How to be a Good Student


I. Reasons for Study

A. To gain greater freedom

B. Building a platform for your future profession

C. To establish the habit of working hard

Proverbs 13:4

Proverbs 18:9

Proverbs 20:4

Proverbs 28:19

D. To show excellence for God’s glory and your good

I Corinthians 10:31

I Timothy 3:7

Proverbs 22:29

Ecclesiastes 10:10

E. To fulfill your responsibility to your parents and to those who help you

II. Principles of Studying

A. Never skip classes.

B. Sit close to the front in the first three rows, if possible.

C. Think aggressively in class.

D. Take good notes.

E. Never go to class unprepared.

F. Allot time regularly for each course.

G. Do all assigned homework.

H. Start projects and papers early.

I. Never turn in projects or homework late.

J. Do as much optional homework and reading as you can.

K. Ask for help.

L. Learn to take exams.

How to go to College Book, Passage Publisher, 1978, by Michael J. Gross

1. Listen in class.

2. Begin preparation early.

3. Pray for help and insights.

4. Memorize important information.

5. Read the entire exam and answer easiest questions first, then

tackle the difficult.

6. Read each question twice before attempting to answer it.

7. Leave no question unanswered.

8. Recheck your work if you have time.


M. Do not cheat.

Proverbs 20:17

Acts 5:1-11

Ephesians 4:25

Colossians 3:9

III. Suggestions for a Student

A. Spend some time in Bible reading and prayer before beginning a session of

study, when possible.

B. Make a brief weekly plan.

C. Try to study 1 ½ hours for each hour in class.

D. Use your daytime hours well.

E. Concentrate on Monday through Friday.

F. Plan only ½ day on Saturday to study.

G. On Sunday, do not plan to study at all.

H. Plan a little extra time for studying before each exam if needed, but do not

neglect other courses.

I. Guard against impulsive scheduling.

J. Plan for rest – Do not stay up too late.

K. Sometimes an “A” may not be worth it.

L. Select extra-curricular activities well.

M. There is no better time than in college to set your heart to be what God wants

you to be.

*Much of the information in this message is from The Christian Student’s How to Study Guide or Making the Grade by Jerry White (NavPress) and a video tape entitled Making Better Grades by Steve Douglas.


Baptist Student Union

Max Barnett
