Kevin Gray scored his 1000th training success on 29th September at a course close to his heart, Waverley.Unfortunately he wasn’t there to witness it first hand as he had to stay home at Awapuni after a couple of his staff were ill and he was needed to hold the fort.

A very suitable horse, Itsallbelt, brought up the milestone 1000th winner for Kevin in the R65 2200m. Itsallbelt was bred by Kevin and his wife Kathleen, and ridden by Kevin’s apprentice Holly Andrew. Kevin is well known for being a wonderful employer and trainer of apprentices. Indeed, a former apprentice, Richard French, is now stable foreman and was on hand to enjoy the moment.


The Alan Bremner Memorial Contribution to Cambridge Jockey Club Awardwas presented to Northern Branch President and a very deserving, Lee Somervell

Lee was humbled to win this award. A very emotional time. Lee's wife Nell, passed away in September.


After meetings with ACC, NZTR and NZTBA, a submission has been prepared by NZTR regarding proposed ACC levy rates. The NZTA has undertaken considerable effort to upskill trainers to ensure they are Health & Safety compliant, and also arranged discounts for H&S providers, signage and safety equipment and safety shoes. This is with the aim to reduce the number of injuries and ultimately the ACC rates that are suffered by the racing industry. At this stage, indications are that rates for the classification that most trainers are assigned (racing activities thoroughbred racing/jockeys) will reduce 50c from the current $6.08 to $5.58. This will be for the next two years. We will keep you informed of this once confirmed by ACC after they have considered the submission made.


It is understood that there was a 6 month transition period from the time the new Health & Safety legislation was introduced to ensure employers could get organised and comply. This period is now officially over and any employers who are not compliant will face hefty fines. NZTR representatives will be checking compliance on stable visits and advising trainers of any deficiencies – e.g. signage, identification of hazards, H&S manuals… NZTR have a number of templates available on their website, or trainers can contact the NZTA preferred advisor, Mike Osborne, who offers a $200 discount to NZTA members.Contact details for Mike Osborne are as follows: 0800 318 177or027 441 6100. It is understood that Mike may be planning a trip to the Southern branches in the near future, so please let him know if you are interested.


It is understood the ACC Discount schemes are being discontinued from30/3/17- so any applications must be made prior to then. It would therefore be advisable for those trainers who do not currently comply to get a H&S Plan in place and get their applications in for an ACC discount as soon as possible.


Trainers are advised that the police are targeting horse trucks and checking that every passenger is wearing a seat-belt. Non-wearing of a seat-belt is not just illegal, but also has drastic ramifications with the new Health & Safety legislation. The consequences are not only substantial fines, but also any passengers without seat-belts will be removed from the vehicle – and left on the side of the road.


The race selected for October was theBiofeed Company/Clovertone Maiden 1200m run at the Winton Jockey Club meeting. The race was won by the cleverly named JUSTICE WELL and trained by Steven Prince from Otago. As Steven is a member of the Trainers’ Association, he receives a 750g pail of DUNSTAN Gastro Gold.


The listing on the NZTA website is being constantly updated with new staff looking for work in the industry. Links to CV’s are also now available, so you can check out their credentials. Please be aware that NZTA is providing this service to members as a way for you to check people available out to see if they would suit your establishment and is not accountable for the standard of people listed.

There is a further service for those trainers looking for staff – a listing is also on the employment page and ads can be placed on your behalf with any applicants being able to contact you directly.

Check out and go to the EMPLOYMENT tab.

There are also templates available that you can download to ensure you are compliant with employment legislation including offers of employment, employment agreements, job descriptions for either stablehands or trackwork riders, wages record-keeping, Kiwisaver documentation…

Pinnacle Sport Horses

Pre-training and Education

Situated just out of Pukekohe on a lovely property with modern stable facilities, training track and walker.

Horses are taken to beach, forest and arena as needed to meet individual requirements.

Feel free to call me to discuss your horses needs.

References available and check us out on facebook

Kylie Marx



Don’t forget, members of the NZ Trainers’ Association have the opportunity to get a free entry sign that is compliant with Health & Safety legislation – all a trainer is required to do is request a no obligation quote for an insurance cover. A trainer simply needsto scan or take a snap of their current insurance policy and email it call0800 722 369to receive a quote.