Mulberry Grove Baptist Church

Rev. Michael Khol

May 12, 2013


Welcome and Announcements Dr. Irving Epperson

Prelude Bonnie Epperson

Invocation Gwynn Tyler

Opening Hymn “Jesus, We Just Want to Thank You” 791

(verses 1, 2, 3)

Celebration of Mothers

Praises and Concerns of the People Congregation

Pastoral Prayer Dr. Irving Epperson

Children’s Message Frank Breault

Offertory Hymn “For the Beauty of the Earth” 793

Offertory Prayer

Doxology 815

Scripture Ephesians 6:1-3, 2 Timothy 1:5-7, Proverbs 31:10-31

Sermon "A Mother's Great Gift" Dr. Irving Epperson

(things my mother taught me)

Commitment Hymn My Faith Looks Up to Thee 539

Benediction Prayer Pat Jones


Nursery (Ages 0 – 2 years) – Rebecca

Next week – Dora

Children’s Church (Ages 3 – 3rd Grade) – Debbie Goin

Next week – Rebecca


Monday, May 13, 2013

Servant Hands Ministry –10 AM – Noon

Please bring your baby hats for the UVA nursery.


Sunday May 19, 2013

Pentecost (Acts Ch. 2)


Michael & Laura Khol are going to be out of town from May 10-May 16. Please feel free to call should a need arise, otherwise contact Irving Epperson or Gwynn Tyler for any pastoral need.

There is going to be a spaghetti benefit held for Angie Gregory on May 17th from 4-6PM at the Dillwyn Rescue Squad Building. You can dine-in or carry out. “All Problems Solved” will be providing the music. The cost of the meal is donations only. Mulberry Grove has been asked to help provide desserts. Please see Val Breault to coordinating what to bring.

Come join the Mulberry Grove Baptist Church Relay for Life team. The event takes place on May 17 at 7:00 p.m. at BCHS track.
To register, go Look for the Mulberry Grove Baptist Church team. Registration fee is $10.

JRBA Take Me Out to the Ball Game Sunday, June 23, – 6:00 PM

Winston Salem Dash vs. Lynchburg Hillcats City Stadium, Lynchburg. Tickets are $5.00 each. You can call the JRBA Office to reserve tickets. Make checks payable to JRBA with “Hillcats Game” on the memo line.

Mission Opportunities:

Please resume keeping track of your miles walked from April 1, 2013- March 31, 2014.

Save your used greeting cards for a WMU project. You can put them in the container on the front pew.

Ms. Betty Fulcher

The Summit, 1300 Enterprise Drive

Lynchburg, Virginia 24502

Michael Khol’s contact information:

Phone – 434-808-2383

Email –

Mulberry Grove Website:


Jesus Family


The Lost Our Troops Our Elected Officials

Our Country Buddy Davis John Clements Angie Gregory Maggie Mutter Jennifer Monges

Gene Friedline Seay Davis Michael Jordans Grandma

Pete Jensen Ervin Toney Lisa Reid Beverly Tyler Lorena Llewellyn Heidi Stewart

Annie Reid Garnett Adams Jim McDaniel Ned Micklem Harry Wise Dorothy Micklem

Junior Adkins Jack Bohr Kathy Allen

Earl Kitchen Pam Wright Eunice Griffin

Alice Leonard Jamie Hakala Cindy Wingfield Nancy Stuart Mary WinstonWise Betty Fulcher

Margaret Sherred Karolyn Geigert Hazel Kearney

Roger Craft Gladys Goldstein Ann Simmons

Joan Breault Nancy Ashley (Mary Carroll’s mother)

Cameron Gilliam Thomas Morris Mrs. Lyle (Shelly’s Mom)

Dabney Crews Terry Sumey Clyde & Connie Childress

Betty Ruth Elliott Jerry Haislip Family of KM Beasley

Family of Helen Armstrong Family of Richard Churchill

Mission Opportunities:

Please resume keeping track of your miles walked from April 1, 2013- March 31, 2014.

Save your used greeting cards for a WMU project. You can put them in the container on the front pew.

Ms. Betty Fulcher

The Summit, 1300 Enterprise Drive

Lynchburg, Virginia 24502

Michael Khol’s contact information:

Phone – 434-808-2383

Email –

Mulberry Grove Website:


Jesus Family


The Lost Our Troops Our Elected Officials

Our Country Buddy Davis John Clements Angie Gregory Maggie Mutter Jennifer Monges

Gene Friedline Seay Davis Michael Jordans Grandma

Pete Jensen Ervin Toney Lisa Reid Beverly Tyler Lorena Llewellyn Heidi Stewart

Annie Reid Garnett Adams Jim McDaniel Ned Micklem Harry Wise Dorothy Micklem

Junior Adkins Jack Bohr Kathy Allen

Earl Kitchen Pam Wright Eunice Griffin

Alice Leonard Jamie Hakala Cindy Wingfield Nancy Stuart Mary WinstonWise Betty Fulcher

Margaret Sherred Karolyn Geigert Hazel Kearney

Roger Craft Gladys Goldstein Ann Simmons

Joan Breault Nancy Ashley (Mary Carroll’s mother)

Cameron Gilliam Thomas Morris Mrs. Lyle (Shelly’s Mom)

Dabney Crews Terry Sumey Clyde & Connie Childress

Betty Ruth Elliott Jerry Haislip Family of KM Beasley

Family of Helen Armstrong Family of Richard Churchill