


The Crypt School Sports Academy

Aims of the Academy:

·  Increase the understanding of how to develop an individual’s potential as a talented athlete.

·  Create a pathway to support our most able sportsmen to fulfil their potential in their chosen sport.

·  Enable talented students to meet and share ideas.

·  Develop understanding of what it takes to be able to compete at a high competitive level in their chosen sport.

·  Understand how a variety of skills can be shared and developed between different sports.

How are students selected for the Academy?

Students are selected for the academy using a set criterion and nominations are agreed by the PE department. The set criterion is as follows, students must:

1.  Performs at county level or above in his chosen sport.

2.  Makes an outstanding contribution to various sport teams within the school, demonstrating all-round ability and a commitment to extra-curricular provision.

3.  Consistently shows a higher level of ability and attainment in core PE lessons in comparison to the rest of their year group.

4.  Sets an example for other students to follow in terms of behaviour, effort and endeavour when representing the school.

What we expect from you:

·  Commitment, this is a unique opportunity that you have been chosen for. The Academy will only work if you attend all the sessions.

·  Honesty, the Academy is not about skill sessions but about developing you as a more rounded and knowledgeable athlete. If you are feeling unmotivated, do not understand the context of discussions or sessions then talk to us.

·  Adaptability, we may have to change sessions, you may have to complete tasks you are not used to. You are being asked to consider and complete tasks because you are capable of doing so but also because they will benefit you as an athlete.

·  Become a role model for the rest of the school. We expect you to set an example with appropriate behaviour, work effort and endeavour at all times.

What you should expect from us:

·  The same as what we expect of you. We will be committed to the Academy be honest with you about your performances/commitment and be adaptable to suit the different personalities and sports.

The Crypt School Sports Academy

Provision/Activities of the Academy

The sports Academy is designed to support our most able sportsmen and allow them the opportunity to have an insight into a higher level of sport, whether that is the professional era of sport or how to maximise individual potential at local level (county, regional etc.).

Extra provision has been put in place to support both the theoretical and physical needs of preforming at high level sport. This will then benefit individual members of the Academy to give them the tools to succeed in their chosen sport. The provision will be focused on 2 areas:

·  JAE Programme (Junior Athlete Education)

·  Athlete Academy (based at Gloucester RFC)

Athlete Academy

The Athlete Academy is a specialist sports performance company dedicated to the training and education of young athletes and is run by Gloucester RFC. The main aim of the academy is to help give young athletes the competitive edge they need to succeed as well as giving an insight into elite level performance.

The Athlete Academy will be delivered through an 8 week training programme based at Gloucester RFC using their extensive range of equipment and expertise. Ed Archer who was the strength and Conditioning coach for Gloucester RFC is leading the programme with other members of staff from the rugby club. The 8 week programme will consist of the following:

·  Fitness assessments & monitoring

·  Movement preparation to improve athleticism and reduce the risk of injury

·  Fundamental strength & power techniques

·  Speed & Agility training

·  Flexibility, Stability & Co-Ordination training

Each session you will be able to apply each method to your own sport with a specific focus to impact on your own performances. There is a training log at within this booklet which must be completed after each session.

The link that has been created with Gloucester RFC is specialised to your needs and is a unique opportunity. It essential that you demonstrate commitment to the programme especially as the programme is heavily subsidised by the PE department.

JAE Programme

The Junior Athlete Education programme was set up by PESSYP (PE & School Sport for Young People). The concept of the programme and objective is to:

“Provide all talented young performers in sport with the appropriate personal development support to overcome their sporting & educational challenges to allow them to achieve their potential in sport, study & life”.

The programme will be delivered after the Athlete Academy programme at Gloucester, through termly seminar sessions during lunchtime or after school. You are expected to attend each session especially as each session will be linked together and additional tasks will be set for you to complete between each session. Each topic will be delivered by a member of the PE department or outside speaker.

Topics to cover:

Goal Setting/Time Management – using goals, planning and time management to achieve the best out of training and a performance.

The Mind at Work/Sport Psychology – psychological barriers as an athlete and how to overcome challenges to better a performance.

Training SMART – an in-depth look at specific training methods and principles of training to maximise performance.

Performing at Elite Level – an insight into what it takes to perform at elite level. Mr Stanlake will discuss his experiences of working with England U16’s, Mr Hart to share his views after competing in the Sydney Olympics in 2000 and hopefully a professional athlete will come in to share his/her experiences.

The JAE programme will work alongside a work book other than the Academy Booklet. It is essential that you bring the relevant material to each session as well as completing any work that is set from each session.

Monitoring - Training Log

The process of monitoring is important so that an athlete or coach can track their performance, pick up any re-occurring patterns and adapt their training to enable it to become more effective.

Your monitoring will take place over the 8 week training programme at Gloucester RFC but it is hoped you will carry on monitoring your training and life style after the 8 week programme is completed. You can use the following pages to reflect on what you have achieved, what you did well, what you could have done better and to ensure you are managing your various commitments.

W/C / Training Completed / How I felt / Fitness Testing Results etc. / Other Commitments
Athlete Academy / Other Training
5/1/11 / Fitness Assessment
specific fitness testing – one rep max, bleep test, sprint test. / 2 rugby sessions
2 weight sessions
Social game of squash with mates / Fitness Testing: 1 rep max – 55kg (bench) 75kg (squat). Level 8 bleep test.
Enjoyed the first rugby session but felt de-motivated in the second as weather was poor and had little numbers training. Weights went well focused on upper body & core. Fatigued towards the end of the week. The social game of tennis was fun but at the sametime quite tiring it also gave me a chance to have variation in my training. / A lot of homework to complete (5hrs approx.)
Paper round
Going out for my mums birthday

This is an example of the sort of detail and information you should be recording throughout a week. It is essential to record any statistics or results which come out of the session with the Athlete Academy at Gloucester RFC.

The information that is recorded will be carried through into the JAE seminars and base the discussion for time management and planning.

You need to be honest and ensure that you record as much detail as possible so that it gives a true reflection on your current training regime.

W/C / Training Completed / How I felt / Fitness Testing Results etc. / Other Commitments
Athlete Academy / Other Training
W/C / Training Completed / How I felt / Fitness Testing Results etc. / Other Commitments
Athlete Academy / Other Training
W/C / Training Completed / How I felt / Fitness Testing Results etc. / Other Commitments
Athlete Academy / Other Training
W/C / Training Completed / How I felt / Fitness Testing Results etc. / Other Commitments
Athlete Academy / Other Training
W/C / Training Completed / How I felt / Fitness Testing Results etc. / Other Commitments
Athlete Academy / Other Training
W/C / Training Completed / How I felt / Fitness Testing Results etc. / Other Commitments
Athlete Academy / Other Training
W/C / Training Completed / How I felt / Fitness Testing Results etc. / Other Commitments
Athlete Academy / Other Training
W/C / Training Completed / How I felt / Fitness Testing Results etc. / Other Commitments
Athlete Academy / Other Training

Name of Mentor: Student Mentoring

As a member of the Academy you will be given a mentor. Staff of the PE department (Mr Bawden, Mr Hamilton, Mr Stanlake or Mr Hart) will act as your mentor. They will meet with you on a regular basis to discuss your progress, current training, motivation, sporting/academic commitments, short term plans and any other issues. The meetings will act as a short progress report and enable your mentor to get a full picture of your development both within the Academy and your own individual sport. It is your responsibility to speak with your mentor, do not expect them to come and find you, be pro-active and take responsibility in organising your mentoring sessions.

Mentoring Session / Topics Covered / Signature of Mentor / Signature of Athlete


An opportunity to evaluate and self-reflect is an important process. It allows us to look back at a period of time, critically analyse what we have done well and what we need to improve. If done correctly we will then be in a position to make our practice as a sporting performer more effective.

You have to be honest, explain the difficulties you came across in your training or performances. Likewise say what you did well and what you excelled at, this can sometimes be more difficult, but is essential to recognise what you did well and therefore need to keep as part of your training.

State 3 things you did well over the last year:

State 3 things of your training or performance which you did not enjoy/would do differently:
