March 21st – 24th, 2016

Spelling: Greek Word Parts

1. telephone 11. autograph

2. paragraph 12. phonograph

3. telegraph 13. photographer

4. telecommute 14. photocopy

5. graphic 15. television

6. telescope 16. kilometer

7. millimeter 17. centimeter

8. pedometer 18. speedometer

9. thermometer 19. barometer

10. diameter 20. telephoto

Monday: Write missed words 1-7 10x’s each

Tuesday: Write missed words 8 -14 10x’s each

Wednesday: Write missed words 15-20 10x’s each; Study all words for Quiz tomorrow.

Thursday: Spelling Quiz

Language Arts: Mrs. Goff

Theme: Adaptations/Nature

Text: Come Back, Salmon

*Your student has received a new Reading Log and AR Goal for the 4th 9 weeks. Please help ensure that your student is meeting his/her reading goals!


Monday: Reading Worksheet

Tuesday: Reading Worksheet

**Your student received a copy of the Vocabulary words for our current text, Come Back, Salmon. He/she should be studying these 17 words a little each night for a vocabulary test that will be taken next week.






Pearl Upper Elementary…Anchored in Excellence!!!

Congratulations to our March Students-of-the-Month!!

Goff: A’Lurah Ware

Hite: Ben Wightman

McMillan: Shane Bedingfield

Science: Mrs. Hite

Chapter 2: Reproduction and Survival


Monday: Ch. 2, Lesson 3 Vocabulary

Tuesday: Study Vocabulary for Quiz tomorrow

Wednesday: Ch. 2 Vocabulary Test (in class); Study for Ch. 2 Test

Thursday: Chapter 2 Test (in class)

Math: Mrs. McMillan

Line Plots


Monday: WB p. 147, #’s 5-8

Tuesday: WB p. 148, #’s 9-12

Wednesday: Use pages 152-155 and notes to study for tomorrow’s test.

Thursday: Measurement Test (in class)


**Students will need wax paper for their art project this week. If you could send a roll of wax paper, we would greatly appreciate it!

**April 1st: Spring Picture money due if you are interested in ordering.

**March 25th – 28th : Easter Holiday

**Pearl Upper is collecting money for the March of Dimes until April 21st. Students will be allowed to purchase tickets to be displayed outside of their classrooms for $1.00. If students purchase 5 tickets, they will be allowed to participate in a “no uniform” day on Thursday, April 21st. The top 4th and 5th grade classes will also receive a popcorn party on this day.

**March 25th & 28th: Easter Holidays—no school.

**April 7th: 4th 9 Weeks Progress Reports Issued

**April 29th: Birmingham Field Trip

**Please review the policy for the behavior chart for the Birmingham Field Trip. See your child’s signed papers for the # of X’s accumulated thus far. 20 X’s results in no field trip.