ESEA:Elementary and Secondary School Counseling(OSDFS)
FY2008Program Performance Report(System Print Out)
Strategic Goal1
ESEA, Title V, Part D-2
Document Year2008Appropriation: $48,617
CFDA / 84.215E: Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Discretionary Grants
Program Goal: / To increase the availability of counseling programs and services in elementary schools.
Objective1of1: / Support the hiring of qualified personnel to expand available counseling services for elementary school students.
Measure1.1of8: The percentage of grantees closing the gap between their student/mental health professional ratios and the student/mental health professional ratios recommended by the statute: 2006 cohort. (Desired direction: increase)799996
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2007 / Set a Baseline / 100 / Target Met
2008 / 100 / (November 2008) / Pending
2009 / 100 / (March 2010) / Pending

Frequency of Data Collection.Annual

Measure1.2of8: The percentage of Elementary and Secondary School Counseling grantees closing the gap between their student/mental health professional ratios and the student/mental health professional ratios recommended by the statute: 2004 cohort. (Desired direction: increase)2081
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2006 / 60 / Measure not in place
2007 / 100 / (December 2007) / Pending
2008 / 100 / (March 2009) / Pending

Frequency of Data Collection.Annual

Measure1.3of8: The percentage of Elementary and Secondary School Counseling grantees closing the gap between their student/mental health professional ratios and the student/mental health professional ratios recommended by the statute: 2005 cohort. (Desired direction: increase)1930
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2006 / Set a Baseline / (December 2006) / Pending
2007 / 70 / 100 / Target Exceeded
2008 / 80 / (December 2008) / Pending
2009 / 90 / (March 2010) / Pending

Frequency of Data Collection.Annual

Measure1.4of8: The average number of disciplinary referrals per site in the schools participating in the program: 2006 cohort. (Desired direction: decrease)00000000000000y
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2007 / Set a Baseline / (November 2007) / Pending
2008 / BL-5% / (November 2008) / Pending
2009 / BL-10% / (November 2009) / Pending
2010 / BL-15% / (March 2011) / Pending

Frequency of Data Collection.Annual

Measure1.5of8: The percentage of grantees closing the gap between their student/mental health professional ratios and the student/mental health professional ratios recommended by the statute: 2007 cohort. (Desired direction: increase)89a0au
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2008 / Set a Baseline / 100 / Target Met
2009 / 100 / (January 2010) / Pending
2010 / BL+10 / (November 2010) / Pending
2011 / BL+15 / (March 2011) / Pending

Source.Annual grantee performance reports

Frequency of Data Collection.Annual

Data Quality.The data reported is for the FY 2007 cohort of grantees, and covers only school counselors, not the other qualified mental health professionals that can be supported with program funds. The program statute includes a recommended ratio of students tocounselors of 250:1.
This cohortincluded 35 grantees; 33 of those grantees intended to hire school counselors. (The other two sites planned to hire other types of qualified mental health professionals.) Of the 33 sites that intended to hire counselors, 30 sites (or about 90 percent of those sites that intended to hire counselors) provided data for this measure.
More detailed results from individual grant sites in this cohort, including information about school social workers and school psychologist hired,are available at: .

Target Context.Grants provide funding to hire qualified mental health professionals. Performance in each grant year will be assessed by comparing the ratios provided by grantees to their baseline ratios.

Measure1.6of8: The average number of disciplinary referrals per site in the schools participating in the program: 2005 cohort. (Desired direction: decrease)89a0av
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2008 / BL-10% / (November 2008) / Pending
2009 / BL-15% / (March 2010) / Pending

Frequency of Data Collection.Annual

Measure1.7of8: The average number of disciplinary referrals per site in the schools participating in the program: 2007 cohort. (Desired direction: decrease)89a0aw
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2008 / Set a Baseline / 0.326 / Target Met
2009 / BL-5% / (November 2009) / Pending
2010 / BL-10% / (November 2010) / Pending
2011 / BL-15% / (March 2012) / Pending

Source.Annual grantee performance reports

Data Quality.The data reported is for the FY 2007 cohort of grantees. This cohort included 35 grantees; 23 of those sites (about 66 percent) provided valid data for this measure at baseline and at followup (year one). The data reported is the average rate of disciplinary referrals per student for the 23 sites with valid data.
More detailed results from individual grant sites in this cohort are available at: .

Target Context.Grantees also supplied baseline data in their performance reports for 2008. For grantees with valid data at baseline and at followup (year one), the average rate of disciplinary referrals at baseline as .472 referrals/student served.

Measure1.8of8: The average number of disciplinary referrals per site in the schools participating in the program: 2004 cohort. (Desired direction: decrease)89a0ax
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2008 / BL-15% / (March 2011) / Pending

Frequency of Data Collection.Annual

U.S. Department of Education
Draft / 1 / 12/03/2008