Comprehensive Inoculation and Fertility Treatment for Palms, Cycads and Tropical Plants

PHC Palm Saver®: PHC®Palm Saver®is a dry, granular product used in planting or maintaining palms, cycads, and other tropical plant species. It contains a blend of spores of VA mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi and beneficial rhizosphere bacteria, with 6-3-6 fertilizer, organic amendments, and a comprehensive selection of micronutrients designed to address the mineral deficiencies common to palms and tropical plants. PHC® Palm Saver® is also formulated with formononetin, a proprietary stimulant of VAM fungi that can increase the degree of root colonization by introduced or native VAM fungi.

Product Specification: GUARANTEED NUTRIENT ANALYSIS 6-3-6

Total Nitrogen (N) ...... 6% 1% water Soluble Nitrogen

5% Water Insoluble Nitrogen

Available Phosphate (P205) ...... 3%

Soluble Potash (K,O) ...... 6%

Iron (Fe) ...... 5%Manganese (Mn)...... 4%

0.05% Water soluble Iron (Fe)0.05% Water soluble Manganese (Mn)

Magnesium (Mg) ...... 2.%Zinc (Zn)...... 1.5%

1% Water soluble Magnesium (Mg)0.01% Water soluble Zinc (Zn)

Derived from: Ureaform, Blood Meal, Feather Meal, Hydrolyzed Fish Meal, Natural Sulphate of Potash, Calcium Phosphate, Iron Sucrate, Magnesium Sulfate, Magnesium Sucrate, Manganese Sucrate, Zinc Sucrate.


Humic acids ...... 7%Formononetin...... 0.0015%

VA mycorrhizal Fungi ...... 748 spores*/Lb

Glomus clarum ...... 187 spores*/LbGlomus intraradices...... 187 spores*/Lb

Glomus etunicatum ...... 187 spores*/LbEntrophospora columbiana...... 187 spores*/Lb

*Fungal counts represent only spores, and do not refer to root fragments or other nonspore propagules.

Rhizosphere Bacteria ...... 50 Million cfu/Lb

8.3 Million cfu/Lb Bacillus lichenifortnis8.3 Million cfu/Lb Bacillus subtilis

8.3 Million cfulLb Bacillus megaterium8.3 Million cfulLb Bacillus thuringiensis

8.3 Million cfu/Lb Bacillus polymyxa8.3 Million cfu/Lb Paenibacillus azotofixans


New Plantings: Use 12-oz per each foot diameter of the root ball, or 12-oz per inch caliper. Mix into the backfill when transplanting trees and shrubs. Mix product in a ring-shaped volume of soil around the upper portion of the root ball, extending from the soil surface to a depth of about 8-inches (20-cm), and extending out from the root ball about 8-inches (20-cm) into the backfill. Apply water to soil saturation.

Established Tropical Trees and Shrubs: Apply as a vertical mulch using an earth auger with a width of about 2.5-3 inches. Mix 6-oz of product with soil in each hole drilled to a depth of about 8 to 10 inches. Drill about 4 holes per plant, evenly spaced around the trunk about half the distance between the trunk and drip line. Avoid damaging large roots.

Proof of Compliance with Specifications: The contractor will demonstrate compliance by showing invoices to prove purchase of product in sufficient quantity to cover the project at the rates recommended by the manufacturer. Include project name, date of purchase of product, and name of contact.

7345 International Place, Suite 107, Sarasota, FL 34240 Phone: 941-706-4450 Fax: 941-706-1415