Call for Applications




The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of the Republic of Kosovo and the British Council, announce the opening of the 1st Round of applications for the CULTURALHERITAGE SCHOLARSHIP FUND (POST-GRADUATE STUDIES)for Kosovo.

Applications are open from Wednesday,3 May 2017toWednesday 24 May 2017. Successful applicants will be offered the opportunity to study in a Master’s programme at a UK University.

Under Round I of the CHSF up to 5 grants will be awarded for specialisation in Archaeological and Anthropological fields of study. The sectors and number of scholarships available have been defined by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports/Department of Cultural Heritage in close cooperation with cultural heritage institutions:

  • Archaeological Science - up to 2 scholarships
  • Physical and Biological Anthropology - up to 2 scholarships
  • Classical Archaeology or Art History - up to 1 scholarship

Priority will be given to students who can secure a place at the following UK Universities:

  • Any MSc/MA or MPHIL in Archaeological Science in University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University College London, Durham University, University of Bradford, University of Sheffield and University of York - 1 year full time course
  • Any MSc/MA or MPHIL in Forensic Anthropology, Paleoanthropology, Biological Anthropology, Human Evolution, in University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University College London, Durham University, University of Bradford University of Sheffield and University of York - 1 year full time course
  • Any MSc/MA or MPHIL in Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Comparative Art and Archaeology in University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, UCL, Durham University, University of Sheffield and University of York - 1 year full time course

Notes: 2 Year MPHIL courses are not included

Students should apply directly at a UK University to secure a place

Eligible applicants are:

  • Valid Kosova passport holders or holders of ID cards issued by Kosovo Authorities or those who provide proof of birth and of residency in Kosovo (NB: both birth certificate and residence certificate are required where any form of Kosovo ID cannot be provided).
  • University graduates in one of the areas of study pertaining to the fields of study such as archaeology, anthropology (cultural anthropology, ethnology), history, sociology, biology, chemistry, geography, physics and medical sciences. (please refer to Annex I).
  • Candidates with an average grade 9.0 and above according to Univeristy of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” grade system.
  • Fluent in English. Knowledge of other languages will be considered an asset.
  • Available to travel and to move to the UK from September 2017
  • Born on 5 May 1977 or later.

Undergraduate students may also be eligible, provided that they obtain their degree no later than 15 July 2017 (UK universities might give applicants conditional offers on submitting proof of degree completion by certain time. Undergraduate applicants are allowed to apply given they submit their proof of degree completion by the deadline and provide an unconditional offer from a UK university of their choice)

Scholarships will cover the following costs for up to 5 grantees:

- tuition fees

- living allowances

- visa costs

- health insurance

- 2 flight tickets

- IELTS English test (and GMAT test where necessary

Selected participants will commit to:

- Follow the language training programme (where needed).

- Attend and complete their chosen post-graduate studies.

- Complete 3 consecutive years of employment or re-employment (if civil servants) in the Public Administration of Kosovo (including employment in municipalities and local government, preferably in their place of residence) upon return.

Selections will be carried out in 3 stages and include:

- Pre-Selection on administrative and eligibility criteria.

- Written tests (English knowledge, Field Specific Tests).

- Interviews by a panel composed of local and international experts/representatives of key relevant institutions

Women and representativesof minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application forms and the full set of accompanying documents should be obtained by e-mailing us at: . The complete package of application (including the Rules of Procedure and selection criteria) will be e-mailed to interested candidates. The package received by e-mail must be read and understood before submitting an application.

Applicants must complete in Englishthe CHSF Application Form, the Europass CV format and they must accompany the application with a signed and dated Letter of Motivation explaining why they wish to take part in thisScheme. All applicants must also enclose with their application copies of diplomas or degrees and original (or certified copies of) transcripts and copies of valid Passport/ID card issued by Kosovo authorities or other proofs of birth and of residency in Kosovo. In case of undergraduate applicants, they must enclose with their applications up to date original (or certified copy of) transcripts with the exams and a self-declaration regarding the expected date of graduation. Make sure to include a VALID e-mail address and phone number in the Application Form and in the Europass CV of your application. Communications to applicants will be sent only through emails.

The application package should be delivered to the British Council (address below) no later 24 May 2017 in an envelope with the description:


NB: Incomplete applications, applications not in English, and applications including CVs not in the Europass format will not be reviewed and will be automatically excluded from the selection procedure! / British Council
106, Perandori Justinian
Qyteza Pejton
10000 Prishtina

A Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports funded project managed by the Department of Cultural Heritage

and implemented by British Council

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