Spring 2005 (MWF 8:30-9:20 & 12:30-1:20) D. Carmichael



Jan. 10-14 Introduction to course. Ways of knowing: myth and science.

(Feder & Park Ch. 1)

17 Martin Luther King day (no classes)

19-26 The discipline of anthropology. History of science in anthropology.

Uniformitarianism, catastrophism and scientific creationism

(Feder & Park, Ch. 2) Video: Great Books, The Origin of Species

Biological Basis for Human Behavior

Jan. 28-Feb 2 Evolution: fact and theory. Modern genetics and the processes of evolution.

(Feder & Park Ch. 3, 4)

Video: Darwin's Revolution in Thought

Feb. 4-7 Evolution continued. Biological diversity in modern humans. Race and IQ testing. (Feder & Park, 374-387)

9 Modern primate taxonomy, skeletal morphology and behavior.

(Feder & Park Ch. 5)

Feb. 11Exam #1

14-18 Primate models for human evolution. (Feder & Park, Ch. 6)

Video: Among the Wild Chimpanzees

Hominid Evolution

Feb. 21-23 The physical record of prehistoric change. Fossilization and the material record (Feder &Park, Ch. 7)

25-28 Prehistoric dating techniques. The fossil evidence for the beginnings of humanity. (Feder &Park, Ch. 8) Video: The Story of Lucy

Mar. 2-4 Development of the genus Homo and evidence for culture change: fire and stone tools. (Feder & Park, Ch. 9, 10) Video: Surviving in Africa


7-11 Evolution of modern humans... Where do the Neanderthals fit?

How about the newly discovered Hobbits? (Feder & Park, Ch. 11, 12)

Mar. 14 Exam #2

Modern Humanity & Key Cultural Changes

16-18The beginnings of art and science. (Feder & Park, Ch. 13)

Video: The Creative Revolution

21-25 Spring Break (no classes)

28-30 The Upper Paleolithic and the peopling of the New World (Feder & Park, Ch. 13)

Apr. 1-8 The origins of agriculture. (Feder & Park, Ch. 14)

11-13 Origins of agriculture, continued

15-27The evolution of civilizations (Feder & Park, Ch. 15)

Apr. 29 Dead Day

May 2-6 Final Exams

Required Text: Feder and Park (2001), Human Antiquity, Mayfield Press. (4th edition)

Course Overview

This course is designed to provide an introduction to current understandings of the origin and diversity of humans as revealed by research in paleoanthropology, primatology and archeology. Topics will include the genetic and fossil evidence for human biological evolution, and the most important cultural evolutionary changes reflected in the archeological record. The level of instruction assumes no prior experience in anthropology or archeology.

The course is required for anthropology majors and minors; it may be applied by Liberal Arts majors towards completion of the social sciences block requirement.


Grading is based on three inclass exams: two midterms and a comprehensive final. The exams will be a combination of objective questions, short answer, and essay. Each will make up 30% of the final grade. The remaining 10% will come from your aggregate score on quizzes covering the inclass videos. You will be expected to stay current on assigned readings, and synthesize the readings, lecture materials, and videos for the exams. If you must miss a class, it is your responsibility to see a fellow student, the TA, or me to find out about the material missed during your absence.

Academic Dishonesty

Unless otherwise indicated in writing, the assignments you turn in for this course are to be your own work. Any student who commits an act of academic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of someone else's work, and taking an exam for another person. Cases of suspected academic dishonesty will be referred to the Dean of Students for investigation. Disciplinary actions can include a failing grade, suspension, or expulsion from the University. If you have any doubts about what is acceptable, see me. You may also consult the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures, Student Affairs, Sections 1.2.2, 1.6.2, and 1.6.3 for definitions and details.

Please refrain from such activities; it is easier and a lot more fun to simply do the work as assigned. Enjoy the course!

Contact Information:

Dr. David Carmichael Office hours: MW 10-11, TTh 12-1, or by appt.

206 Old Main