?

Report of Annual Review of an EHC Plan

Section 13Indicate any changes in the child or young person's family or personal circumstances which affect progress.
Section 14Priority areas of development identified by education staff, involved professionals, parents and the child or young person which the child or young person could be expected to meet during the next year, relating to outcomes in the EHC Plan.


NB: Proposed changes to the content of the EHC Plan will be subject to consideration by the Local Authority. They will not automatically be agreed. Ensure that reasons and evidence for any proposed changes are clear.

Do all at the meeting agree with the recommendations: YES/NO
Would you advise the Local Authority to amend an EHC Plan? YES/NO

If yes, continue below. If no, go to Section 18.

Section 15Give details of any significant changes to the special educational needs currently recorded in Section B of the EHC Plan. Evidence for the recommendations must be identified and included in Appendix B.

Report of Annual Review of an EHC Plan

Section 16Specify any recommendations for amendments to the Special Educational Needs provision in Sections F of the EHC Plan. Evidence for the recommendations must be identified and included in Appendix B.
Section 17Specify any recommendations to sections C, D, E, G, H and J of the EHC Plan. Evidence for the recommendations must be identified and included in Appendices B, C, D and E as appropriate.

Report of Annual Review of an EHC Plan


Section 18Outline the school arrangements for supporting the child or young person over the next 12 months. This section MUST include details of any significant adjustments planned to the current arrangements for the child or young person’s curriculum and/or the interventions being made to support progress towards the outcomes listed in Section E of the EHC Plan.
Section 19
Personal Budgets
Describe any information which may be useful to the school and/or others in planning and implementing a personal budget support for the child or young person through the use of a personal budget, if appropriate.
Section 20
Transitions (for Year 9 and above this section MUST be completed).
Describe plans and interventions for greater independence and preparation for adulthood.
Signed: ……………………………. Position: …………………………… Date: ………………….

Appendix A: Progress Tracking

This Appendix must show records of progress over a minimum of one full key stage.

This section must contain the Headteacher’s assessment of whether the Child or Young Person’s progress is a) appropriate for the level of cognitive ability; b) above the level expected for a pupil of similar cognitive ability or c) below the level expected for a pupil of similar cognitive ability.

Appendix B: Evidence report (Education)

Please list here. Copies must be attached unless there are no new reports to be included, in which case this MUST be stated.

Appendix C: Evidence reports (Health)

Please list here. Copies must be attached unless there are no new reports to be included, in which case this MUST be stated.

Appendix D: Evidence report (Social Care)

Please list here. Copies must be attached unless there are no new reports to be included, in which case this MUST be stated.

Appendix E: Evidence report (Personal Budgets)

Please list here. Copies must be attached unless there are no new reports to be included, in which case this MUST be stated.

Appendix F: Parental reports – Child/Young Person’s report

Please list here. Copies must be attached unless there are no new reports to be included, in which case this MUST be stated.