Unit 1: Functions / Pacing
C2 U1 L1 I1: On a Roll
A-CED.1, F-BF.1, F-IF.9
●Include OYO #1, 3, 13
●Need ramps for this activity - can use PVP pipe with holes cut every foot, can stack books as the ramp stand / 2
C2 U1 L1 I2: Power Models
F-IF.2, F-IF.9
●Investigating Even and Odd Power Functions
●Focus on the constant of proportionality, end behavior, line of symmetry, asymptotes
●Include OYO #7, 15 / 2
*Absolute Value and Square Root Functions
F-IF.4, F-IF.7, F-IF.9
●Function Review - this activity involves multiple functions in real life, also includes rule and graph matching (there is 1 or 2 trig functions, so you could do it here and help the students on those or wait until the end of the year as a review for all of functions)
●Mother Function Day “Mathercises” combining all of the functions together and working with simple transformations / 1
*Piecewise Functions
F-IF.4, F-IF.7, F-IF.9
●Investigating piecewise functions
●Taxes are also an excellent example - NC Tax Brackets
●Triathlons are another good example - Picture of graph of run, swim, and bike / 1
Quiz / .5
*Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
●Write polynomials on the faces of cubes and have students roll the cubes to get problems to add and subtract / 1
*Multiplying and Factoring Polynomials
A-APR.1, A-APR.3
●Multiplying/factoring matching puzzle / 2
Quiz / .5
C2 U5 L1I 1: Function Notation
F-BF.1, F-IF.2, F-IF.5
●Can skip if needed to save time, a good review of function notation that students have learned from Math 1
●Watch Olympic luge runs to start inverse (make sure to look up ahead of time, there are some bad ending luge videos) / 1
C2 U5 L1 I2: Designing Parabolas
A-APR.3, F-BF.3, F-IF.3
●Extra practice in OYO #8-10 / 2
C2 U5 L1 I3: Expanding and Factoring
●Students have already learned how to do this by this point, can skip or use as a good review
●Extra practice OYO #11, 12 / 1
C2 U5 L1 I4: Solving Quadratic Equations
A-REI.1, A-REI.4, F-IF.8
●Making sure students know when a quadratic would yield 0, 1, or 2 solutions
●Extra practice OYO #13-15
●Great video to work with Quadratic Formula - Do The Quad Solve / 2
*Quadratic Practice (key features)
A-APR.3, A-REI.4, A-REI.10, F-IF.7, F-IF.8
●Key Features Organizer - click on the last file “Factored Form and Standard Form with Key Features Table”
●Solve quadratics by graphing, factoring, quadratic formula - discussing when it is better to use what method
●Interpreting key features of the graphs - x-intercepts, y-intercepts, min/max, zeros
●Forming Quadratics / 1
Quiz / .5
C2 U5 L2 I1: Supply and Demand
A-CED.3, A-REI.2
●At the end of investigation, review ALL possibilities of solutions for a linear and inverse system, including different positions to give number of solutions / 1.5
C2 U5 L2 I2: Making More by Charging Less
A-CED.3, A-REI.7
● Include OYO #3, 7-10, 13 / 1.5
*Solving Systems Practice
A-CED.3, A-REI.2, A-REI.7
●Use desmos.com to graph non linear systems / 1
Quiz / .5
*Laws of Exponents and Their Application
N-RN.2, A-SSE.3
●Focus on rational exponents (including square root as ½ power)
●Manipulating Radicals
●Great time for student peer teaching. Write monomial expressions on cubes and roll cubes to get problems to multiply and divide / 1
C2 U5 L3 I1: How Loud is Too Loud?
●Students are developing the idea on where logs come from in the lesson, students are referencing base 10 throughout / 2
C2 U5 L3 I2: Solving for Exponents
●Great place to collaborate with Earth Science teacher and explore magnitude and intensity of earthquakes
●OYO #6-9 give real world applications of solving. (This is a good place to incorporate a drug/alcohol lesson) / 2
Quiz / .5
Review & Assessment / 2
Total Days / 30.5
Unit 2: Geometry / Pacing
C2 U3 L1 I3: Reasoning with Circles
●The standard specifically says DERIVE the equation of a circle form the Pythagorean Theorem, they must discover this for themselves / 2
*Circle Practice
●Orchard of Circles - another activity to introduce the circle equation
●Just wanted to have another day to practice with circles including writing equations given center and radius and graphing from equations / 1
Quiz / .5
C2 U3 L2 I1: Modeling Rigid Transformations
G-CO.2, G-CO.3, G-CO.4, G-CO.5, G-CO.6
●Another activity to teach transformations
●Start off watching “The Tech of Shrek” or “Making of Avatar” - students can see how where transformation of geometry is applied in animation
●Stress the importance of “rigidness” of these transformation
●CPMP Tools / 3
C2 U3 L2 I2: Modeling Size Transformations
●The investigation only deals with a center of (0,0)
●CPMP Tools / 1
*Combining Transformations
G-CO.2, G-CO.5, G-CO.6, G-SRT.1
●Practice doing two or more transformation - sequence transformations
●Making Shrek Dance
●CPMP Tools
●Card matching activity / 1
Quiz / .5
*2D Cross-sections of 3D objects
●Cross Section Flyer - Can slice many different 3D objects on a coordinate grid
●Card matching activity / 1
*Identify 3D objects by rotations of 2D
●Visual 3D transmographer
●Resources for practice / 1
*Volume and Density in Real World
G-MG.1, G-MG.2, G.MG3
●Comparisons for students to investigate
●How many cells in the human body
●Find the density of the human body in cylinder form
●Dan Meyer - Meatballs Overflow / 2
Quiz / .5
Review & Assessment / 2
Total Days / 15.5
Unit 3: Triangles and Trigonometry / Pacing
C1 U6 L1 I1: Shapes and Function
●Skip questions #6 and 7
●Need to supplement midpoints and medians
●Investigating medians
●Midpoint and Median investigation / 3
C1 U6 L1 I2: Congruent Shapes
G-CO.7, G-CO.8
●Supplement a little extra practice with triangle congruence
●Resources and practice for triangle congruence (no proof) / 2
*Partitioning with Given Ratio
●Partitioning a Line Segment Investigation / 1
Quiz / ,5
C2 U7 L1 I1: Connecting Angles Measures
G-SRT.6, G-SRT.7
●Standard specifically says to use side ratios to lead the the definitions of trig ratios - meaning you should not just tell them the trig ratios, they need to discover the relationship / 2
C2 U7 L1 I2: Measuring without Measuring
A-CED.2, G-SRT.6, G-SRT.7, G-SRT.8
●Make sure students do OYO #20 on page 481 for complementary angles
●Angle of elevation lab with clinometer / 1.5
C2 U7 L1 I3: What’s the Angle?
G-SRT.6, G-SRT.8
●This video is a great video to introduce here Getting' Triggy With It / 1
*Graphing Trig Functions
F-IF.4, F-IF.5, F-IF.7
●Investigate to explore the graph of sine, cosine, and tangent for angles between 0 and 360 degrees
●Focus on the symmetry and shape of the curves
●Investigating trig graphs / 1.5
Quiz / .5
Review & Assessment / 2
Total Days / 15
Unit 4: Probability / Pacing
C1 U8 L1 I1: Probability Distributions
●Excellent place to have students gather their own data or have data that is relevant to the students in your classroom
●Student exploration to begin probability discussions / 2
C1 U8 L1 I2: The Addition Rule
S-CP.6, S-CP.7 / 2
Quiz / .5
C2 U8L1 I1: Multiplication Rule
S-CP.2, S-CP.4 / 2
C2 U8 L1 I2: Conditional Probability
S-CP.3, S-CP.4, S-CP.5, S-CP.6, S-CP.8
●Probability games
●Conditional probability / 2
Quiz / .5
Review & Assessment / 1
Total Days / 10
Unit 5: Algebraic Reasoning / Pacing
C3 U2 L1 I1: Getting the Picture
●The focus in writing quadratic inequalities and solving through graphing / 1
C3 U2 L1 I2: Quadratic Inequalities
A-APR.3, A-CED.1
●The focus is on solving quadratic inequalities, through algebraic reasoning, factoring will be used / 1
C3 U2 L1 I3: Complex Inequalities
A-REI.11, A-CED.1
●The equations of f(x) and g(x) include linear, quadratic, and simple rational, and radical. Graphs and algebraic reasoning are used to solve problems / 1
*Solving Systems Algebraically
A-CED.2, A-CED.3, A-REI.7
●Making sure to include a system with line and circle
●Extra Resource / 2
Review & Assessment / 1.5
Total Days / 6.5

Total Days: 77.5 days

Total Days Honors: 83.5 Days

Honors Math 2:

Trig Unit: Law of Sines and Law of Cosines - G-SRT.9, G-SRT.11

●C2 U7 L2 I1 and I2

●Extra practice and resources

Probability: Permutations and Combinations - S-CP.9

●extra resources

Standards to be Addressed Throughout the Course:

●N-Q.1, N-Q.2, N-Q.3


●S-IC.2, S-IC.6