Converting bitmaps (RGB) to vectors rev 03/20/2015

Assume you have a photograph, or you scanned in a sketch and you want to be able to resize for a logo, or add additional content to the asset.

Start with using the pen tool to trace over the bmp/raster

Note: we open an ai/pdf file, Place a graphic

Manually Tracingan RGB bitmap using the Pen tool and layers

  • Download and save in /inClass/Illustrator
  • File> (May show as banana.pdf)

Why not place?

We will add a new transparent blank layer on top of the existing Layer, and use the pen tool to traceon it to convert it to a vector (.ai) format

  • Look at the Layers panel
  • It’s locked
  • Double-click and rename the layer Banana:

  • We’re going to put a blank layer over top of Banana and use it to trace over the banana layer.
  • Be sure the layer and <image> are not selected yet.
  • Add a newLayer
  • I renamed mine Draw on Me

We will lock the original layer and draw on the new one..

  • Lock the Banana layer (if not locked now) and select the Draw on Me layer
  • Click the visibility tool (eyeball)
  • Zoom in to about 200%
  • Select the Pentool
  • Click at various locations along the Draw on Me layer
  • The more times you click, the better will be the final resolution
  • A Problem is that the object will start to fill in (what color? )and we lose the inner line, so set the fill to none.

Here is myalmost final tracing(shape) of the main part of the banana:

  • I made the end point/anchor meet the start anchor.

As the shape was almost closed, I noticed a small circle attached to the cursor. I selected it; closed the shape

I named the resulting <path> Main

Here is that <path> before naming

And after

Note: General

  • Now: trace the middle line. Name it Line. When you get to the end, click ctrl-Shift-A. Nothing should be selected
  • Name it Line:

  • Next, trace the small square (Name it square). Make the path be closed:


  • Use the smooth tool (Under pencil tool)

Don’t have to be precise, “draw” over the lines you constructed

Result is three shapes: (Use Selection to see each line)

  • To see all three…marque over them:
  • Hide the banana layer:

The three objects are stacked:The square, the inner Line and the Main line

  • Now, let’s do some coloring. Recall the notion of a stacking order.
  • Select the Draw on Me layer :
  • I had to turn off “Hide Edges” View>Hide Edges

…to stop the anchor points from showing when I selected the traced banana:

Swatches Panel

  • Select the complete banana (Selection tool)
  • OR
  • Use Selection(black) arrow and select the Main sub layer
  • Click the circle:
  • Open the Swatches panel:

Make sure the Fill tool is selected, and choose a yellow fill color.

Side Note: You might want to hide the Bounding Box, which surrounds the banana.

The Stroke

Enlarge the stroke to2 points:

Grouping and resizing

Select everything, and then group them (Object Group). This is different than Pathfinder>Unite…the objects are not combined.

  • Be sure the Bounding Box is visible.
  • Grab a corner of the bounding box and enlarge/shrink the groupor use Scale tool or Transform.

I made mine smaller:

You should save in varying sizes and file types…Always try to scale in Illustrator.

  • So, one size for a brochure, another for a Web site, yet another resizing for a business card.


BananaPage 1