Grays Central Community Forum

Open Meeting

Tuesday October 11th 2011

Attended: Geoffrey Nathan, Claire Bannister, Ross Bannister, Vivienne Wright, Ursula Garwood, Jean Dexter, Christine Keeble, PCSO Goldfinch, Jeff Gardener, Mike Stone (7.45 pm)

  1. Meeting Opened at 7.30pm. All welcomed
  2. Apologies received from Jason Kemp, Mike Stone, Cathy Kent, Ken and Ann Robson, PCSO Billy Walker, PCSO James Walker
  3. Minutes read and agreed. Note to add apologies from Jean Dexter
  4. Matters arising;
  5. Wallace Road residents meeting. 72 residents attended at Dexter Close. Representatives of Thurrock Council were present. After a two hour animated discussion, it was decided that the residents would put forward a petition to the council with their concerns. The legal team stated that the property is the only one available for the family however the Chief Executive has decided that the family will not, now, be moving to Wallace Road. It was stated that the decision has been made in the interest of the community and the family.
  6. Proposed Private Day Nursery in Palmers Avenue. RB and CB attended the planning meeting. The application was refused.
  7. Hathaway Road Park- an email has been sent to Lyn Gittins. We are awaiting a reply. Concerns of the forum are; Path is too thin, shoddy workmanship. GN to write to Les Burns.
  8. Rest Gardens Flower Bed- It has been decided that Luke Love and his team from Thurrock Council will dig out the flower bed and install the fencing and MIND will plant out. CB to try to source railings.

Items for discussion

Publicity for Funding

The meeting discussed ways that we could advertise the forum and offer funding opportunities for local groups.

The suggestion was made to write up an advert. MS mentioned that people can be a little wary as ‘you don’t get something for nothing’’!

MIND have been funded for this year to enable them to continue to maintain the planters and Rest Garden for this year.

The group discussed the situation regarding the back alleys around Grays and the terrible state that they are in. It was thought to contact Sue Bloss and maybe involve the Community PayBack team in resolving this problem.

It was thought that we could invite Val Cook and put our concerns to her and see if she will be able to help give us some solutions.

  1. Chairs Report

Attended the Cleaning and Greening Panel.

Discussed with the group a questionnaire for veterans of the armed services and to 'Spread the Word' about the questionnaire so that Thurrock Council are able to address any issues for this group of people.

Nothing else to report

  1. Correspondences

None received

  1. Finance and Funding

The Forum Finances were discussed and ROSS TO COMPLETE

  1. A.o.b.
  2. Discussed about the signs at Derby Road not being corrected yet. To contact highways and ask to be rectified.
  3. Suggestion to install a bus stop near the Aldi store. Required to write to the transport department.
  4. Children Play Days – normally the forum helps fund theses days but as we now do not get funding from Thurrock Council we are not in a position to fund their play days.
  5. A request for funding of the Dawali Celebrations was received, voted on and agreed.
  1. Next Meeting: Open Meeting: Tuesday November 8th , 2011 at 19:30

Meeting Closed @ 20.40pm.